Mini-Game #1: The Towering Inferno

Shuffle the cards, place one face down in front of each player and make a draw pile with the remaining cards, which will be placed face-up in the middle of the table.
Object of the game
Be the player who has gained the most cards from the draw pile when the game ends.
Game play

On go, the players flip their card face-up.
Each player must be the fastest at spotting the identical symbol between his or her card and the first card of the draw pile.
The first player to find the symbol names it, takes the card from the draw pile and places it in front of him or her, on top of his or her card. By taking this card, a new card is revealed.
The game continues until all the cards from the draw pile have been drawn.
End of the game
The game stops once all the cards in the draw pile have been gained. The winner is the player who has gained the most cards.
Mini-Game #2: The Well

Deal all the cards, one at a time, to all players, starting with the player who won the last mini-game.
Place the last card in the middle of the table, face-up.
Each player shuffles his or her cards and makes a draw pile placed before him or her, face down.
Object of the game
Be the fastest to get rid of all your cards - make sure you're not the last!
Game play

On go, the players flip their draw pile face-up.
Players must be faster than the others to discard the cards from their draw pile by placing them on the card in the middle. To do that, they have to name the identical symbol between the top card of their draw pile and the card in the middle.
As the middle card changes as soon as a player places one of his or her cards on top of it, players must be quick.
End of the game
The last player to get rid of his or her cards loses the game.
Mini-Game #3: The Hot Potato

On each round, give each player a card he or she will keep hidden in their hand without looking at it. Set the remaining cards aside, they will be used for the subsequent rounds.
Object of the game
Be faster than the other players to get rid of your card.
Game play

On go the players reveal their cards while making sure that all the symbols are clearly visible (the best way is to hold the card in your open hand, like in the image).
As soon as a player finds the identical symbol between his card and an opponent's card, the player names it and places his or her card on the opponent's card.
That opponent must now find the identical symbol between this new card and those of the remaining players. If that player manages to do so, all of his or her cards are given at once.
End of the game
The last player, who ends up with all the cards, loses the round and places them on the table near himself or herself.
The players start as many new rounds as they want (minimum of 5).
When there are no more cards to hand out, the mini-game stops and the losing player is whoever has gained the most cards.
Mini-Game #4: Gotta catch them all
On each round, place a face-up card in the middle of the table and place around that card as many face-down cards as there are players. Set the remaining cards aside, they'll be used for the subsequent rounds.
Object of the game
Get more cards faster than the other players.
Game play
On go, each player flips (at the same time) one of the cards around the middle card. The players must find the identical symbol between the middle card and the cards which have just been revealed.
As soon as a player finds an identical symbol, he or she names it, gains the card in question and sets it aside (be careful: you must never take the middle card).
End of the game
As soon as all the revealed cards have been taken, the players place the middle card at the bottom of the draw pile and start a new round.
The players keep the cards gained. When there are no longer any cards to be drawn, the mini-game stops and the winner is whoever gained the most cards.
Mini-Game #5: The poisoned gift

Shuffle the cards, place one face-down in front of each player and make a draw pile with the remaining cards, which will be placed face-up in the middle of the table.
Object of the game
Be the player who has gained the fewest cards from the draw pile when the game ends.
Game play

On go, the players flip their card face-up. Each player must spot the identical symbol between the card of any other player and the card from the draw pile.
The first player to find an identical symbol names it, draws the middle card and places it on top of the concerned player's card. By taking this card, a new card is revealed.
The mini-game continues until all the cards from the draw pile have been gained.
End of the game
The mini-game ends as soon as all the cards from the draw pile have been gained. The winner is the player with the fewest cards.
Mini-Game #6: Triplet

Place all the cards facedown in a pile.
Object of the game
Collect the most cards.
Game play

One player takes the !rst 9 cards and places them faceup on the table.
Then, at the same time, all players try to find a matching symbol on any 3 cards.
The same symbol must be present on all 3 cards to make a matching set.
As soon as you find the matching symbol, call it out (example: "Sun!" ), take the 3 cards you've won, and reload with 3 new cards.
End of the game
When there are fewer than 9 cards left in the game and no more sets of matching cards, the game ends and the player with the most cards wins.
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