The Yugai are a powerful race intent on galactic conquest. As they conquer planet after planet, they displace the indigenous races of those planets to refugee worlds. These refugee worlds barely contain the resources to sustain life.
The unfortunate people that find themselves on one of these planets are packed into the Yugai controlled cities, where living conditions are poor but their chance of survival is best. Desperate gangs of refugees have begun to form.
Each of these gangs claims a greater vision and motivation, but mostly they are willing to do whatever it takes to ensure their own survival. In City of Remnants, you will lead one of these gangs. To claim victory, you will need to become the most renowned gang leader.

- 1 Game Board
- 4 Player Mats
- 53 Development Tiles
- 18 Development Draft Cards
- 40 Gang Leader Starter Cards
- 31 Gang Member Unit Cards
- 30 Black Market Cards
- 20 YCU Coordinate Cards
- 1 YCU Alert Reference Card
- 1 Cloth YCU Token Bag
- 20 YCU Tokens
- 37 Renown Tokens
- 54 Product Tokens
- 91 ARC Tokens
- 4 Turn Tracker Tokens
- 4 Influence Tracker Tokens
- 64 Plastic Figures
- 10 Battle Dice
- 1 Six-Sided Die
- 1 First Player Token
- Rulebook
To set pp a game of City of Remnants, follow these steps:
Place the game board in the center of the platy area.
Separate the 4 sets of gang leader starter cards. There are 10 of each type, marked with the name of the gang leader they belong to.
Have each player do the following:
Choose a gang leader by selecting its deck of 10 starter cards. Shuffle the starter cards to form a draw pile, and draw 4 cards from the top of the pile.
(Players may either randomly choose gang leaders or roll the 6-sided die to determine which player picks first. Continue clockwise around the table.Collect the player mat that matches your gang leader's color and place it in front of you. Place a turn tracker token on the 0 space of your turn track and an influence tracker token on the 4 space of your influence track.
Collect the figures that match your gang leader's color and place 7 of them in the gang member pool on your player mat.
Each player chooses a different side of the board. The space in the center of their side of the board with white crosshairs is their gang's entry space for the game.
Shuffle the rest of the gang member cards (the unit cards that are not gang leader starter cards) and create a face- down gang member deck. Turn the first 4 cards from that deck face-up.
Shuffle the black market cards and create a face-down black market deck. Turn the first 4 cards from this deck face-up.
Separate the 18 development draft cards into their 3 different types (red Slum level developments, blue Midtown level developments, and green Heights level developments).
Randomly select 3 cards of each type, reveal them, and lay out all of the development tiles that match those 9 cards. (Note that there are multiple copies of some developments.
When a development is chosen, put out all of the available copies of that development tile). These developments are the developments that can be built during this game.
Create a pile of ARC tokens within reach of all players. Give each player 2,000 ARCs to start the game.
Create a pile of product tokens within reach of all players.
Create a pile of exactly 200 renown tokens within reach of all players.
Shuffle the YCU coordinate cards and create a facedown YCU coordinate deck. Place the YCU alert reference card next to the YCU coordinate deck for easy reference.
Place all of the YCU tokens in the provided cloth bag and shuffle them.
Everyone rolls the 6-sided die. The player with the highest roll receives the first player token and the game begins. In case of a tie, have all players with the highest roll reroll.

Note: Each side of the board has an outer space with a white crosshair on it. These spaces are the player's entry spaces. Each player will claim a different player entry space at the start of the game.
Game Play
A game of City of Remnants takes place over several rounds. Each round is divided into 4 phases that must be completed in order.
Round Phases:
- Reset
- Player Turns
- Yugai Patrol
- Award Renown

Reset Phase
During the reset phase, all players may discard as many cards from their hand as they like into their discard pile. Players then shuffle their discard pile and place it face- down under their draw pile.
Finally, players draw enough cards from their draw pile so that they have a number of cards in their hand equal to their influence. (Players can refer to their influence track on their player mat to see what their current influence is. All players start with 4 influence).
The player with the first player token passes the token to the player on his left. Each player receives 2,000 ARCs. Discard all remaining face-up black market cards and draw 4 more, placing them face-up.
Discard all remaining face-up gang member cards and draw 4 more, placing them face-up. (Skip the Reset Phase on the first turn of the game).
Player Turns Phase
Starting with the first player and moving clockwise around the table, each player will take a turn. Play continues around the table until each player has taken 4 turns.
If it is a player's turn and his turn track is already on turn 4 (because he recruited gang members outside of his turn) skip that player and move to the next player that still has turns remaining.
During a player's turn, he must select 1 action to perform on that turn. (Each player has a list of possible actions printed on his player mat for easy reference). Players can also play cards from their hand during their turn. A player may play a card any time during his turn.
After a player has finished taking his turn, he advances his turn tracker token 1 space on his turn track. Once all players' turn trackers are on the 4 space of the turn track, the player turns phase is over.

