The Chronobot is a solo play variant for Anachrony, playable with the base game only.
Set up a 2-player game, with the Chronobot as one of the players. The following modifications apply to the setup:
- The Chronobot receives its 6 Exosuits and 8 Warp tiles. It doesn't receive any Starting Assets (nor Workers).
- Leave all Endgame Condition cards in the box.
- Place the Chronobot board next to the Main board, and place the 6 Chronobot tokens on the 6 marked positions.
- The Chronobot is the First Player in the first Era. Place its Banner on the First Player spot.
- The player may still choose to use either the "A" or the "B" side of his Player board.
Paradox Phase
The Chronobot rolls for Paradoxes last. If the Chronobot gains an Anomaly, remove any one Warp tile from the Timeline tile where the Chronobot has the most Warp tiles (oldest if tied).
If it would gain an Anomaly when it already has 3 Anomalies, it does not receive another one nor remove a Warp tile.
Power Up Phase
In pre-Impact Eras, the Chronobot always powers up 6 Exosuits, while in post-Impact Eras, it powers up 4. The Chronobot neither gains nor spends Energy Cores. Powered up Exosuit markers are piled on top of each other on the upper right Hex-shaped slot.
Warp Phase
Warping occurs in player order. The player chooses 0-2 Warp tiles to place as normal. For the Chronobot's Warp, the player rolls the Paradox die. Place random Warp tiles for the Chronobot equal to the rolled number of Paradoxes. The Chronobot does not gain anything for its Warp tiles.
Action Rounds Phase
On the Chronobot's turn, roll the Chronobot die. Perform the Action shown above or below the token with that number, then advance the token to the next position.
If there are three tokens on the same position, advance the highest numbered one to the next position. If the Chronobot does nothing, still advance the token and take 2 Water and 1 Victory Point instead.
General rules of the Chronobot's Actions:
The Chronobot doesn't use Workers to take Main board Actions, o1 ly empty Exogi its.
It never pays costs of actions and ignores everything printed on the Action spaces and Collap2in1 Capital tiles. It always picks the topmost availabl 2 space on Capital Actions.
If there are no available spaces on a Capital Action the Chronobot rolled, it places on World Council 3nstead, aftys taking the First Player space if possible.
If an action cannot be taken, it receives 2 Water and 1 Victory Point instead.

Each of the Chronobot's Construct Actions is for a specific building type (or Superproject). When using the Construct Action, the Chronobot always picks the building with the higher Victory Point value.
If tied, it takes the one in the secondary stack. If it already has 3 buildings of the rolled type, it takes nothing (but it still places an Exosuit to block a Construct space, and takes the 2 Water and 1 Victory Point as usual).

When Constructing a Superproject, the Chronobot takes the one with the highest Victory Point value (oldest if tied). If "Construct Superproject" is rolled before the Impact, it receives 1 Victory Point instead, and places no Exosuit.
If "Construct Superproject" is rolled and the Chronobot already has 2 Superprojects, it does nothing (but it still places an Exosuit to block a Construct space, and takes the 2 Water and 1 Victory Point as usual).


When taking the Recruit action, the Chronobot takes a Worker type it does not have yet, following the priority order below. It does not receive its respective Recruit bonus.
If this worker type is unavailable, it takes an available type, following the priority order.

Once it has at least one of all 4 Worker types, it discards one of each and gains 5 Victory Points.

When using the Research Action, only roll the shape die and take any Breakthrough of the rolled shape.
Mine Resources

When taking the Mining action, the Chronobot always takes Resources it does not have yet, following the priority order below. If this Resource is not available, it takes an available Resource, following the priority order.

Once it has at least one of all 4 Resource types, it discards one of each and gains 5 Victory Points.
Time Travel

Each time "Time Travel" is rolled by the Chronobot, remove any one Warp tile from the past Timeline tile where the Chronobot has the most Warp tiles (oldest if tied), and advance one step on the Time Travel track.
The Chronobot does not place any Exosuits on a Time Travel roll.

If "Supply/Recruit" is rolled, the Chronobot pays Water according to its position on the Morale track, then advances on the Morale track.
If it doesn't have enough Water, it takes a Recruit Action instead.
Remove Anomaly

If "Remove Anomaly" is rolled, no Exosuit is placed, and the Chronobot discards 1 Resource (in priority order: Titanium > Gold > Uranium > Neutronium) and 1 Water, then removes one Anomaly.
If it doesn't have an Anomaly or enough Water and/or Resources, it takes 2 Water and 1 Victory Point instead.
The Chronobot never takes the Evacuation Action.
End Of The Round
Once the Chronobot has run out of Exosuits, it takes a Time Travel Action on its next turn if able, then passes. If the player passes first, the Action Rounds phase ends immediately, even if the Chronobot has not yet run out of Exosuits.
Clean Up Phase
Retrieve the Chronobot's Exosuits along with the player's. After the Impact, flip Collapsing Capital tiles normally.
End of the Game
At the end of the game, no Endgame Conditions are scored. The Chronobot doesn't lose Victory Points for its Warp tiles remaining on the Timeline.
It scores the usual 1 Victory Point per Breakthrough at the end of the game, plus 2 additional Victory Points for each complete shape set.
Note: Optional Chronobot Difficulties
Beginner: Play with the standard Chronobot rules, but whenever the Chronobot does nothing, it only gains 2 Water instead of 2 Water and 1 Victory Point.
Normal: Play with the standard Chronobot rules.
Expert: Play with the standard Chronobot rules, but do not use your Leader Ability.
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