In Star Wars: Destiny, you and your opponent take control of your favorite Star Wars characters and battle each other for the fate of the galaxy.
During the game, characters use lightsabers, blasters, and more in the form of dice. These powerful heroes and villains fight until only one team is left standing.
Each player brings their own deck to the game. This starter set includes one deck that should be played against another starter. Both you and your opponent follow these steps to set up the game:
Find your character cards and place them in front of you, along with their dice. When using this starter, your characters are Kylo Ren and First Order Stormtrooper and you have 2 Kylo dice and 1 Stormtrooper die.
If your opponent has the Rey starter set, they will use Rey with 2 dice and Finn with 1 die. Set aside the rest of your dice for later.
Set your battlefield card (the Frozen Wastes) and your reference card aside faceup. Then shuffle your remaining 20 cards to form your deck. Draw 5 cards from your deck to form your hand.
If you do not like any of these cards, you may shuffle any number of them back into your deck, and then redraw until you have 5 cards in hand.
Sort the various game tokens (damage, shields, and resources) into piles near the play area. Then gain 2 resources and place them in front of you.
Roll your character dice and add up the values (the white numbers) rolled. If there is a tie, roll again. The player with the highest total chooses which battlefield to fight on.
The player whose battlefield is being used controls the battlefield and places it next to their deck. The player whose battlefield is not being used removes their battlefield from the game and gives 2 shields to their characters, distributed as they wish.
After rolling, place all character dice on their matching cards.
Example: In the image above, the Reg and Finn player rolled the highest total value
(3 compared to 2). They choose which battlefield to use during the game.
Game Terms
There are a few important game terms that appear on cards. After reading this section, you'll be ready to play your first game! You can find more game terms and frequently asked questions in the rules reference document on our website.
After... Use these abilities after something finishes occurring.
Before... Use these abilities immediately before something occurs.
Unblockable... Whenever damage is "unblockable" it cannot be blocked by shields (and thus does not remove any shields).
Unique... Unique cards have an asterisk next to their title. You cannot have more than one copy of a unique card in play at a time.
Remove... When a die is removed, it is returned to the character or support card it came from without being resolved. You can only remove dice that are in a player's dice pool.
Keywords are shorthand for abilities that appear on multiple cards. Follow these rules when using those cards:
Guardian: Before one of your characters with Guardian activates, you may deal it damage equal to the value of a die showing damage (X or <) in your opponent's pool. Then remove that die showing damage.
Redeploy: This keyword only appears on upgrades. After the attached character is defeated, you may immediately move this upgrade to any of your other characters. The upgrade die moves to the new character card, even if it was in your dice pool.
Ambush: After playing a card with Ambush, you may immediately take one additional action.
Some cards have subtypes listed above the card's ability, such as "Vehicle" or "Weapon". Subtypes have no inherent rules associated with them, but other cards (such as Finn) may reference them.

Game Play
In Star Wars: Destiny, you and your opponent alternate taking turns. The player who controls the battlefield takes the first turn. During your turn, you may take one action. Almost everything you can do in the game is an action, from playing cards to rolling dice.
The different actions are listed below and described in detail later:
- Play a card from your hand
- Activate a character or support
- Resolve your dice
- Discard a card to reroll your dice
- Use a card action
- Claim the battlefield
If you do not want to take an action, you may pass. When both players pass consecutively, there is an upkeep phase to prepare for the next game round.
Upkeep Phase
During the upkeep phase, you and your opponent do the following:
- Ready your exhausted cards. Return all dice in your dice pool to their matching cards.
- Gain 2 resources.
- Discard any number of cards from your hand. Then redraw until you have 5 cards in hand.
Then you alternate taking turns again, starting with the player who controls the battlefield. Continue taking turns and performing upkeep phases until a player has won the game!
Notes about cards
Ready and Exhausted
Cards can be either ready (upright) or exhausted (sideways).
Whenever a card is played, it begins ready. When an ability or rule requires you to exhaust a card, turn it sideways. A exhausted card cannot be exhausted again.
Ready Card
Exhausted Card
Colors and Spotting
Each card belongs to one of four colors, as seen on the card.
Red Card
- Blue: Blue represents the Force.
- Red: Red represents Command.
- Yellow: Yellow represents Rogue.
- Gray: Gray represents everything else.
To use some cards, you must spot a character of a specific color. This means that you must have at least one of those characters in play.
Resources & Costs
You must spend resources equal to the cost of a card in order to play it.
The cost is marked at the top left of each card. You gain two resources each upkeep phase and can gain additional resources by rolling the resource symbol on your dice.
1. Play a card from your hand
There are three types of cards you can play: events, upgrades, and supports. The card type is listed above the card's ability. To play a card, spend resources equal to its cost.

