The player(s) with the most Workers at the end of the game receive(s) 3 VPs.

The player(s) with the most Water at the end of the game receive(s) 3 VPs.

The player(s) with the most breakthroughs at the end of the game receive(s) 3 VPs.

The player(s) with the most occupied building spots at the end of the game receive(s) 3 VPs.

The player(s) with his morale marker closest to the right end of the morale track (i.e., highest morale) at the end of the game receive(s) 3 VPs.

The player(s) with the highest sum of time travel ranges at the end of the game receive(s) 3 VPs.
Note: Labs #401 and #402, and the Temporal Tourism Superproject also count towards this sum. Power Plants with an X in their range count as 1 towards this sum.

The player(s) with the most Superprojects at the end of the game receive(s) 3 VPs.

The player(s) with the most successful time travels at the end of the game receive(s) 3 VPs.

The player(s) with the most completed Experiments at the end of the game receive(s) 3 VPs. This card is only used when playing with the Doomsday module.
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