Artifact List

Perform an Additional Action during your turn.

Draw 2 cards from your Draw Deck.

Take a Bomb Token from the supply and draw 1 card from your Draw Deck.

Take a Platinum Mineral Tile from the supply and place it on any of your Pilot Stacks.

Take a Gold Mineral Tile from the supply, place it on any of your Pilot Stacks and draw 1 card from your Draw Deck.

When you purchase a card from one of your Pilot Stacks, you may discard this to place the card directly into your hand instead of placing it in your Discard Area.

Has no function, but is worth 3 Victory Points at the end of the game.

Take a Mineral Tile from the supply that matches one already on any of your Pilot Stacks and add it to a Pilot Stack of your choice.
Drill Bonus List

You may attach the Drilled Tunnel Tiles corner-to-corner instead of edge-to-edge.

Draw 1 card from your Draw Deck.

Draw 2 cards from your Draw Deck.

Take a Bomb Token from the supply.

You may drill Rock Spaces during this Drill Action.

Mineral Tiles collected during this Drill Action do not have to be placed on the same Pilot Stack.

Select any face up Minor Achievement card in play, and place it face down on the bottom of the Minor Achievement deck. Draw a new Minor Achievement card to replace it immediately.
Buy Bonus List

This card goes directly into your hand, instead of your Discard Area.

Perform an Additional Action during your turn.

Draw 1 card from your Draw Deck.

Draw 2 cards from your Draw Deck.

Take a Bomb Token from the supply and place it in your play area.

Take a Mineral Tile from the supply that matches one already on any of your Pilot Stacks and add it to a Pilot Stack of your choice. You cannot duplicate a Mineral Tile that was used to purchase this card, nor can you place the duplicated Mineral Tile on the card beneath the card showing this Buy Bonus. If you have no minerals to duplicate, this bonus is wasted.
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