
- 1 gameboard
- 1 banker unit
- 6 Simpsons movers
- 28 Title Deed cards
- 16 Chance cards
- 16 Community Chest cards
- 6 MONOPOLY bank cards
- 32 houses
- 12 hotels
- 2 dice
- Instructions
Object of the Game
To be the only player left in the game after everyone else has gone bankrupt
Game Play
Choose one player to be the banker. If there are more than five players, the banker may choose to take on this role only The banker is in charge of:

Each choose a mover and place it on the GO space.
Roll both dice, the highest roller starts. Play continues clockwise.
On your turn, roll the dice and move that number of squares clockwise around the board. Two or more movers may rest on the same space at the same time. According to the space you land on either:
- Buy the property for the asking price (if it isn't owned by another player).
- Get the banker to auction the property (if you don't want to buy the property for the asking price).
- Pay rent (if the property is owned by another player).
- Pay taxes.
- Draw a Chance or Community Chest card.
- Go to jail.
Once you own a color group, build houses or hotels on those sites.
If you run out of money, mortgage or sell property to pay off your creditors. If you cannot raise enough money to pay rent, tax or a bill, you are declared bankrupt and are out of the game.
No player may borrow money from, or lend money to, another player. However, a player may choose to accept any of your property instead of money that is owed to them.
If you roll a double, take your turn as normal and roll again. Roll three doubles in one turn and you go to jail!
Banker Unit
The banker unit can only fit 5 numbers on its screen so, for example, it shows M100,000 as M100k and M1,000,000 as M1m.
Because of this you need to input figures exactly as shown on the title deed, chance and community chest cards.
Passing GO: The banker inserts your card into the unit's left slot and presses this button to add M2m.
Cancel/clear: To play a new game, press and hold until you hear a beep. All the balances will be reset to the starting sum of M15m.
Decimal point/volume adjustor: to adjust the volume, remove all cards before pressing the decimal point button.
Insert the cards in the direction shown.

Press any key or insert a card. Each player's starting balance is M15m. When a card is entered into the unit, the card number will be shown, followed by that player's current balance.
Receiving Money

Receiving Money From The Banker:
- Chance and Community Chest cards
- Passing GO
- Selling houses and hotels
- Mortgage loans.
The banker inserts your card into the unit's left hand slot Your balance will be displayed. He will then enter the amount you are to receive. Once your balance goes up, remove your card.
Paying Money

Paying money to the banker:
- Chance and Community Chest cards
- Buying properties, houses and hotels
- Paying taxes
- Repaying a mortgage
- Getting out of jail.
The banker inserts your card into the unit's right hand slot. He will then enter the amount you are to pay. Once your balance goes down, remove your card.
Transactions Between Players

Paying money to / receiving money from another player for:
- Rent
- Bankruptcy
- Selling property.
The banker inserts the card making the payment in the unit's right hand slot and the card receiving the payment in the left hand slot The payer's balance is displayed. He then enters the amount to be paid.
The payer's balance will go down. When the money has been transferred, the recipient's balance will go up. Banker, remove both cards.
The unit turns off automatically after 1 minute of inactivity. Press any key to start it up again. All the balances will still be stored in the unit.
This means you can take a break from playing and continue later, with your money exactly where you left it!
Banker's Tips
If the unit does not beep when you insert a card, check it's inserted the right way up.
If you enter the wrong amount, press "C" and enter the correct amount. You can only correct a mistake if the card is still in the unit.
The maximum amount that can be entered at one time is M20m, and the minimum amount is M10k.

The Finer Points
Buying Property
There are three types of property:

If you land on an unowned property, you have the first choice to buy it If you decide to buy, pay the banker the price stated on that space.
You will receive that property's Title Deed card as proof of ownership. Keep it faceup in front of you. If you decide not to buy, it is up for grabs!
Owning a property entitles you to collect rent from any players who land on that space. Once you own all the sites in one color group, i.e. you own a monopoly, you can build houses and hotels on sites in that group and collect more rent!

If you decide not to buy a site after landing on it, the banker must immediately auction it to the highest bidder, starting at any price another player is willing to pay.
Even though you declined the option of buying at the original price, you may join in the bidding too.
Paying Rent
If your roll ends on a site that is owned by another player, you must pay rent (unless the site is mortgaged). The player who owns the site must ask you for rent before the next player rolls the dice. The amount payable is shown on the Title Deed card and varies according to the number of buildings on the site.
If you own a whole color group, the rent is doubled on any undeveloped site of that group (i.e. a site without houses or hotels). You can still collect double rent for the sites without a mortgage.

Utilities are bought and auctioned in the same way as properties.
If you land on an owned utility, pay rent to the owner according to the dice you rolled to get there. If the owner has one utility, the rent will be four times your dice roll, multiplied by 10,000.
If the owner has both utilities, you must pay ten times the amount of your dice roll, multiplied by 10,000.

