The Last Player Standing Wins!
In monopoly Fortnite, it's not about what you own; it's about how long you can survive! Even if you're able to claim the most locations, you still need to be the last player standing to win!

- Gameboard
- 27 Cardboard outfits with Pawn stands
- 15 Storm cards
- 16 Location cards
- 16 Loot Chest cards
- 8 Wall cards
- 2 Numbered dice
- 1 Action die (with labels)
- 110 Health Point chips
Object of the Game
Make your way around the board claiming locations, battling your opponents, and avoiding the Storm. The last player standing when all other players have run out of HP wins!
Game Elements
Health Points

Health point (HP) chips replace money.
You earn HP by finding health with the roll of the dice, by landing on Campfire board spaces, or by collecting loot chest items.
You lose HP if you are attacked by another player or if you find yourself in the Storm.
Drop From the Battle Bus

In this version of Monopoly, you don't start on GO!
Instead, at the beginning of the game, players take turns placing their character anywhere on the board.
This makes it easier for players to spread out and try to avoid getting attacked early in the game.

An Action Die
Roll this along with the numbered die. On your turn, you'll move AND you'll activate an action like setting off a Boogie Bomb or building a wall on the board that will force players to stop on that space.
The Storm Approaches

Every time a player passes GO, they must draw a Storm card.
The card will tell you which board space you must permanently cover with the deadly Storm.
The First time you play
Punch out each outfit, and place it in a plastic stand.
Punch out each of the wall cards, and fold them so they stand up.
Punch out each of the HP chips.
Apply one label to each side of the action die in any arrangement.
Place the HP chips within reach of all players.
Separately, shuffle the loot chest and Storm cards, and place them facedown here.
Place the location cards next to their matching board spaces. If you don't have room, keep them as a stack, and choose someone to be in charge of them.
Each player starts the game with
Each player chooses an outfit, then rolls the numbered die. The highest roller has first choice of where they'll start the game and places their character on that space. Character placement moves to the left. On your first turn, do not perform the action of your starting space.

Note: you can never have more than 15 HP. If you have 15 HP and any action requires you to collect more, do not collect any.
The player who placed their character first goes first. Play continues to the left.
Game Play
On your turn:
Roll both dice, and do the following in any order:
Move your character forward the number of spaces rolled.
Carry out the action on your action die.
At the end of your turn, if you landed on or passed GO, flip over the top Storm card. The eye of the Storm is shrinking!
Location Deals
At any time on your turn, you may offer to trade locations and/or loot chest card items with other players.
The Board Spaces
Unclaimed Locations
When you land on a location that no player has claimed and that hasn't been taken by the Storm you may claim it for free!
You don't need to pay anything. Take the location card.
Collect Color Sets!
If you have claimed both locations in a color set, any time you land on one of those locations, you may collect 2 HP.
Locations Claimed By Other Players
When you land on a location already claimed by another player, pay the number of HP shown on the board to the Bank.
Locations Taken By The Storm
When you land on a location that has been taken by the Storm, pay the number of HP shown on the Storm side of the location card to the Bank.
Notice you pay more HP for a location when it has been taken by the Storm.
If you land on or pass GO, collect 2 HP from the Bank. At the end of your turn, flip over the top Storm card!
If the Storm has taken the GO space, players no longer collect 2 HP for passing or landing on GO but continue to draw Storm cards.
Free Parking
Relax! Nothing happens.
When you land here, take a rest! Collect 1 HP from the Bank.
Spike Trap
When you land here, pay 1 HP to the Bank.
Loot Chest
When you land here, draw a loot chest card. There are two types of loot chest card items:
a. those that you keep and will affect you for the rest of the game. b. those that say they are for one-time use.
You may use more than one item per turn, and some will produce powerful combinations.
You may keep one-time use cards until you are ready to use them, but you may use them only on your turn.
After you use a one-time use card, place it at the bottom of the loot chest deck.
If you draw a health item but already have the max 15 HP, you may keep the item and use it later. Remember, you can't have more than 15 HP.
Just Visiting
When you land here, put your character on the Just Visiting space.
Go to Jail
When you land on Go to Jail, do the following:
- Move your character to the in Jail space immediately. If the Storm has taken the space, you lose 2 HP, but you are not in Jail. You can move normally on your next turn.
- Draw a Storm card, and cover the appropriate board space with the Storm. You may not collect 2 HP for passing GO. Your turn is over.
While in Jail
Other players may still attack you while you're in Jail.
If the Storm takes the Jail space while you are in Jail, you do not lose 2 HP.
Get out of Jail?
Pay 2 HP to the Bank before you roll for your turn. Then roll both dice, and take your turn as normal. OR
Roll the numbered die. If you get a 6, get out of Jail for free! Roll both dice, and take your turn as normal. If you fail to roll a 6, your turn ends. After your second attempt at rolling, you may exit Jail for free and roll both dice normally on your next turn.
If the Jail space has been taken by the Storm, you do not continue to lose HP each turn you are in Jail. You only lose the 2 HP once.
If you're on the Jail space when the Storm takes it, you get out of Jail for free! Move normally on your next turn.
The Action Die

