- 5 Inventory Mats
- 40 clan meeples
- 1 game board
- 19 Action Tiles
- 8 Art Cards
- 4 Art Tracking Cubes
- 44 Progress Cards
- 20 Resource Markers
- 84 Victory Point Tokens
- 5 Setup Cards
Object of the Game
You are the driving spirit behind an early nomadic human tribe. You will watch them accomplish great things as they grow up and travel across the land. Guide them well and they will thrive, grow in number, and produce artwork.
Guide them poorly and they will take too long learning how to do simple tasks, and their options will be more limited. The player who manages their tribe best, wins!
Place inventory mat face-up in front of each player. Return any leftover to the box, they will not be used this game.
Place 8 clan meeples in a single color on each Inventory mat. Return any leftover to the box.
Place the game board in the center of the table, within easy reach of all players. The board depicts terraced columns of action spaces. Each terrace/column represents a stage of life for your Clan meeples.
The first (highest) one is childhood, the second is post-adolescence, the third is adulthood and the last are your Clan elders.

Place the action tiles on the board spaces which match their outline and background. Each tile goes on a specific space. Some tiles have a different front and back, select which one will be face-up at random
Shuffle the 8 art cards in a face-down deck and deal 4 face-up along the bottom of the board, inside the slots with the symbol. Place the remaining deck nearby.

Place one of the Art Tracking Cubes in the square space in the first line of each of the face-up Art cards.

Separate the Progress Cards by name.
Pull out any cards with a player count indicator on the back that exceeds the number of players playing the game, and return those to the box.
Stack each name group with the lowest-costed card on top, the next highest below that, and so on until the most expensive card is on the bottom.
Randomly select 5 of the stacks to place along the top of the board, inside the slots with the symbol. Return any leftover to the box, only 5 stacks get used in any given game.
Place one of the resource markers on the zero space of the matching track on each player's Inventory mat. Return any leftover to the box. When you gain or lose resources during the game, adjust the markers accordingly to show how much you have of each.
During the game, a indicates you may choose either Fruit or Meat. A
icon means you may choose any resource. You can never have more than 8 of any single resource, if you gain more than you can have, any excess is lost.

Place the Victory Point Tokens in a pile as a general supply. When you gain Victory Points, take Victory Point tokens from the general supply with an appropriate total value.
If you lose Victory Points, discard the appropriate amount of your Victory Point tokens back to the general supply. Make change as needed, there is not intended to be a limit on these.
The total value of the Victory Point tokens you have is not public knowledge, you may keep tokens you have acquired face-down in front of you to hide this information from other players.