Railroads are bought and auctioned in the same way as properties.
If you land on an owned railroad, pay the amount stated on the Title Deed card to the owner.
The amount payable is shown on the Title Deed card and depends on the number of other railroads owned by that player.
Building Houses

Once you own all sites of a color group, you can buy houses to put on any of those spaces. The price of a house is shown on the Title Deed card.
You can buy any house (or hotel) on your turn or in between other players' turns but you must build evenly: you cannot build a second house on a site until you have built a house on every site in that group.
You may buy as many buildings as you wish, as long as you can afford them! Houses may not be built if any site of the same color group is mortgaged.
Building Hotels

To buy a hotel, you must first have four houses on each site of a complete color group.
Exchange the four houses for a hotel and pay the banker the price shown on the Title Deed card. Only one hotel may be built on any one site.
Running out of Buildings
If the banker has no houses left, you must wait for other players to return theirs before you can buy any.
If a limited number of houses or hotels are left and two or more players wish to buy more than the banker has, the banker auctions them off individually to the highest bidder, (see Auctions on page 8).
Running out of Money
If you are low on funds, you can raise more money by:
- Selling buildings
- Mortgaging property
- Selling property, utilities or transports to another player for any agreed sum (even if the property is mortgaged).
Selling Property
You may sell undeveloped sites, transports and utilities to another player for a mutually agreed price. You cannot sell a site if there are any buildings on any of the sites in that color group.
You must first sell all the buildings on those sites to the banker. Houses and hotels are sold to the banker at half their original purchase price, stated on the Title Deed card. You can sell on your turn or in between other players' turns.
Selling Houses
You must sell houses evenly, in the same way as they were bought.
Selling Hotels
The banker will pay half the price of the hotel plus half the price of the four houses that were exchanged for the purchase of the hotel.
Hotels can also be broken backdown into houses to raise money. To do this, sell a hotel for half its cost and receive in exchange four houses.

Mortgaging Property
First sell any buildings, then turn the site's Title Deed card facedown and collect your mortgage amount shown on the back of the card.

You keep all mortgaged property and no other player can pay off your mortgage to secure the property. Rent cannot be collected on mortgaged property although it can be collected for other properties in that color group.
Repaying a Mortgage
You must pay the original mortgage amount plus 10% interest (rounded up to the nearest 10,000). Once repaid, turn the Title Deed card faceup.
Selling Mortgaged Property
You can sell mortgaged property to other players at any agreed price. The buyer can then either immediately repay the mortgage or pay 10% interest (rounded up to the nearest 10,000) but retain the mortgage. The mortgage can be repaid as normal later in the game.
When all sites in a color group are mortgage-free, the owner may begin to buy back houses and hotels at full price.
If you owe more money than you can raise from your assets, you are declared bankrupt and are out of the game.
Owing the Banker
Return your Title Deed cards to the banker who will individually auction off each property to the highest bidder. Return any "Get out of jail free" cards to the bottom of the relevant pile.
Owing Another Player
The other player receives any money left on your bank card, your Title Deed cards and any "Get out of jail free" cards you own.
Chance and Community Chest
When you land on one of these spaces, take the top card from the relevant pile. Follow the instructions on the card before returning the card, facedown, to the bottom of the deck.
If you pick a "Get out of jail free" card, you can keep it until you wish to use it or sell it to another player for a mutually agreeable sum.

If a card instructs you to move to another space, move there in the direction of the arrow. If you pass GO on the way, collect a2m. You do not pass GO if a card sends you to jail, or sends you back.

Free Parking
There is no penalty for landing here and you may still undertake transactions as usual (collecting rent, building on sites you own, etc)..

Passing Go Twice in One Turn
You can collect a2m twice in one turn. For example, if you land on a Chance or
Community Chest space immediately after passing GO and picking a card that tells you to "Advance to GO". The banker will need to remove and reinsert your bank card into the banker unit before pressing for the second time.
Going to Jail
You will be sent to jail if:

- You land on the "Go to jail" space.
- You pick a Chance or Community Chest card which tells you to "Go directly to jail".
- You roll a double three times in a row on your turn.
Your turn ends when you are sent to jail. Move onto the jail space and do not collect a2m, regardless of where you were on the board.
While in jail you can collect rent on properties provided they are not mortgaged.
Getting out of Jail
You can get out of jail by:
- Paying a a M500k fine and continuing on your next turn.
- Using a "Get out of jail free" card.
- Rolling a double.
If you haven't rolled a double after three turns, pay the banker a500k before moving according to your third dice roll.

"Just visiting" jail
If you are not sent to jail but land on the jail space, you are "Just visiting" and incur no penalty.
End of the Game
Continue until only one player is left in the game. This player is the winner!
A Quicker Game
If you're familiar with MONOPOLY and want to play a quicker game:
To start, the banker shuffles the Title Deed cards and deals two to each player. Players immediately pay the banker the price for the properties they receive. Play then continues as normal.
You only need to build up three houses on each site of a color group before buying a hotel (instead of four). When selling hotels, the value is half its purchase price.
As soon as a second player goes bankrupt, the game ends. The banker uses the banker unit to add together:
- Money left on their bank card
- Owned sites, utilities and transports at the price printed on the board
- Any mortgaged property at half the price printed on the board
- Houses, valued at purchase price
- Hotels, valued at the purchase price including the value of three houses.
The richest player wins the game!
Speedy Monopoly
Alternatively, agree on a definite time to finish the game. Whoever is the richest player at this time wins!
Other Monopoly Editions
- Anti-Monopoly
- Monopoly City
- Monopoly Cheaters Edition
- Monopoly Deadpool
- Monopoly Deal
- Monopoly Fortnite
- Monopoly for Millennials
- Monopoly Frozen II
- Monopoly Game of Thrones
- Monopoly Friends
- Monopoly Gamer
- Monopoly Junior
- Monopoly Junior Electronic Banking
- Monopoly Junior Party
- Ms. Monopoly
- Monopoly Marvel Avengers
- Monopoly - Longest Game Ever
- Monopoly Original
- Monopoly Peppa Pig
- Monopoly Socialism
- Monopoly Stranger Things
- Monopoly - The Mega Edition
- Monopoly Speed
- Monopoly Revolution
- Monopoly Star Wars
- Monopoly Toy Story
- Monopoly Ultimate Banking
- Monopoly Voice Banking
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