Playing an Event: Follow the card's instructions and then discard it to your discard pile. The discard pile is a faceup pile near your deck where you place your discarded cards.
Playing an Upgrade: Attach the card to one of your characters by placing it below that character. Upgrades have repeatable effects and stay in play. Most upgrades come with an extra die, and, like characters, have the six sides of their die referenced on the left side of the card.
When you play an upgrade that has a die, take the matching die from your set-aside dice and place it on the character.
A character cannot have more than three upgrades. When you play an upgrade, you can choose to replace an upgrade that is already attached to that character. To do so, you only spend resources equal to the difference in cost between the two upgrades. Discard the upgrade you are replacing.
Playing a Support: Place the card on the table in front of you, next to your characters (but not attached to them). Supports have repeatable effects and stay in play. Some supports also have a die that comes with them; take the matching die and place it on that card.
2. Activate a Character or Support
Activating a character or support is how you roll its dice. To activate a character or support, it must be ready. Exhaust that card and roll all of its dice. Put these dice in front of your characters.
These dice are now in your dice pool and can be used on a future turn (see "Resolve Your Dice" below).
Characters always roll their character dice and their upgrade dice when activated. Supports only roll their own die into the dice pool when activated.

3. Resolve your Dice
This action is how you use the dice in your dice pool. You may resolve any number of dice in your pool that have the same symbol, one at a time. After you resolve a die, it returns to the card that it came from.
Each die symbol has a different effect. These effects are described below. The side of a die usually has a value (the white number) above its symbol that tells you how powerful it is. For example, 2 X means you can deal 2 damage to a character, and 2 « means you can give a character 2 shields.
Modifiers and Resource Costs

Some dice have one or more blue sides with a plus (+) before the value. Sides with a plus can only be resolved at the same time as another die in your pool that shows the same symbol without a plus. While resolving, the plus value is added to the other die to create a new value.

Some die sides have a small resource icon () in a yellow box. To resolve the symbol on that side, you must first pay that many resources.
Damage, Shields and Defeated Characters
Damage from a die, or a die resolved with modifiers, must be dealt to a single character. When a character is dealt damage, track that damage using damage tokens. (Damage tokens come in quantities of 1 s and 3s).
![]() Health |
If the character has any shields, block 1 damage for each shield on the character. After a shield blocks damage, remove the shield token from the character.
When a character has damage on it equal to its health, it is defeated. Remove all of its dice from the game (both its character dice and its upgrades), discard all upgrades attached to it. and remove the character card from the game.
The character can no longer be activated, be the target of effects, or be spotted to play cards.
4. Discard a Card to reroll your Dice
Discard a card of your choice from your hand to reroll one or more dice in your pool. You must choose all the dice you want to reroll before rerolling.
5. Use a Card Action
Some support, upgrade, and character cards have special actions listed on them. These actions are preceded by the word "Action" in bold. To resolve this action, follow the card's instructions.
6. Claim the Battlefield
Only one player can claim the battlefield each round. When you claim the battlefield, you may immediately use its "Claim" ability. If you did not control it, take control of it by moving it next to your deck.
For the rest of this round, you automatically pass all of your future actions. Your opponent continues taking actions until they pass, but they cannot claim the battlefield this round.
Important: Passing
If you do not want to take an action, you may pass. You do nothing, but retain the option to take an action after your opponent. After both players pass consecutively, proceed to the upkeep phase.
End of the Game
There are two ways to win the game:
Defeat all of your opponent's characters.
If your opponent has no cards in their hand and deck at the end of a round (after the upkeep phase), they lose and you win. If both players would win this way, the player who controls the battlefield wins.
Although this starter deck provides a fun experience, the game becomes more exciting if you customize your deck using other cards and dice (sold separately).
Customizing allows you to choose your favorite characters, upgrades, events, supports, and battlefield. Then you can test this combination of dice and cards against any opponent!
When customizing, each player needs a team of characters, a 30-card deck, 1 battlefield, and all dice corresponding to the chosen cards.
Building your Team
You can choose up to 30 points of characters for your team. A character's point value is in the lower left corner of the card. To the right of this number is a box that reads "Hero" or "Villain".
You must select either all hero characters or all villain characters; you cannot mix the two.
You can have characters of the same color or different colors on your team.
You can select only one copy of each unique (♦) character, but any number of copies of non-unique characters. Non-unique characters always use one die. Unique characters have two different point values, separated by a backslash (/).
You may choose either the smaller point value to use one of that character's dice, or the larger value to use two of that character's dice.
Building Your Deck
The starter deck in this box has 20 cards, but a standard deck is exactly 30 cards. You can choose any cards to place in your deck with the following restrictions:
4 You cannot include more than two copies of the same card.
4 Each card is hero, villain, or neutral, as shown on the bottom of the card. If you selected hero characters, you cannot have villain cards in your deck, and vice versa. Neutral cards can be included in any deck.
4 Blue, Red, and Yellow cards can only be included if you have a character on your team of the matching color. Gray cards can be included in any deck.
4 Your deck can contain events, upgrades, and support cards. Character cards and battlefields cannot be placed in your deck and do not count toward your 30 card limit.
Selecting a Battlefield
In addition to characters and a deck, you select 1 battlefield. Each player brings a battlefield to the game, and one of the players' battlefields will be used for each game.
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