The action die lets you perform a special action on your turn. Make sure you complete the action you roll before the next player rolls the dice, or it's too late!

When you roll bandages, collect 2 HP from the Bank.
Remember, you can never have more than 15 HP!

When you roll crosshairs, choose any player in your line of sight if they are on the same side of the board as you. That means when you are on a corner space, you have line of sight to two sides of the board.
Check any loot chest items you have to see if you can modify your crosshairs actions!

When you roll a Boggie Bomb, all other players loose 1 HP to the Bank, and all walls are destroyed.
Remove them from the board, and put them in the wall card pile.

When you roll a brick, move, and complete the action of that space. Then place a wall, standing up, on any space in your path.
Example: Cuddle Team Leader started on GO and rolled a 5, so she can place a wall on any of the highlighted spaces, including GO.

What Do Walls Do?

When you reach a space with a wall, no matter who placed it there, you must end your movement there and carry out the action of that space. Then remove the wall, and put it in the wall card pile.
When you're on a space with a wall, you can't be harmed by any action die or loot chest item attacks.
You may remove a wall simply by reaching that space or by attacking it with any action die or loot chest item the same way you would attack another player.
Example of how to destory a wall:
Raptor rolled a 5 and crosshairs. If he moves first, he will have to stop on the space with a wall that is only 3 spaces away. He will end his turn there, remove the wall, and lose 2 HP for landing on a place where the Storm has taken over. He could then attack Cuddle Team Leader with the crosshairs.
However, if he uses his crosshairs first, he can destroy the wall, move his full roll of 5, and collect the location card for Snobby Shores.

Storm Cards

When you land on or pass GO, the eye of the Storm shrinks!
At the end of your turn, draw the top Storm card. It will tell you which space is being taken by the Storm. The card will tell you to place it on a certain board space, or, if a location is being taken by the Storm, the card will ask you to place that space's location card Storm-side up on that space.
When you land on a location taken by the Storm, you must pay the number of HP shown on the card to the Bank. When you land on any other board space taken by the Storm, you must pay 2 HP to the Bank.
Do not carry out the action of a space if the Storm has taken it.
Once Storm cards have been placed, they can't be moved. If the Storm takes a space while you're on it, you do not lose 2 HP.
What if I run out of HP

As soon as you lose your last HP, you're out of the game! Do the following:
Take your character off the board.
Place any loot chest items you have onto the space where you lost your last HP. The next person to pass or land on that space picks them up!
Place any location cards you have on their matching boards spaces Storm-side up. They've been taken by the Storm!
End of the Game
The game ends when only one player is left standing.
Other Monopoly Editions
- Anti-Monopoly
- Monopoly City
- Monopoly Cheaters Edition
- Monopoly Deadpool
- Monopoly Deal
- Monopoly for Millennials
- Monopoly Frozen II
- Monopoly Game of Thrones
- Monopoly Friends
- Monopoly Gamer
- Monopoly Junior
- Monopoly Junior Electronic Banking
- Monopoly Junior Party
- Ms. Monopoly
- Monopoly Marvel Avengers
- Monopoly - Longest Game Ever
- Monopoly Original
- Monopoly Peppa Pig
- Monopoly Socialism
- Monopoly Stranger Things
- Monopoly - The Mega Edition
- Monopoly The Simpsons
- Monopoly Speed
- Monopoly Revolution
- Monopoly Star Wars
- Monopoly Toy Story
- Monopoly Ultimate Banking
- Monopoly Voice Banking
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