Here are a few common questions that a player might have while playing.
Q: Can I play with my friend if we are both using villain (or hero) decks?
A: Yes. You can play against anyone, regardless of what affiliation their deck is. You could even use the same characters they are using!
Q: When one of my characters is about to take damage, do I have to use their shields?
A: Yes, if able.
Q: If I play an upgrade on an exhausted character, can I immediately roll its die into my pool?
A: No. You must wait until the character readies again to roll the new die into your pool, along with the rest of the character's dice.
Q: Can I redeploy an upgrade to a character who already has the maximum number of upgrades?
A: Yes, but you would have to discard one of the character's upgrades to make room.
Q: What is the difference between ranged, melee, and indirect damage?
A: The only difference between ranged and melee damage is the cards that interact with them and that you cannot resolve them as part of the same action. Indirect damage differs in the same ways and, in addition, the opponent deals damage to their characters, distributed as they wish.
Q: Can I use the special ability on an exhausted card?
A: You can use the special ability on an exhausted card, provided the ability does not require you to exhaust the card in order to use it.

Q: Can I have more than five cards in my hand?
A: Yes. You can have more cards in your hand than your hand size. You would not draw more cards during the upkeep phase, though, if you have more cards in hand than your hand size after discarding.
Q: Can I discard a Gray upgrade to decrease the cost of a non-Gray upgrade, and vice versa?
A: Yes. You can discard an upgrade of any color to decrease the cost of another upgrade, regardless of its color.
Q: Do I have to resolve all of my dice of the same symbol at once?
A: No. You resolve only as many dice of one symbol as you wish while taking the Resolve Dice action.
Q: What happens if I play a support card that has "Action" listed on it?
You now have a new action that you can take. You do not resolve the action when you play the card.
Q: What happens if I want to play a copy of a unique card but my opponent has one in play?
A: Each player can have one copy of a unique card in play (though you can still have two in your deck). So you can play your copy, but once you have a copy of it in play, you cannot play another one.
Q: If I am using multiples of the same character, do I have to remember which dice came from which character?
A: Yes. Make sure that each character's dice are positioned in such a way that it is obvious which character they came from. If a character is defeated, its specific dice must be removed from the pool, if they are there.
Q: What happens if I replace an upgrade with another upgrade that costs fewer resources?
A: You play the new upgrade for free.
Q: Is a character die any die that the character has?
A: No. A character die is a die that corresponds to the character card. An upgrade is never a character die and is always called out by card text as an upgrade die.
Q: What is the difference between a turn and a round?
A: A turn is one player's action. A round consists of an action phase and an upkeep phase.

Q: Can I use the special ability on Crime Lord (
23) if I roll it into my pool with Ace in the Hole (
A: Yes. Because special abilities are inherent to the die, they can be used even if the card is not in play.
Q: Can Rey (
38) take an additional action if I claim the Imperial Armory (
169) with her?
A: No. You must pass all future actions once you claim the battlefield, including the additional action that Rey gives you.
Q: If I resolve Poe Dameron's (
29) special to use the special on Black One (
32), can I roll Black One's die into the pool even though it says "reroll"?
A: No. The Black One die is not actually in your pool, so you cannot reroll it.
Q: What happens when an after ability triggers off of a before ability, and there is another after ability in the queue?
A: After abilities enter a queue and wait their turn to resolve. If an after ability triggers during the resolution of any other ability, it will resolve after that ability and any other after ability already in the queue.
Q: Can I use Cunning (r65) to trigger discard an opponent's Thermal Detonator (
67) or Infantry Grenades (
A: Yes. You will deal the damage to an opponent's characters and then discard the Thermal Detonator or Infantry Grenades.
Q: Can I use Cunning (
65) to switch an opponent's Sith Holocron (
16) with a card in my hand?
A: No. You cannot have an opponent's card in your hand or deck. The end result is that the Sith Holocron has no effect.
Q: Can I ignore spending 5 resources to trigger the special ability on Crime Lord (
23) when I claim Rebel War Room (
A: No. The Rebel War Room only ignores the resource cost printed on a die.
Q: How does Cunning (
65) interact with an opponent's Black One (
A: When you use the special ability on Cunning, you resolve it as if the card with the special ability you are using is your own. However, you do not ever remove the Black One die from your pool so you cannot resolve the replacement effect to reroll it.