Playing Cards
A player may play 1 or more cards from his hand during his turn to trigger their special abilities. After playing a card, discard it. Cards with the word 'Battle' in their special ability only trigger when played into a battle.
Special abilities that do not have the word 'Battle' in their text do NOT trigger when revealed in battle.
Yugai Patrol Phase
At the start of the Yugai patrol phase, if there are any YCU (Yugai Control Unit) tokens on the board, return them to the cloth bag and shuffle them. The first player then draws and reveals 2 YCU coordinate cards.
Next, he randomly draws YCU tokens from the cloth bag 1 at a time, placing 1 YCU token on each of the coordinates listed on the revealed YCU coordinate cards.
After all the YCU tokens are placed, if one or more of those tokens was placed on a space or spaces occupied by a player's figures, that player must immediately battle those YCU.

A player may battle YCU in any order he chooses. If more than one player has to battle YCU, the player that is currently highest on the turn order (starting with the first player and moving clockwise around the table) will conduct all of his YCU battles first before moving to the next player.
All YCU battles must be resolved before moving on to the next phase. Any YCU tokens that aren't defeated during this phase remain on the board:
Until they are defeated, or
Until the beginning of the next Yugai Patrol Phase.
Award Renown Phase

During this phase, players collect renown tokens for the spaces and developments they control that offer renown awards. The game starts with 200 renown worth of renown tokens in a pile.
If a player would ever gain renown during the award renown phase and there are not enough renown tokens left to claim, that player counts up the renown he would have received and adds it to his current total.
That is his total renown score for the game. The game is over at the end of a round in which there are not enough tokens for players to claim in the renown phase.
There are 6 different actions available to players.
- Recruit
- Buy
- Produce >>> Develop
- Sell
- Refresh
- Move
A. Recruit Action

To perform a recruit action, a player selects one of the face-up gang member cards (located next to the gang member deck) and declares his intent to recruit that gang member.
Starting with the player to his left and moving clockwise around the table, each other player who still has at least 1 turn left in this round may bid on that gang member. The first player to bid announces the number of ARCs that he is willing to pay for that gang member.
The next player may then choose to raise that bid by any amount or pass. A player who passes drops out of the bidding. Continue moving around the table until all but one of the players have passed.
The remaining player pays his bid and recruits the gang member. If a player recruits a gang member outside of his turn, that player advances his turn tracker 1 space on his turn track. If no player bids against the player that declared his intent to recruit, that player recruits the gang member for free.
If the player who declared his intent to recruit is outbid, it is still that player's turn. That player selects a different gang member to attempt to recruit. He continues to do this until he has successfully recruited a gang member.
Once a gang member has been recruited, the player adds its unit card to his hand and places 1 figure in his gang member pool.
If there are no gang member cards face- up when a player announces a recruit action, that player must reveal the top card of the gang member deck and attempt to recruit that card.
B. Buy Action
To perform a buy action, a player chooses 1 black market card from among the 4 face-up black market cards next to the black market deck. He pays that card's ARC cost and adds it to his hand. If there are no face-up black market cards, a player cannot buy a black market card.
Additionally, during a buy action, a player may buy renown tokens at a cost of 3,000 ARCs each. A player may buy a number of renown up to his influence value during each buy action that he performs.
C. Produce >>> Develop Action
Some developments have a special ability that takes place when a player performs a produce >>> develop action. When a player performs a produce >>> develop action, he can carry out the effects of each development he controls that has this type of special ability.
That player may then build a new development by paying the ARC cost listed on that development and placing it on the board. He cannot place a development on one or more spaces that already contain a development. He must place a development on spaces that match that development's level restriction.
He can place a development on a space that contains figures; simply move those figures on top of that development.
D. Sell Action
When performing a sell action, a player may sell (discard) product tokens that are on developments he controls to gain ARCs. During a sell action, a player may only sell a number of products equal to his influence.
The development tiles that have products on them detail how many ARCs are gained from selling those products.
E. Refresh Action
A refresh action allows a player to refresh his cards, just as he does during the reset phase of every round. To perform a refresh action, a player may discard as many cards from his hand as he likes into his discard pile.
He then shuffles his discard pile and place it face-down under his draw pile. Finally, he draws enough cards from his draw pile so that he has a number of cards in his hand equal to his influence.
F. Move Action
During a move action, a player may move a number of his figures equal to his influence. Each figure may move up to 3 spaces. (Example: If your influence is 4, you may move up to 4 figures up to 3 spaces each.
Players must complete a figure's movement before moving the next figure. A figure cannot end its move on a space that already contains 2 figures that player controls. A figure cannot move diagonally.
Moving Figures onto the Gameboard
When choosing which figures to move during a move action, a player may move a figure:
- from a space on the board to an- other (legal) space, or
- from his gang member pool to the game board.
To move from the gang member pool to the game board, a player removes a figure from his gang member pool and places it on his entry space (the space along his side of the game board that has white crosshairs on it).
This counts as having moved that figure 1 of the 3 spaces it is allowed to move during that move action.
Movement Example:

