Game Board

One side of the game board is divided into a 7x7 square grid. Use this side for the 2- or 4-player game. The other side of the board is used for the 3-player game. The board is further divided into three color-coded levels.
The outer spaces, marked in red, are Slum level spaces. The middle ring of spaces, marked in blue, are Midtown level spaces. The inner spaces, marked in green, are Heights level spaces.
Player Mats
Give each player a player mat. Players use these mats to track several important elements of the game.

Anatomy of a Player Mat

1 - Turn Track: This tracks how many turns a player has taken during the round.
2 - Actions: This is a list of the actions available on a player's turn. Players take 1 action per turn.
3 - Gain Influence Conditions: This is a list of game conditions. Each time a player meets 1 of these conditions, he may advance his influence marker 1 space on his influence track.
4 - Influence Track: This tracks how much influence a player has. A player's influence affects a number of things in the game.
5 - Gang Member Pool: This is where a player places his figures: -at the beginning of the game, and -each time he gains a unit.
Figures can be moved from the gang member pool to a player's entry space on the board.

Unit Cards
Each player starts the game with several unit cards in his deck. Players have the opportunity to gain more unit cards throughout the game.
Anatomy of a Unit Card

1 - Name: The name of the unit.
2 - Type: There are 2 types of unit cards: gang leaders and gang members.
3 - Yellow Attack Value: This is the attack value this gang member adds to a battle when it is played by a player with a yellow gang leader.
4 - Red Attack Value: This is the attack value this gang member adds to a battle when it is played by a player with a red gang leader.
5 - Blue Attack Value: This is the attack value this gang member adds to a battle when it is played by a player with a blue gang leader.
6 - Green Attack Value: This is the attack value this gang member adds to a battle when it is played by a player with a green gang leader.
7 - Special Ability: Each unit has a special rule that applies to itself. A player may play a card during his turn to trigger its special ability text. A special ability that has the word 'Battle' in its text triggers when that card is revealed in a battle.
8 - Number of Cards: This shows how many copies of each card there are in the game.
Throughout the game players will be able to place development tiles on the game board. Placing a development tile does not give you control over that development. To control a development tile, you must have at least 1 figure on each space of the board that the development tile occupies. Each development tile also has a matching development card.
Anatomy of a Development Tile

1 - Name: The name of the card.
2 - Renown: This shows the number of renown a player earns at the end of each round that he controls the development.
3 - Development Icon: This symbol matches the development draft card for this tile. The symbol helps players quickly find the draft card so that they can refrence the development's special ability.
4 - Cost: This is the number of ARCs (Alien Refugee Credits) a player must pay to place this development on the board.
5 - Level Restriction: These colors show which areas of the board this development can be placed on. A red level restriction means the development can be placed on red spaces. A red and blue level restriction means it can be placed on red and/or blue spaces, etc.
6 - Control Space: This reminds players that a development tile needs to be controlled before it can be used.
Anatomy of a Development Card

1 - Name: The name of the card.
2 - Development Icon: This symbol matches the development tile for this draft card. The symbol helps players quickly find the tile that goes with this card.
3 - Special Ability: This is the benefit gained from controlling the development.
4 - Tile: This shows the front of the corresponding development tile for quick reference.
5 - Renown: This shows the number of renown a player will earn at the end of each round that he controls the development.
6 - Level Restriction: These colors show which areas of the board this development can be placed on. A red level restriction means the development can be placed on red spaces. A red and blue level restriction means it can be placed on red and/or blue spaces, etc.
7 - Number of Developments: This shows how many copies of each development there are.
8 - Cost: This is the number of ARCs a player must pay to place a copy of this development's tile on the board.

The game board also has a number of spaces that are marked with renown awards. At the end of each round, a player gains the renown awarded by each space that he controls. Occasionally there will be a development with a renown award that has been built on top of a space containing its own renown award. In that case, whoever controls that space gains the renown for both the development and the space.
The player to the right of the player receiving renown tokens counts them out and hands them over. Once a player has taken the renown tokens he may choose to flip them face down to conceal their value.
Black Market Cards
Throughout the game, players will be able to buy black market cards to add to their deck. Each of these cards does unique things for that player.
Anatomy of a Black Market Card

1 - Name: The name of the card.
2 - Type: There are 2 types of black market cards: permanent and regular.
3 - Special Ability: This is a unique rule that players can use. A card with the word 'Permanent' in its text is placed in front of a player when it is bought and its effects remain in play for the remainder of the game.
4 - Number of Cards: This shows how many copies of each card there are.
5 - Reward: Each black market card is worth 1 renown at the end of the game.
6 - Cost: This is the number of ARCs a player must pay to buy this card.
YCU Coordinates Cards
During the Yugai Patrol Phase of each round a YCU (Yugai Control Unit) coordi- nates card is revealed. This determines where YCU tokens are placed on the board. Anatomy of a YCU Coordinates Card

1 - Placement Grid This is a quick visual reference to where YCU tokens will be placed on the board.
2 - 2/4 Player Game: This is a list of coordinates that YCU tokens will be placed at if 2 or 4 people are playing.
3 - 3 Player Game: This is a list of coordinates that YCU tokens will be placed at if 3 people are playing.
YCU Tokens
YCU tokens represent Yugai Control Units patrolling the city. When a YCU token lands on the same space as a player's gang members, a combat will begin. Like- wise, when a player moves onto a space that already contains a YCU token, a com- bat will begin.
Anatomy of a YCU Token

1 - Attack Value: This determines how difficult a YCU token is to defeat in combat. The higher the attack value is, the higher a player's total attack value will need to be to defeat it. When there is more than 1 YCU token in a space, add all of the tokens' attack values together.
2 - Bribe Value: This is the number of ARCs a player may spend to discard the YCU token and return it to the bag without battling it.

The game comes with plastic figures in 4 different colors. Each player chooses 1 color. These figures represent gang members on the board. The figures also depict 4 different races. A figure's race has no effect on gameplay. Only the figure's color matters.
Although a figure is placed in a player's gang member pool whenever a new unit card is added to his deck, this only represents the growth of his gang, the figure does not in any way represent that specific unit card.
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