- Gameboard
- Plastic Handcuff Unit
- 6 Tokens
- 22 Title Deed Cards
- 15 Cheat Cards
- 16 Chance Cards
- 16 Community Chest Cards
- 16 Hotels
- 2 Dice
- Money Pack
- Bank Tray
- Rulebook
Object of the Game
Cheat to get ahead fast - and try to catch other players cheating - as you buy Property, collect rent and stack up the cash! The game ends when all Properties have been purchased and each player has made it back to GO. Then the player with the most cash wins!
But WAIT! It's not a free-for-all. Cheat cards and sneaky Chance and Community Chest cards will tell you when and how to cheat. All other cheating is off limits!
For those of you who really want to see what you can get away with, once you're familiar with the basic game, check out Ultimate cheater's mode at the end of this game guide.
What's different about Monopoly Cheaters Edition

Cheat Cards
These are your invitation to cheat! They'll be placed on the board for all to see and, at any time, any player can try to complete a cheat written on one of the cards.
If you can pull one off without getting caught, you'll be rewarded. If you get caught, you'll be penalized, of course!
No Banker

Instead of choosing one player to handle the Bank, you'll pass around the Bank tray so each player has it in front of them during their turn.
Watch out for sticky fingers!

Tricky Chance and Community Chest Cards
These are designed to help you get ahead - or set another player back - cheater style. Bribe the judges at a beauty contest, send another player to Jail for no reason, or force another player to charge a reduced rent on their Property.
A Cheater's Gameboard

There are no utilities or taxes, the stations aren't for sale and you may notice that changes have been made to some of the Property values.
As you read these rules, you'll also notice that there's no mortgaging and there aren't any Houses, just Hotels, because cheaters like to start at the top.

You can be sent to Jail for all the same reasons as in regular Monopoly, but you can also be sent there if you're caught cheating.
When you're in Jail, you have to wear the handcuffs!
There s no Banker, but try to be honest at the start. Each player gets: M1500.
Keep your money spread out in front of you and not in a stack.
Keep the rest of the money in the Bank Tray. You'll pass the tray around so that each player has in front of them on their turn.
Put the Hotels in the Bank tray.
Place one Hotel on Pentonville Road. It's free for whoever buys the Property!
Shuffle the Community Chest cards and place them face down on the game board.
Shuffle the Chance cards and place them face down on the game board.
Shuffle the Cheat cards and place them in the Bank tray. Draw 5 cards, and place them face up, with the cheat showing, here, one in each place.
Place the Title Deed cards next to their matching board spaces.
Each player chooses a token and places it on GO.
Put the dice and handcuffs by the gameboard.

Game Play
Move around the board buying as many Properties as you can. The more you own, the more rent you can collect, just like regular Monopoly. Cheat to get ahead, and try to catch other players cheating. If you're the player with the most money at the end of the game, you win!
Each player rolls both dice. The highest roller starts, and play moves to the left.
On your turn:
Start by checking out the Cheat cards on the board. Make a plan to complete one or more during your turn or during another player's turn.
Roll both dice.
Move your token clockwise that number of spaces.
Where did you land? Carry out the rules of that board space. See THE BOARD SPACES. Did you roll a double? Roll the dice again and take another turn.
Watch out! If you roll a double 3 times in a row, you must immediately Go To Jail and put on the handcuffs!
Do not complete your third turn.
Pass the dice and Bank tray to your left. As soon as the next player rolls the dice, your turn is officially over.
For anyone who has cheated, this is the time to announce it!
The Board Spaces
A. Properties
Unowned Properties
When you land on an unowned Property, you must buy it or auction it. (Did you notice that Bond Street is free?!)
Want to buy it?
Pay the price on the board space and take the Title Deed card.
Don't want to buy it?
It goes up for auction! Bids start at M10, and anyone can increase the bid by as little as M10. You don't need to follow turn order, and the auction ends when no player is willing to increase the bid.
The highest bidder pays the Bank. If nobody wants to bid on the Property, that's fine. Nobody pays anything, and the Title Deed stays where it is.
Collect Color Sets!

When you own each Street in a color set:
- the amount of rent you can collect increases!
- you may build Hotels and charge even more rent! See HOTELS.
Owned Properties
When you land on a Property that someone else owns, the owner must ask you for rent. If they do, you must pay the rent shown on the Property's Title Deed card. If they don't ask before the next player rolls the dice, you don't have to pay!
B. Action Spaces

When you pass or land on the GO space, collect M200 from the Bank.
Chance and Community Chest

Take the top card from the appropriate deck.
If the card says to do something immediately, read the card aloud and do what it says. Otherwise, you may hold on to the card until you're ready to use it.
You may only have one Chance and one Community Chest card at a time. For example, if you have a Chance card in front of you, and you need to draw another, do so. Then you must immediately use and/or discard one by returning it to the bottom of the Chance deck.

They're not for sale! When you land here, move to the next station space and end your turn.

Free Parking
Opportunity is everywhere - even on the ground in an empty car park! Draw a Chance or Community Chest card!

Just Visiting
If you land here, put your token in the Just Visiting section, and say hello to any cheaters in Jail.

Go to Jail
Move your token to the In Jail space immediately! Do not collect M200 for passing GO. Then put the handcuffs on, and place the base beneath the board near your seat.
Your turn is now over. You can still collect rent, bid during auctions, buy Hotels and trade while you are in Jail. You may also catch cheaters and cheat (see CHEATING), but you may not play Chance or Community Chest cards (except for Get Out of Jail Free).