Moving into Spaces with Enemies
During a move action, if a player moves a figure into a space that contains 1 or more enemy figures (all other players' figures are considered enemies. YCU tokens are also considered enemies) that figure's movement stops.
He can never move his figures into more than 1 space containing enemies during a single turn. At the end of a move action, a battle will take place in any space that is contested (has more than 1 player's figures on it).
Battling Another Player
Battling another player is an important part of the game. It allows a player to not only weaken his opponents' forces and board position, but it also allows him to take over developments that they currently control and gain control of them himself.
When 2 players battle over a contested space, the player whose turn it is will be considered the attacker. The attacker will start the battle by laying all of the cards he wants to play into that battle face down in front of him.
He may choose to lay down a number of cards up to his current influence. The cards he lays can come from either his hand, the top of his draw pile, or a combination of both. (A player cannot look at cards he is sending to battle that come off of his draw pile).
The other player involved in the battle is considered the defender. After the attacker has laid down his cards, the defender will lay down the cards he wants to send to battle. He does this in the same way, and is also limited to a number of cards equal to his influence.
Once both players have laid their cards down for battle, the attacker reveals his cards and triggers any 'Battle' special abilities. Then the defender reveals his cards and does the same.

Next, both players roll a number of battle dice equal to the number of figures that they have in the contested space and each space adjacent to the contested space. (Spaces diagonally connected to other spaces are not considered adjacent).
Players add the result of their rolls to the total attack value of their cards to come up with their total attack value for the battle. (Remember that the attack value of a unit card is dependent on the player's color).
Whoever has the higher attack value is the winner of that battle. If 2 players in a battle have an equal attack value total, the defender wins the battle. The player who lost that battle must remove 1 of his figures on the contested space from the board (placing it back into his pile of unused figures) and 1 of the unit cards he played in that battle from the game (placing it back in the game box).
If the losing player played no cards in that battle, he must choose and remove 1 gang member card from his discard pile. If a player has no discard pile, he must choose and remove 1 gang member card in his hand or he may search his draw pile for a gang member card to remove from the game.
(If a player searches his draw pile he must shuffle his draw pile afterwards). Note: when a player removes a card from the game, the card being removed must be revealed to all players. After a battle, if the space is still contested, another battle immediately takes place in that same space until only 1 player's units remain.

Battling Yugai Control Units
When battling a YCU, first determine its attack value. The attack value of a YCU is listed on its token. However, a YCU token is boosted by other YCU tokens in the same space. Add the attack values of all the YCU tokens in the contested space. The result becomes the attack value of the YCU.
If a player has more than 1 YCU to battle, he battles them 1 at a time in an order of his choosing.
Once he has determined the attack value of the YCU token that he is battling, he may lay down the cards that he wants to send into battle against that token (from his hand and/or from his draw pile, following the same rules as he does when battling another player) and then reveals them.
Next, he rolls a number of battle dice equal to the number of figures that he has in the contested space and each space adjacent to that space.
Add the results of his roll to the attack value on his cards. If the total is equal to or higher than the attack value of the YCU token, he has defeated that YCU. Return the defeated YCU token to the cloth YCU token bag and roll the six-sided die.
Refer to the YCU alert card and carry out the effect shown by the number rolled. Sometimes this can result in more YCU units being placed on the board. If this is the case, resolve the battles created by those new units the same as during the Yugai Patrol phase. See Yugai Patrol Phase on page 10 for details.

If his attack value is lower than that of the YCU token, it has defeated him. He must remove 1 of his figures on the contested space from the board (placing it back into his pile of unused figures) and one of the unit cards he played in that battle from the game (placing it back in the game box).
If he played no cards in that battle, he must choose and remove 1 gang member card from his discard pile. If he has no discard pile, he must choose and remove 1 gang member card in his hand or draw pile from the game.
Just as with battling any other enemy figure, if after the battle is resolved there are still contested spaces on the board, additional battles continue until there are no contested spaces left.
Instead of battling a YCU, a player may bribe it. To bribe a YCU, pay a number of ARCs equal to that YCU's bribe value and place that YCU token back in the cloth bag. When bribing a YCU, do not roll a die afterward.
Gaining Influence
Throughout the game there are certain tasks a player can complete to gain influence. As soon as he meets one of these conditions, he must announce that he has met the condition and advance his influence marker 1 space on its track. (His influence track is located on his player mat).
He can never lose influence once it is gained, even if he ceases to meet the conditions whereby he gained it. He can never meet the same condition twice. A description of the each way to increase his influence is listed on each player's mat.
Player Decks
In City of Remnants players form their own decks. Cards that are in the draw pile, discard pile and hand are all considered part of a player's deck.
End of the Game
The last phase of each round is the award renown phase. If there were not enough renown tokens for all players to claim the renown they earned for the round, those players add the renown they would have claimed to their current total of tokens. The result is their final score.
The player with the highest renown total wins the game.
Remember that each black market card that a player has at the end of the game is 1 renown for that player.
If two or more players are tied for highest renown total, the tied player with the most ARCs wins.
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