Q: Can I use Sith Holocron (
16) to switch an upgrade onto a Royal Guard (
A: Yes. Switching an upgrade onto a character is not the same as playing one.
Q: Can I exhaust or play a card that has an action that I cannot fully resolve in order to stall the round? Like a Backup Muscle (
99) with no damage on it or playing Noble Sacrifice (
118) when I have no Blue characters.
A: Yes. Playing a card from your hand, even if it has no effect, removes a card from your hand and does not count as doing nothing. The same applies to exhausting a card or rerolling a die to its same side.
Q: What happens to a character's dice that are still in the dice pool when they are readied again, like with Bala-Tik (
19) or Leadership (
141)? Are they removed? Are they rerolled when the character activates again?
A: If a character is readied, none of their dice are removed. If they activate again, then any dice that have been returned to the character are rolled in like normal, but nothing happens to their dice already in their pool.
Q: What happens if I use Obi-Wan Kenobi's before ability (
37) with a Rejuvenate (
132) or other healing effect? Does he remain in play since he no longer has damage on him equal to his health?
A: He does not remain in play. Obi-Wan Kenobi took damage equal to his health, and without a replacement effect there is no way to change this. Since a healing ability like Rejuvenate is not a replacement effect, Obi-Wan is set aside after the event he plays is resolved.
Q: If my opponent has a TIE Pilot (
4) die and several other dice showing ranged damage, what happens if I play Dodge (
A: Since Dodge removes all of the dice at the same time, only the TIE Pilot die is removed. Though if there are two different TIE Pilot dice in their pool, then all of their dice are protected from Dodge.
Q: Can I roll in a Blackmail (
23) die and resolve it with Fast Hands (
150) before an opponent can give me a resource to remove it?
A: Yes. The abilities are simultaneous so you can choose to resolve either one in order of your choice.
Q: I play a Z6 Riot Control Baton (
8) on FN-2199 (
2) and roll it into my pool. I roll a blank and then reroll it. Can I still resolve it per FN-2199's ability?
A: You are not able to resolve it after rerolling. While resolving FN-2199's ability, the "after" ability on the Z6 Riot Control Baton is added to the queue. But FN-2199's ability must fully resolve before anything waiting in the queue can.
If you choose to resolve the Baton die, its "after" ability would do nothing since the die is no longer in your pool. You can either resolve it or reroll it, not both.
Q: If I use Obi-Wan Kenobi's (
37) ability to play a Noble Sacrifice (r118) from my discard pile before he is defeated, what happens? Can I play a second copy of Noble Sacrifice, and then another card off of the second Noble Sacrifice?
A: You can play a second copy of Noble Sacrifice. However, only one Noble Sacrifice has an effect. Before Obi-Wan Kenobi is defeated, you can trigger his ability to play a Noble Sacrifice.
Then, before he is defeated from that Noble Sacrifice, you can play another copy of it since "Before" effects interrupt the game. Repeat this to then play any other Blue card you want from your discard pile or hand.
Then the second Noble Sacrifice resolves, and Obi-Wan is defeated and you can choose and exhaust a character. However, the next Noble Sacrifice that resolves does nothing, since you can no longer defeat Obi-Wan; he is already defeated.
Q: Can I gain the resource from Outer Rim Smuggler (
46) when I play Smuggling (r134) to discard the last card from my hand?
A: No. The last card was not played from your hand, but discarded.
Q: Can I deal 2 damage from Palpatine's (
11) ability if I resolve one of his dice with Anger (
A: No. Palpatine's ability only works when the controller of Palpatine resolves one of his dice, not an opponent.
Q: If I use my action to claim Docking Bay (
153), and I use it to play Outmaneuver (
149), do I get the resource from Outmanuever?
A: No, you do not get the resource. The card was not in play when you claimed the battlefield, so its ability did not enter the queue.
Q: Can I discard a unique upgrade in play to play and lower the cost of another copy?
A: No. You cannot play a unique upgrade if you have another copy of it in play.
Q: If I resolve the special ability on Ascension Gun (
59) to use the claim ability on Main Plaza, can I move damage from it or onto it?
A: Yes, Ascension Gun allows you to move damage from it or onto it.
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