Let's work together to rebuild our community!

- Gameboard
- 6 tokens
- 16 Project cards
- 40 Contribution chips
- 44 Chance cards
- 2 Dice
- Label sheet
- Money pack
Our Shared Goal
Socialism is about cooperation. As fellow citizens and community organizers, we pledge to:
move around the board and revitalize our town by contributing to one another's projects... unless we can steal projects to get ahead!
maintain our vital Community Fund.. .unless depleting it helps us win!
always act in the best interest of the group.. .unless it's more fun to act in our own self-interest!
forget competition and individual glory in the pursuit of a socialist utopia.. .unless you're the first player to contribute all 10 of your chips to projects. Then YOU WIN!
What's different about Monopoly Socialism?
Properties Are Projects
Instead of buying properties in MONOPOLY Socialism, you're paying to manage and develop projects in our community.
Contributing to Projects
When you land on a managed project, you can pay to add a Contribution chip to help develop that project. If it's a project you're managing, you can self-develop it. Contribute all 10 of your chips and you win!
Action Die
Roll this along with the standard die on your turn. It will allow you to perform an action OR move further.
The Community Fund
No one starts the game with money, so all payments come out of our shared Community Fund until you start receiving a living wage and earning income through your developed projects.
It's our shared responsibility to donate to the Community Fund whenever we can, and keep it healthy!
Chance Cards
We might live in a socialist utopia, but that doesn't mean life is perfect.
Draw Chance cards and experience that flip side: we have issues with our neighbors, our DIY community projects go awry, we're constantly voting to shake things up. and there's always an emergency that requires dipping into our Community Fund!
Place the Project cards around the board.
Place M1848 (the year The Communist Manifesto was published!) in the Community Fund. Keep the rest of the money in the box as the Bank.
Shuffle the Chance cards. Place them face down.
Each player receives 10 Contribution chips in their chosen color.
Each player chooses a token and places it on GO.
Put the dice by the gameboard.

Game Play - Let's Work Together
How to Win
The first person to place all 10 of their Contribution chips on projects in our community WINS!
The oldest player goes first. Play moves to the left.
On your turn:
If you're managing any projects, you may self-develop at the beginning of your turn by adding one Contribution chip to any open space on one of your Project cards and paying the Bank the self-development project fee on that card. (See Managed Projects).
Roll both dice. The numbered die will tell you your base roll. The action die will either add moves to your L roll or allow you to draw Chance cards.
Do the following in any order:
- Move your token forward the total number of spaces rolled between the regular die and the action die.
- Draw one or two Chance cards if the action die allows you to do so.
Add this number to your standard die roll.
Double your standard die roll.
Draw ONE Chance card. If you already have a Chance card, discard one and return it to the bottom of the deck.
Draw TWO Chance cards. If you already have a Chance card, discard two and return them to the bottom of the deck.
Did you roll doubles? Roll the dice again, and take another turn.
Watch out! If you roll doubles 3 times in a row, you must immediately go to Jail! Do not complete your third turn.
Where did you land? Carry out the rules of that board space. (See OUR COMMUNITY).
Your turn ends. Pass the dice to your left.
That's all you need to know for now. Look up the spaces as you land on them, and enjoy your stay in our socialist utopia!
Remember, all payments come out of our shared Community Fund until you start receiving a living wage and earning income through your developed projects.
Our Community (a.k.a. the Board Spaces)
Community Projects
Our town is already a great place to live, but we can make it even greater. Let's work together to revive our businesses and community resources.
Unmanaged Projects

When you land on a project that no one is managing, you can choose to manage it or auction it.
Want to manage the project?
Pay the price on the boardspace to the Bank. (If you're out of money, payment comes from the Community Fund). Then take the Project card.
Don't want to manage the project or can't afford to?
You must auction it.
You cannot bid on a project you are auctioning.
Bidding starts at M5, and anyone can increase the bid by as little as M5.
You don't need to bid in turn order.
The auction ends when no player is willing to increase the bid.
The highest bidder must pay the Bank. If that player does not have enough money to cover the entire bid, the Community Fund pays the shortfall.
If no one wants to bid on the project, it remains unmanaged, and the Project card stays where it is.
Managed Projects

