First Action
You decide your first action this turn will be to Draw cards. Your Draw Deck only contains one card, so you draw the last card, gather up all the cards from your Discard Area and shuffle them to create a new Draw Deck.
You then place the newly-shuffled Draw Deck face down beside your Discard Area and draw your second card.

Second Action

You decide your second action will be to Drill. You play three Pilot Cards to your discard area: one shows 1 Wild Drill Icon, another shows 2 Red Drill Icons and the last one shows 1 Red Drill Icon.
These 4 Drill icons will allow you to Drill a tunnel with a length of four spaces.
You take 2 two-length Tunnel Tiles and place them on the board in a straight line, connecting to a Tunnel Tile already on the board. Your new Tunnel Tile covers 1 Iron and 2 Gold spaces, allowing you to collect 1 Iron and 2 Gold Mineral Tiles. You must place these all on the same Pilot Stack, so you decide to place them all on the $10 Pilot Card on top of your yellow Pilot Stack.
The total value of all Mineral Tiles on your $10 yellow is now $12. Because the total value of all Minerals is greater than the Card's cost, a Card Buy will be triggered after this action.
Card Buy (triggered By Action 2)
You take your $10 Pilot Card from your Yellow Pilot Stack and return all the Mineral Tiles on it back into the supply. You place the Yellow Pilot Card into your Discard Area.
You notice that there is an "Additional Action" Buy Bonus Icon along the bottom edge of the card. This bonus allows you to take an additional action before the end of your turn.

Additional Action (triggered From Buying Card)
With your additional action, you decide to perform a Bomb Action. You spend a Bomb Token, returning it to the supply. You also discard a Red Pilot Card, featuring a square Bomb Pattern.
You take 2 two-length Tunnel Tiles and place them on the Game Board forming a square shape, connecting it to a Tunnel Tile already on the board.
Your new Tunnel Tiles cover 1 Artifact and 1 Platinum space, which allows you to take one of the face down Artifacts from the supply and place it face down in your Player Area. You also take a Platinum Mineral Tile and place it on the top-most card of your Blue Pilot Stack.
Two of the spaces you covered with Tunnel Tiles with this Bomb Action were rock spaces. You see that one of the 3 Minor Achievements currently available reads "Bomb at least 2 Rock spaces in one action". Because you just accomplished this goal during your turn, you take the Minor Achievement card and place it face down in your Player Area.
You immediately draw a new card from the deck of Minor Achievements beside the board, place it face up in place of the one you just claimed.
Your turn is now over.
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