Some cards use keywords to describe certain actions:
DECIDE (mostly used on Adventure cards) - Players always have the choice described on the card. It is usually a choice between discarding the Adventure card without any effect, or getting some benefits but also facing some consequences later (i.e. shuffling the Adventure card into the Event deck and resolving some negative effect if it is drawn in a future round).
IF POSSIBLE - Resolve the described effect only if it is possible. If you cannot (for example: you have to discard a resource that you do not have), nothing happens. The Rule of Unfulfilled Demand does not apply in this case.
Effects introduced by cards
Night Phase Outside Of The Camp
When a player spends the Night outside of the Camp, he keeps everything he acquired during his Actions (resources, tokens, cards, etc). in his own supply and only puts those items in the Available Resources space at the beginning of the next round (therefore other players cannot use them during the Weather and Night phase of this round).
Although this player will not be affected by the Weather, he will get a Wound for sleeping in the open air (unless he explored an Island tile with a Shelter during his Action). He must still eat in the Night phase by discarding one food, if he gathered any during his Action. Otherwise, he gets 2 additional Wounds.
Drawing Mystery Cards
The Mystery deck consists of several different types of Mysteries. When you have to resolve a specific type of Mystery, continue drawing cards from the deck until you get one with the indicated type of Mystery (ignore the rest). Once it is resolved, you can either decide to stop drawing cards, or if you like, you can continue to draw more cards, again ignoring them until you reach one of the specific type to be resolved.
At the end, shuffle all ignored Mystery cards back into the Mystery deck and discard those that you resolved (unless stated otherwise).
Exhausted Source
An exhausted source does not provide any resources during the Production phase or a +1 resource token located on the exhausted source, you still get that 1 resource.
Inaccessible Island Tile
When an Island tile becomes inaccessible (due to an Event or otherwise), turn it face down and remove all tokens and markers from that tile. You cannot move your Camp to that tile and you cannot take any Actions on that tile, including an Exploration Action. Treat the terrain type of this tile as unexplored (see below).
Unexplored Terrain Type
If an Island tile contains a terrain type that is the only one of its type on the board, and it becomes unexplored, you then lose access to that terrain type and you cannot build Items that require it. Remove the applicable marker(s), as needed, from any Invention cards until such a terrain type is found on a new Island tile (or a particular Threat Action is taken to regain access to it).
You do not lose any previously built Items that required this terrain type. For example, if you have discovered only one Island tile with mountains and that tile becomes unexplored, you cannot build the Knife or Fire (if you haven't already) until you discover a new Island tile with mountains.
Turning Items To Invention Side
When you turn an Item back to its Invention side, it means that you lose this Item. You will have to build it again, if you still need it. If such an Item was required for building another Item or taking a specific Threat Action, you cannot do it now. For example, if you lose the Map, you cannot build the Shortcut (because it requires the Map); if you lose the Shovel and a Threat Action requires it, you cannot take that Action.
If the Item had an additional effect, you should cancel it, if possible.
Fighting A Beast
When you draw a card from Event deck that requires you to Fight a Beast, the First Player is the one who fights it and only he gets potential Wounds resulting from this fight.
Resolving The Effect Of An Event Once Again
Some Event effects have very long description that did not fit in the Threat effect space; these may state "resolve it again". Remember that this only means to apply the effect one more time and then discard the card; you do not place it back on the Threat Action field.
Temporarily Increased Weapon Level
If any card, token, or other effect temporarily increases your Weapon level, do not adjust the marker on the Weapon level track. Such temporary increases only last for the Action that player takes. If a player has to decrease the Weapon level during the same Action, he normally marks it on the Weapon level track and can even get Wounds if his permanent Weapon level is lower than the number to decrease.
Shuing Into Event Deck
This always refer to the card it is written on.
Invention/item Cards
The following rules apply to the various items:
- An Item may only built once, unless lost or otherwise noted on the Scenario card.
- Once built, an Item is kept for the rest of the game.
- If the Item side shows only a picture (e.g. "Dam"), you get its benefit only when you build it. It can also be used to acquire other Inventions (e.g. "Shovel"), or it is an Item you may only use once per round (e.g. "Fireplace").
Here is a brief description of the various Items:
Basket - If you are successful during a Gathering Resources Action, you gain 1 additional resource cube of the type you wanted to gather. The Basket can be used for only 1 Action per round. Can be used with the Sack.
Bed - Each time a player takes the Rest Action, he gets 1 Determination token and heals 2 Wounds instead of healing just 1 Wound. Can be used with the Hammock.
Belts - Gives players 1 additional grey pawn for the Gathering Resources Action. It is recommended to keep that pawn on this card when it is not in use.
Bow - Increases the Weapon level by 3.
Bricks - Increases the Palisade level by 1 and is required for building certain other Items.
Cellar - Allows you to store all of your food, so it does not rot during the Night phase.
Corral - When you build it, you can cover with a black marker 1 food source on an Island tile adjacent to the tile where your Camp is located and put a +1 food token on the tile where your Camp is located.
Cure - Gives you a Cure for the rest of the game (or until you lose it).
Dam - Gives players 2 nonperishable food.
Diary - During the Morale phase, the First player gets 1 more Determination token (or loses 1 fewer).
Drums - During the Morale phase, the First player gets 2 more Determination tokens (or loses 2 fewer).
Fire - Increases the Palisade level by 1 and is required for building certain other Items.
Fireplace - Allows you to heal: during the Night phase you can discard 1 food to heal 2 Wounds (you can heal 2 wounds from 1 player or 1 wound from 2 different players).
Furnace - Lets you ignore 1 Winter cloud during the Weather phase.
Knife - Increases the Weapon level by 1 and is required for building certain other Items.
Lantern - Gives players 1 additional brown pawn for the Building Action. It is recommended to keep that pawn on this card when it is not in use.
Map - Gives you a Map (required for building certain other Items) and 1 additional green pawn for the Exploration Action. It is recommended to keep that pawn on this card when it is not in use.
Moat - Increases the Palisade level by 2.
Pit - Roll the brown Wound die during Production phase and if you roll a Wound, you gain 2 additional food.
Pot - Gives you a Pot (required for using certain Discovery tokens) and it allows you to heal: during the Night phase, you can discard 1 food to heal 1 Wound.
Raft - Gives players 1 additional pawn for either the Gathering Resources or the Exploration Action. It is recommended to keep that pawn on this card when is not in use.
Rope - Required for building certain other Items.
Sack - If you are succesful during a Gathering Resources Action, you gain 1 additional resource cube of the type you wanted to gather. The Sack can be used for only 1 Action per round. It can be used with the Basket.
Shield - Gives players 1 additional red pawn for the Hunting Action. It is recommended to keep that pawn on this card when it is not in use.
Shortcut - Provides a Shortcut token which you place on an Island tile adjacent to the tile where your Camp is located. During the Production phase of the following rounds, you gain 1 resource that is available on the tile with the Shortcut. This source is still limited to one resource per turn.
Shovel - Required for building certain other Items.
Sling - Increases the Weapon level by 2.
Snare - When you build it, you can place a +1 food token on the Island tile where your Camp is located.
Spear - Increases the Weapon level by 3.
Wall - Increases the Palisade level by 2.
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