If you're managing any projects, you may self-develop one project at the beginning of your turn, before you roll. To self-develop, add a Contribution token to that Project card and pay the Bank the self-development fee on that card.
When you land on a project that's managed by you or another player, you can choose to contribute to it. Remember, you need to contribute all 10 of your Contribution chips to projects in our community in order to win!
If you land on a project managed by another player. you can choose to contribute to it by paying M10 to that player and adding one of your chips on any open space on that Project card.
If you land on a project that you manage. you can choose to contribute to it by paying M10 to the Bank and placing one of your chips on any open space on the Project card.
Any payment must come from your own funds first. If you are out of money, payment comes from the Community Fund.
Developed Projects

A project is fully developed when all the spaces on the Project card are filled with Contribution chips. No more chips can be placed on a fully developed project.
If you land on a fully developed project, the Bank must pay the manager of that project and the Community Fund the same amount. See the Project card for that amount.
If you manage two fully developed projects in a color set and another player lands on one of them, both projects pay out-to you as the manager, and to the Community Fund! See the individual Project cards for payout amounts.
Action Spaces

When you pass GO, we all collect M50 from the Bank. This is our living wage. Players must immediately pay at least M5 to the Community Fund.

Draw from the deck. You may only keep or use one Chance card at a time.
If you already have a Chance card before you roll the dice, and you need to draw from the deck, do so, then choose one card to play or keep, and return any others to the bottom of the deck.
If the card you choose directs you to take money from the Community Fund, you must do so immediately and return the card to the bottom of the deck; if not, you may play the card or keep it for later.
You may only play one Chance card per turn.
![]() Chance Card |
Community Shuttle

When you land on a Shuttle Stop, you may pay M50 to the Bank from the Community Fund to take the Community Shuttle to any project between that stop and the next stop, then carry out the action of the space you land on.
If you wish to move further, you must pay M50 from the Community Fund for each extra Shuttle Stop you pass. No one collects M50 when you use the Shuttle to pass GO.

Free Parking
Nothing happens. Relax and enjoy the view of our idyllic community.

Just Visiting
Don't worry - if you land here, put your token in the Just Visiting section.
Go to Jail

Move your token to the In Jail space immediately! The Bank collects M50 from the Community Fund. Do not pass GO. No one collects M50. Your turn is over.
While you are In Jail, players can still contribute to projects you manage, and you can auction and trade, but you cannot self-develop or use the Community Fund.
How Do I Get out of Jail?
You have three options:
Pay M50 from your own funds to the Bank at the start of your next turn, then roll and move as normal.
Use the Get Out of Jail Free card at the start of your next turn if you have it (or buy it from another player).
Put the card at the bottom of the deck, then roll and move.
Roll a 6 with the standard die on your next turn. If you do, re-roll both dice and move as normal-you're free!
You can use up to 3 turns to try for a 6 with the standard die. If you don't roll a 6 by your third turn in Jail, pay M50 to the Bank and use your last roll with the standard die to move.
If you can't afford to pay by your third turn, everyone else pays M50 between them to the Bank.
They decide how to split this amount. If no one else has any money, the funds can come from the Community Fund.
Deals & Trades
You can buy, sell, or swap projects with other players at any time. Projects can be traded for cash, other projects, and/or the Get Out of Jail Free card.
The amount is decided by the players making the deal. Traded projects include their Contribution chips, so think before you trade!
Help! I Can't Pay
If a player has no money, and they need to pay for anything other than to get out of Jail, they must take it from the Community Fund.
End of the Game
The game ends when:
Either a player has placed all 10 of their Contribution chips on community projects. Our whole town benefits from your socialist spirit, but more importantly, you win!
Or the Community Fund runs out. So much for our socialist utopia. everyone loses!
Other Monopoly Editions
- Anti-Monopoly
- Monopoly City
- Monopoly Cheaters Edition
- Monopoly Deadpool
- Monopoly Deal
- Monopoly Fortnite
- Monopoly for Millennials
- Monopoly Frozen II
- Monopoly Game of Thrones
- Monopoly Friends
- Monopoly Gamer
- Monopoly Junior
- Monopoly Junior Electronic Banking
- Monopoly Junior Party
- Ms. Monopoly
- Monopoly Marvel Avengers
- Monopoly - Longest Game Ever
- Monopoly Original
- Monopoly Peppa Pig
- Monopoly Stranger Things
- Monopoly - The Mega Edition
- Monopoly The Simpsons
- Monopoly Speed
- Monopoly Revolution
- Monopoly Star Wars
- Monopoly Toy Story
- Monopoly Ultimate Banking
- Monopoly Voice Banking
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