First Column (Childhood)
Tool - Lose 1 Food (Fruit or Meat) to gain 1 Tool.
Pick Fruit - Gain 1 Fruit
Play - Lose 1 Meat to gain 2 Victory Points.
Fishing - Gain 1 Meat
Carrion - Lose 1 Food (Fruit or Meat) to gain 1 Hide.
Second Column (Post-Adolescence)
Hides - Lose 1 Meat, 1 Tool, and 2 Hides to gain 10 Victory Points.
Fishing - If you have at least 2 Tools, Gain 3 Meat. (You do not lose the Tools).
Hunt - Gain 2 Meat.
Study - Lose 1 Hide, then select the top Progress card from one of the available stacks and lose the amount of resources shown on it (if any), and gain that Progress card.
You must be able to pay both the initial Hide cost and the additional cost printed on the Progress card in order to perform this action. You may not select a Progress card you have already acquired.
Gather - Gain 3 Fruit
Barter - Lose up to to 5 resources of your choice (any combination of Fruit, Meat, Tools, and Hides) to gain the same total amount of resources of your choice in any combination.
For example, you could choose to lose 1 Meat and 3 Fruit in order to gain 2 Hides and 2 Tools.
Hunt - Lose 1 Tool to gain 2 Meat and 1 Hide.
Newborn - Lose 1 Food (Meat or Fruit) to move 1 of your Clan meeples from your Inventory mat to the first Ready Area on the Game board.
You may not perform this action if you currently have 3 Clan meeples in the first Ready Area.
Gather - Gain an amount of Fruit equal to the number of your Clan meeples currently on the Game board, minus 2.
For example, if you have 6 Clan meeples on the Game board, you would gain 4 Fruit from performing this action (6 minus
Third Column (Adulthood)
Study - Select the top Progress card from one of the available stacks and lose the amount of resources shown on it (if any), and gain that Progress card.
You must be able to pay the additional cost printed on the Progress card in order to perform this action. You may not select a Progress card you have already acquired.
Tool - Lose 1 Food (Fruit or Meat) to gain 3 Tools.
Fishing - If you have at least 3 Tools, gain 4 Meat. (You do not lose the Tools).
Dance - Gain an amount of Victory Points equal to the number of your Clan meeples currently on the game board, minus 2.
For example, if you had 5 Clan meeples on the Game board, you would gain 3 Victory Points.
If you had only 1 Clan meeple, you would lose 1 Victory Point (1 minus 2 is negative 1). It is ok to dance by yourself, civilization is different now than it was back then.
Hunt - Lose 1 Tool to gain 2 Meat and 2 Hides.
Trap - If you have at least 1 Tool and at least 1 Fruit, Gain 3 Meat. (You do not lose Tools or Fruit from this).
Tool - Lose 1 Food (Fruit or Meat) to gain 2 Tools and 1 Victory Point.
Barter - Lose up to to 6 resources of your choice (any combination of Fruit, Meat, Tools, and Hides) to gain the same total amount of resources of your choice in any combination.
For example, you could choose to lose 3 Tools and 3 Fruit in order to gain 4 Hides and 2 Meat.
Newborn - Move 1 of your Clan meeples from your Inventory mat to the first Ready Area on the Game board. You may not perform this action if you currently have 3 Clan meeples in the first Ready Area.
Hunt - Lose 1 Tool to gain 3 Meat and 1 Hide.
Beast - Lose 2 Tools to gain 2 Hides and 4 Victory Points.
Fourth Column (Elders)
Shaman - Lose 1 Meat and 1 Tool to gain 5 Victory Points.
Hides - Lose 1 Food (Fruit or Meat) and 1 Hide to gain 5 Victory Points
Final Excursion - Move your Clan meeple which is performing this action back to your Inventory mat to Gain 2 Meat and 3 Victory Points.
Impart Wisdom - Move your Clan meeple which is performing this action back to your Inventory mat to gain an amount of Victory Points equal to the number of your Clan meeples currently on the game board.
Gather - Gain 3 Fruit
Study - Lose 1 Food (Fruit or Meat) and 1 Tool, then select the top Progress card from one of the available stacks and lose the amount of resources shown on it (if any), and gain that Progress card.
You must be able to pay both the initial Food and Tool cost and the additional cost printed on the Progress card in order to perform this action. You may not select a Progress card you have already acquired.
Explore- Move your Clan meeple which is performing this action back to your Inventory mat.
Then lose up to 7 resources of your choice (any combination of Fruit, Meat, Hides, or Tools) to gain 2 Victory Points for each of those resources you lost.
For example, if you chose to lose 4 total resources, you would gain 8 Victory Points.
Burial - Move your Clan meeple which is performing this action back to your Inventory mat, then lose 1 Hide to gain 7 Victory Points.
Gather - Gain an amount of Fruit equal to the number of your Clan meeples currently on the Game board, minus 2.
For example, if you have 4 Clan meeples on the Game board, you would gain 2 Fruit from performing this action (4 minus 2 equals 2).
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