- Wobbly board
- 20 taxis
- 8-sided die
- Instructions
Object of the Game
Take it in turns to balance a taxi on the wobbly board.
The first player to get rid of all their taxis by balancing them on the board wins.
Watch out! Any taxis that fall off the board during your turn go back into your pile.
Hold the lid still and twist the bowl clockwise. Then lift the lid off to get the taxis out.
Put the lid back on top and twist the bowl anticlockwise until it locks in place.
Your wobbly board is ready! Place it in the middle where everyone can reach.
Important: Play MONOPOLY Free Parking on a hard surface.
Share the taxis equally between all players.
- 2 players = 10 taxis each
- 3 players = 6 taxis each, with 2 spare. Put the spares to one side.
- 4 players = 5 taxis each
Put your taxis in a pile in front of you. You're ready to play!
The player who makes the best car noise goes first. Play continues to the left.
Game Play
1. Roll the die - What did you roll?

Balance one of your taxis on the board, in that color zone.

Balance one of your taxis in any zone.

Take a taxi from each player. If you take their last taxi, they win the game. Place one of your taxis anywhere on the board.
Tips for Parking
Taxis can point in any direction.
Stack taxis on their sides, their roofs or on top of each other, if you want.
If you rolled a color, at least two of your taxi's wheels must be in that color zone.
If your taxi is not parked properly, take it off the board and try again.
2. Wait for the Wobble...
Your turn is not over until the board stops swaying! Did any taxis fall off the board?
- If they didn't, well done!
- If they did, those taxis are now yours. Pick them up and put them in your pile.
3. your Turn Is Over.
The player on your left now takes their turn.
End of the Game
Keep playing until one player gets rid of all their taxis by balancing them on the board. If the board stops wobbling and no taxis have fallen off, they are the winner!
Playing with Classic Monopoly
Spice up your MONOPOLY game by adding a Taxi Challenge!
Place a taxi on Free Parking. Place the wobbly board and 5 taxis on the table next to it. When you land on Free Parking, complete the Taxi Challenge! Balance all 5 taxis on the wobbly board and you win a free taxi ride to any space on the MONOPOLY track.
Roll the die. What did you roll?
Balance one of your = taxis on the board, in that color zone.
Balance one of your taxis in any zone.
You Lose!
If your taxi balances, roll again. If after 5 rolls you have 5 taxis on the board, you win! Move to any space on the track and take the action for that space (see your MONOPOLY rules).
Tip: Use your free taxi ride to sneak past expensive properties without paying rent!
If any taxis fall off, or you rolled the jailer, you lose! Leave your mover on Free Parking. Your turn is over.
Take the lid off the bowl, put everything inside it and then put the lid back on.
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