Each skill can be used at any time, only by its character, and only once per round.

Economical Construction
Discard 2 Determination tokens to spend 1 less wood during one Action of any type.
For example: if you need 3 wood to build Shelter, the Carpenter can build it with only 2 wood. If the Threat Action requires 1 wood, the Carpenter can take this Action without discarding any wood.
Discard 2 Determination tokens to reroll any brown Action die. Note! You cannot use the Determination tokens gained from an unsuccessful die roll to reroll that die which gave you those Determination tokens.
A New Idea
Discard 3 Determination tokens to draw 5 Invention cards from Invention deck, and choose 1 of them (place it Invention side up on the appropriate space on the main board). Put the remaining 4 cards aside in a face down pile, creating a discarded Inventions pile. When there are no more cards in the Invention deck, reshue any discarded Invention cards to create a new deck
Discard 3 Determination tokens to get an additional (brown) pawn that can only be used for the Building Action. This pawn should be discarded after the Action is completed.

Grandma's Recipe
Discard 2 Determination tokens to spend 1 food to heal 2 wounds (of any player including himself, he can even heal 1 wound of two different players).
Discard 2 Determination tokens to reroll any gray Action die. Note! You cannot use the Determination tokens gained from an unsuccessful die roll to reroll that die which gave you those Determination tokens.
Stone Soup
Discard 3 Determination tokens to get 1 food (and place it in the Available resources space).
During the Weather phase, discard 3 Determination tokens to ignore 1 Rainy Cloud, or change 1 Winter Cloud into 1 Rainy Cloud.

Child Of Fortune
Discard 2 Determination tokens to reroll any green Action die. Note! You cannot use the Determination tokens gained from an unsuccessful die roll to reroll that die which gave you those Determination tokens.
Discard 2 Determination tokens to draw 3 Island tiles from the stack, look at them, and choose 1. Shuffle the other two into the stack and place the chosen one at the top.
Motivational Speech
Discard 3 Determination tokens to increase the Morale level by 1.
Discard 3 Determination tokens to draw 2 Discovery tokens, choose 1, place it in the Available resources space, and discard the other (do not shuffle it back into the stack).

Discard 2 Determination tokens to look at the top card of the Hunting deck and either put it back on top or at the bottom of the deck.
Defense Plan
Discard 2 Determination tokens to increase the Palisade or the Weapon level by 1.
Discard 3 Determination tokens to temporarily add +3 to the Weapon level for the Action he takes.
The Hunt
Discard 4 Determination tokens to take the top Beast card from the Beast deck and put it on top of the Hunting deck, without looking at the card.
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