Spot it Jr.! is a card game consisting of 31 cards, each decorated with 6 animals of different sizes.
There are more than 30 different animals in all. One-and only one-animal match exists between any two cards. Get ready to Spot it!
Before you start playing...
If you've never played Spot it! before, familiarize yourselves by drawing two cards at random and placing them face-up on the table so that everyone can see.
Find the matching animals between these two cards (same shape, same color; only the size may be different). The first player to spot the matching animal must call out its name and draw two new cards, placing them on the table.
Repeat these steps until all the players clearly understand that there is always one-and only one- matching symbol between any two cards.
That's it. Now you're ready to play Spot it!
Object of the Game
No matter which mini-game you're playing, the goal is always to be the fastest player to spot the matching animal between two cards and call it out.
Then, depending on the specific mini-game, you will either place the card on a pile or discard it.

The Mini Party Games
Spot it! is a series of fast, challenging mini party games in which all players play simultaneously. You can play them in any order, or only play your favorites.
The bottom line is to have fun! It can be helpful to first play a few practice rounds to make sure everyone understands the rules.
The player who wins the most mini-games is the champion.
End of the Game
The first player to call out the name of the animal wins.
In the case of a tie, the first player to take, place, or discard the card wins.
Tied for first?
If 2 players are tied for first at the end of the game, settle the win with a duel. Each player draws one card and flips it face-up at the same time.
The first player to spot the animal match between the cards and call it out wins the duel. If more than 2 players are tied, play one round of "Hot Potato" to determine the winner.
Examples of symbols
Game #1 - Twins
Ages 4 And Up
Place all the cards face-down in a pile.
Object of the game
To collect the most cards.
Game Play
One player takes the first 2 cards from the pile and places them, at once, face-up on the table.
Then, at the same time, all players try to find the animal match on both cards.
As soon as you find the animal match, call it out (example: "Fish!") and take the 2 cards you've won. Reload 2 new cards from the pile.
End of the Game
When there are fewer than 2 cards in the pile, the game ends and the player with the most cards wins.
Game #2 - The Tower
Ages 4 And Up
Shuffle the cards and deal one card face-down to each player. Place the remaining cards face-up in the middle of the table to form the draw pile.
Object of the game
To collect the most cards.
Game Play
At the same time, players flip over their cards. They try to spot the one animal that appears both on the center card and on their own card.
If you are the first player to do so call it out (example. "Fish!"). Then take the center card and place it face-up on top of your flipped card, building a personal pile. Now use the new top card on your personal pile to find a match with the center card. Repeat this process each time a new center card is revealed.
Play continues until no cards remain in the draw pile.
End of the Game
The player with the most cards wins.
Game #3 - The Well
Ages 4 And Up
Place one card face-up in the middle of the table. Shuffle and deal the remaining cards face-down to all the players.
These cards form their personal draw piles.
Object of the game
To be the first player to get rid of all your cards.
Game Play
At the same time, players flip their entire draw piles over so they are face-up.
If you are the first player to spot the animal that appears both on your top card and on the center card, call it out (example. "Hippopotamus!") and place your card on top of the center card. It becomes the new center card which players use to try to find a match.
Use the new card revealed on your personal pile to find a match with the center card. Play continues until one player runs out of cards.
End of the Game
The first player to run out of cards wins the game.
Game #4 - Hot Potato
Ages 6 And Up. (played in multiple rounds)
Shuffle the cards and deal one card face-down to each player. Set aside the remaining cards to be used later. Decide how many rounds you wish to play (five minimum).
Object of the game
To have the least amount of cards after all the rounds have been played. This is accomplished by getting rid of your cards during each round.
Game Play
At the same time, players turn over the card in their hands. The card must be held flat in the palm of a steady hand.
If you spot an animal match between your , card and another player's card, call it out (example: "Shark!"). Place your card face-up on top of the other player's card.
If you have two or more cards in your f hand, look only at your top card for a match. When you spot it, give all your cards to the player who has the matching card.
Repeat play in this manner until one player has all the cards. That player loses the round and creates a personal discard pile with those cards. A new round starts.
End of the Game
At the end of the final round, the player with the least amount of cards wins the game.
Game #5 - Triplet
Ages 6 And Up
Place all the cards face-down in a pile.
Object of the game
To collect the most cards.
Game Play
One player takes the first 9 cards and places them face-up on the table (as shown below).
Then, at the same time, all players try to find an animal match on any 3 cards.
The same animal must be present on all 3 cards to make a matching set.
As soon as you find the animal match, call it out (example: "Bear!"), take the 3 cards you've won, and reload with 3 new cards.
End of the Game
When there are fewer than 9 cards left in the game and no more sets of matching cards, the game ends and the player with the most cards wins.
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