4-player Game

When there are 4 players, take the special "Arranging the Camp" card and place it on the board to cover the corresponding space.
Each time a player takes the Arranging the Camp Action, he either gets 2 Determination tokens or increases the Morale level by 1 on the main board.
2-player Game
Players randomly draw a Character card out of only the following three: Carpenter, Cook and Explorer.
When there are only 2 players, they have an additional Character - Friday. Take the Friday card and the white pawn, and place it near the main board. Take a Wound marker and put it on the leftmost field of Friday's life track.

Friday is represented by a special white pawn and the First player decides how to use him. He can be assigned to take each type of Action:
- as a single pawn
- as a pawn taking the Action with another additional pawn (for example, the extra pawn from the Map)
- as an additional pawn along with a player's pawn.
Except for Friday's special rules described below, if you assign a player's pawn and Friday's pawn to the same Action, Friday is always treated as an additional pawn in such cases.
Friday's Special Rules:
When Friday takes an Action, resolve it as if it was a player taking the Action, with the following exception: if you assign Friday as a single pawn to the Build, Gather Resources or Explore Action, one of the players has to roll the Action dice for Friday. If you roll an Adventure on the Adventure die, do not draw an Adventure card. Friday does not resolve an Adventure card but gets 1 Wound instead.
Friday is not a player, therefore:
- he cannot be the First Player,
- if he dies, players can still win,
- he is not affected by weather,
- he does not have to eat in the Night phase,
- he does not need Shelter in the Night phase,
- if an Event, Adventure, Threat effect, etc. results in players having to discard something or getting a Wound, this does not concern Friday.
If Friday gets any Determination tokens, he can use them to reroll any one die once per Action.
Easier game
If you think that a Scenario is too diffult to accomplish, you can adjust the game for your needs in various ways:

A) You can play with the Dog. Take the Dog card and the purple pawn, and place it near the main board. The Dog acts as an additional pawn which players can use only for Hunting or Exploration Actions. The Dog can only be used for supporting other player's pawns. It is especially recommended in 3-player games.
B) You can play with Friday (see rules for Friday, above).
C) You can draw more Starting Items (for example, draw 3 or 4 instead of just 2)
D) While preparing the Event deck (step 16 of the setup), you can take fewer Event cards with a Book icon and more cards with an Adventure icon instead. For example: if you need 6 cards with a Book icon and 6 with an Adventure icon, you can instead select 4 cards with a Book icon and 8 with an Adventure icon.
Note! In the first Scenario, this would make the game harder.
Harder game
If you are experienced players and believe that a Scenario is too easy for you, then you can adjust the game to be more challenging by:
A) playing with only 1 Starting Item, or none,
B) while preparing the Event deck (step 16 of the setup), use more Event cards with a Book icon and fewer cards with an Adventure icon. For example: if you need 6 cards with a Book icon and 6 an Adventure icon, you could play with 8 cards with a Book icon and 4 with an Adventure icon.
Note! In the first Scenario, this would make the game easier.
C) playing without the Dog (only in a 3-player game)
Random Wreckage cards
During the setup, you can draw a random Wreckage card.
Solo variant
Apply all the standard rules with the following changes:
Randomly draw a Character card out of only the following three: Carpenter, Cook and Explorer.
Take Friday and the Dog (as described above).
When you build a Shelter, Roof or Palisade, you have to pay the same cost as in a 2-player game.
You are always the First Player.
At the beginning of the Morale phase - increase the Morale level by 1 (because you're happy to still be alive) and then resolve it.

Additional Rules
In case of a conict, the Scenario rules modify and should have priority over the general rules.
Unfullled demand
When a player has to resolve an effect due to any type of card (Event, Adventure, Mystery, etc). and he is unable to meet the requirements, he receives one or more Wounds.
Example: if a player has to discard something (wood, food, Determination tokens, etc). and he does not have it, he receives 1 Wound for each resource/token he could not discard. If a player Fights a Beast and the Weapon level is lower than the Beast's strength, the player receives 1 Wound for each missing Weapon level.
When the effect of a card or a die roll affects all players and they cannot resolve it, each of them receives 1 Wound for each requested resource/token they were not able to provide.
Example: if the players have to decrease the Roof, the Palisade or the Weapon level by 1 but that level is already at 0, then each player receives 1 Wounds. If the players have to cover a particular source (i.e. wood) with a black marker and there are no sources of wood to cover, each player receives 1 Wound.
- Some cards show effects that must only be resolved if they are possible. Thus, if it is impossible to apply such an effect, nothing happens.
- If you have to increase/decrease Morale and it is already on the highest/lowest level, nothing happens.
One token only
There can only be one token of each type on each Island tile/space, Action field, Weather/Night space, etc.
Personal Determination
Players cannot share Determination tokens with each other.
Discarding Invention cards
When you are asked to discard an Invention card, simply shue it back into the Inventions deck. Note that the Carpenter's A new idea skill does not follow this rule.
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