Is someone else already In Jail?
Free them, and take their place! The player who was in Jail gives you the handcuffs and moves their token to the Just Visiting space.
How do I get out of Jail?
You have 4 options:
Pay M50 at the start of your next turn, then roll and move as normal.
Use a Get Out of Jail Free card at the start of your next turn, if you have one (or buy one from another player). Put the card at the bottom of the appropriate deck; then, roll and move.
Roll a double on your next turn. If you do, you're free! Use the roll to move, and that's the end of your turn. You can use up to 3 turns to try for a double. If you don't roll a double by your third turn in Jail, pay M50, and use your last roll to move.
Cheat! If the Escape Artist Cheat card is face up on the board, you can try to secretly move your token out of Jail!
Cheat cards are your invitation to cheat!

How do I cheat?
Throughout the game, keep an eye on the Cheat cards on the board so you can plan which to use and so you can watch other players to see if they're trying to cheat.
To be a successful cheater, you might need to distract other players, bluff or use sleight of hand. Some cheats are harder to pull off than others, but with a little practice, you'll get it!
You may cheat during your turn or during another player's turn.
When you're ready to cheat:
Secretly do what's on the Cheat card. Then you must wait until the next player rolls the dice. If no one catches you before then, you got away with the cheat!
After the next player rolls the dice, let everyone know that you cheated, and how.
Collect the reward described on the back of the card.
Return the card to the bottom of the Cheat deck, and place a new one face up on the board.
How do I catch a cheater?
When you think that someone's cheated, call out, 'CHEAT!', and explain how they cheated before the next player rolls the dice.
If the accused cheat is guilty, they must take the penalty on the back of the Cheat card. Then return the card to the bottom of the Cheat deck, and place a new one face up on the board.

Falsely accused?
If someone accuses you of cheating and you're innocent, try to prove that you didn't cheat. If you prove it, the accuser must pay you M100.
If you can't prove that you're innocent, the other players must decide if you cheated, and who deserves a penalty.
List of the Cheats


Buying Hotels
Once you have a complete color set, you can start buying Hotels. You don't have to wait until your turn.
Pay the Hotel cost on the Title Deed card and put a Hotel on the Property.
You can only have one Hotel per Property.
Some Cheat, Chance and Community Chest cards will allow you to buy, move or place Hotels on Properties that are not part of a complete set.
If a Cheat, Chance or Community Chest card tells you to give a Property back to the Bank and it has a Hotel, the Hotel stays where it is. When someone buys that Property from the Bank, they pay face value for the Property and get the Hotel for free!
You may not sell Hotels back to the Bank or to other players.
Not Enough Hotels?
If multiple players want to buy the last Hotel, it must be auctioned. Bids start at M10 and increase by as little as M10. You don't need to follow turn order. Payment goes to the Bank.
Deals & Trades
You can buy, sell or swap Property with other players at any time. Property can be traded for cash, other Property and/or Get Out of Jail Free cards. The amount is decided by the players making the deal.

What if I run out of cash?
Owe money for something but don't have enough to pay? Try to raise funds by selling Property.
Sell Properties back to the Bank for face value or to another player for an agreed-upon price.
Sell Properties with a Hotel back to the Bank for the price of rent with one Hotel or to another player for an agreed-upon price. Whether you sell to the Bank or another player, the Hotel stays where it is. It's OK to split a Property set.
Still in debt?
You're bankrupt and out of the game!
Do you owe another player?
Give them all your Properties and any Chance and Community Chest cards.
Do you owe the Bank?
All your Properties must be immediately put up for auction, and payment goes to the Bank. Return any Chance and Community Chest cards that you have to the bottom of the appropriate decks.
End of the Game
The game ends when all the Properties have been purchased and each player makes it back to the GO space.

When you reach GO after all the Properties have been purchased, stop there even if you have moves left. Collect M200.
Once all the players reach GO, in turn order, players collect rent from the Bank for each of their Properties. Be honest!
- For Properties in a set, collect double rent.
- For Properties with a Hotel, collect rent for a Hotel.
The player with the most cash wins!
Ultimate Cheater's Mode
Feel like you can get away with a whole lot more? Then play like a true cheat!
In this mode, you can try anything! The Cheat, Chance and Community Chest cards will give you specific advantages, rewards and penalties, but otherwise, you can cheat all you want! Steal money from the Bank! Completely ignore the dice! If you can get away with it, do it!
This mode requires close attention to the game - maybe even a little paranoia - and you'll need to make some house rules to deal with the really wild cheats. Some things may happen that these rules won't cover. Play at your own risk!
Other Monopoly Editions
- Anti-Monopoly
- Monopoly City
- Monopoly Deadpool
- Monopoly Deal
- Monopoly Fortnite
- Monopoly for Millennials
- Monopoly Frozen II
- Monopoly Game of Thrones
- Monopoly Friends
- Monopoly Gamer
- Monopoly Junior
- Monopoly Junior Electronic Banking
- Monopoly Junior Party
- Ms. Monopoly
- Monopoly Marvel Avengers
- Monopoly - Longest Game Ever
- Monopoly Original
- Monopoly Peppa Pig
- Monopoly Socialism
- Monopoly Stranger Things
- Monopoly - The Mega Edition
- Monopoly The Simpsons
- Monopoly Speed
- Monopoly Revolution
- Monopoly Star Wars
- Monopoly Toy Story
- Monopoly Ultimate Banking
- Monopoly Voice Banking
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