Shuffle the setup cards and deal a number of them to the center of the table equal to the number of players in the game. Return any leftover to the box.
The player who most recently handled a club will be the Starting Player for the game. Beginning with the player to the right of the Starting Player, and proceeding counter-clockwise, each player will take four setup turns.
On your turn, either:
Choose a Setup card, gaining the resources shown by adjusting the Resource markers on your Inventory mat, and discarding the card back to the box. You may not select this option if you have already chosen a Setup card.
Place one of your Clan meeples on the Ready Area in one of the first three columns of the board. You may not select this option if you already have 3 Clan meeples on the board.
You may only have one meeple in each column.
When placing in the 2nd or 3rd column, you must place on a Ready Area that has no other Clan meeple(s) on it, if possible. Otherwise, you must place in one of the Ready Areas with the fewest Clan meeple(s) in that column.
If there is a tie for fewest Clan meeples, you may choose among the tied spots.
After 4 turns, once every player has gained the resources from one Setup card and placed 1 of their Clan meeples in each of the first 3 columns on the Game board, you are ready to begin!
Game Play
Players will take turns choosing to either perform an action or rest. When you perform an action, move one of your Clan meeples from a Ready Area forward along a line to an Action tile, bump any opposing Clan meeples off that tile into the next Ready Area, and then perform the action shown on the tile.
When you rest, move all of your Clan meeples that are on Action tiles into the next Ready Area, and "Spoil" your food resources by reducing them to the max levels shown on your Inventory mat.
At the end of your turn, if you have 60 VP tokens or more, the game ends immediately. Players score bonus points for their resources, meeples, and Progress tiles, then the player with the most points wins!
Players will take turns, beginning with the Start Player and proceeding clockwise around the table.
On your turn, you must either perform an action OR rest.
To perform an action, do the following (in order)
Select one of your Clan meeples that is in a Ready Area.
Move the Clan meeple forward (following the arrows) along a line to one of the connected Action tiles that does not have one of your other Clan meeples on it.
Lines may connect up or branch, you may take any of those connections or branches as long as you are moving forward to an action tile that an arrow is pointing at.
If you crossed a newborn
icon and you have 0, 1, or 2 Clan meeples in the first Ready Area on the board, immediately take a Clan meeple from your Inventory mat and put it in the first Ready Area. You may never have more than 8 Clan meeples on the board at one time.
If you crossed an art
icon and you have the resources shown in the same line as an Art Tracking cube on any of the Art cards, you may Create Art by losing the resources shown on that card and immediately gaining the indicated value of Victory Point tokens from the general supply.
If you gained Victory Points this way, slide the Art Tracking cube down to the next line. If this was the last line on the card, the cube slides off the card entirely.
Place the Art card on the bottom of the deck and draw a new one to replace it, putting the Art Tracking cube in the space on the first line of the card. You may only create one piece of art at a time.
If another player had a Clan meeple on the Action tile you moved to, move that Clan meeple forward to the Ready Area in the next column.
If you are able to, Perform the action on the tile you just moved to. You may not choose to forgo the action if you are able to perform it. Lose the resources, points, and Clan meeples indicated, then gain the benefits shown.
If you cannot lose everything that it instructs you to lose, then you cannot perform the action.
Some actions do not require you to lose anything in order to gain something, or may require you merely to have a certain amount of something but not lose it. There is a reference for all of the Action tiles at the end of the rules.
If there is an art icon
you may Create Art by following the same rules described previously - lose the resources shown on an Art card next to an Art Tracking cube, gain the Victory Points shown, and advance the Art Tracking cube.
If there is a newborn
icon and there are fewer than 3 of your Clan meeples in the first Ready Area on the board, you may move one of your Clan meeples from your Inventory mat to the first Ready Area. You may not do this if all 8 of your meeples are already on the board.
If there is a progress icon
you may select a Progress card you have not previously acquired from the top of one of the stacks of Progress cards. Pay the resources shown (if any) and place the card in one of the slots on your Inventory mat.
If it is a "Cooking", "Religion", or "Storytelling" Progress card, it must be placed directly on top of the corresponding pre-printed space on your Inventory mat, it overrides what is printed there.
Otherwise it may be placed in one of the three slots alongside your mat OR on top of one of your existing Progress cards to override it.
At most you may have 6 Progress cards active (including the three you start with that are pre-printed on your Inventory mat). A description of all the Progress cards is at the end of the rules.
To Rest, do the Following (in Order)
Move all of your Clan meeples that are on Action tiles into the Ready Area in the next column (moving down one terrace).
Any of your Clan meeples that are past the last "elder" terrace (and are now along the shore) proceed to the next great adventure, and are moved off the board and back to your Inventory mat.
You may choose to Cook Food or Expand Your Tribe.
If you Cook Food, you may lose the food shown on the "Cooking" Progress card or pre-printed on your Inventory mat to gain the Victory Points indicated. You may make lose either Fruit or Meat, and you may only make the exchange once per rest.
If you Expand Your Tribe, lose ALL your Fruit and Meat AND 3 Victory Points. Move one of your Clan meeples from your Inventory mat to the first Ready Area on the board. You may only do this if you have at least 3 Victory Points to give up, and only if there are 2 or fewer of your Clan meeples in the first Ready Area already.
Spoil food - If you have more than 3 Meat, lose Meat until you only have 3. If you have more than 6 Fruit, lose Fruit until you only have 6.
At the end of your turn, if you have 60 or more value in Victory Point tokens, you must reveal them all.
The game ends immediately, proceed to final scoring. Otherwise, the turn is passed to the next player clockwise around the table.

Final Scoring
Everyone gains victory points as follows:
2 Victory Points for each Progress CARD you acquired during the game (this does not count those pre-printed on your Inventory mats). If you acquired the Storytelling Progress card, you gain 3 Victory Points for each Progress card you acquired instead.
1 Victory Point for each of your Clan meeples that is currently on the Game board. If you acquired the Storytelling Progress card, you instead gain 2 Victory Points for each of your Clan meeples on the Game board.
1 Victory Point for every two Fruit and/or Meat you have at the end of the game, and 2 Victory Points for every 2 Tools and/or Hides you have at the end of the game. For example, if you had 1 Fruit and 3 Meat, you would Score 2 Victory Points for your leftover food.
If you acquired the Religion Progress card, instead gain 2 Victory Points for every 2 Fruit/Meat, and 4 Victory Points for every Tool/Hide you have.
End of the Game
The player with the most victory points, wins! If there is a tie, the tied player with the most Clan meeples on the board wins.
If there is still a tie, the tied player who can put their 8 Clan meeples in a single, unsupported stack first, wins.
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