When a Survivor dice as the Dice used. If the active Survivor has two identical weapons with the Dual symbol equipped in hand, he can use both weapons at the same time at the cost of a single Combat Action. Both weapons must be aimed at the same Zone.
Examples: Doug has two Sub MGs in his hands. The Sub MG has the Dual symbol, so Doug can shoot them both with a single Action. This allows him to roll six dice in a single roll, as the Sub MG has a Dice number of 3!
Wanda is holding two machetes. She can strike with them both at once, so she can roll two dice for every Action she uses to attack.
Each die result that equals or exceeds the Accuracy number of the weapon scores a successful hit. Each hit inflicts the amount of Damage specified by the Damage value of the weapon to a single target.
Walkers and Runners are killed with a 1 Damage hit. However, a weapon that deals 2 Damage or more is necessary to eliminate a Fatty, and only a 3 Damage weapon (or a Molotov) will kill an Abomination.
It does not matter how many hits you obtain with a weapon that inflicts 1 Damage, a Fatty or Abomination will absorb the hits without flinching.
Example: Doug unloads his two Sub MGs on three Walkers who are guarding a Fatty and scores five hits. The first three shots easily blow away the Walkers. However, the Fatty takes the two remaining hits with no consequence, as the Sub MG inflicts only 1 Damage.
Wanda arrives to finish the job with her machete. She hits once, but the machete inflicts 2 Damage, which is enough to chop that Fatty down!
If there had been two Runners instead of a Fatty, a single hit with the machete would not have eliminated the two Runners. Each successful hit can only take out one target, and remaining damage is overkill and wasted.
A Survivor equipped with a Melee weapon (a weapon with a max Range of "0") can attack a Zombie in his own Zone. Each die roll equal to or higher than the Accuracy value on the weapon's card is a successful hit. The player divides his hits as desired among the possible targets in the Zone.
Example: Wanda attacks a Walker, a Runner, and a Fatty with her dual machetes.
She rolls a 5 and 6, which means two hits. She decides to decapitate the Runner and to butcher the Fatty, leaving the Walker, the least dangerous of the three, for her next Action. Though Ned is also in the same Zone, he is safe from Wanda's slashes.

A Survivor equipped with a Ranged weapon (a weapon with a max Range of "1" or more) can shoot at targets in a Zone he can see and that is within the weapon's Range.
Dynamic Survivor Identity Card Overview

Remember: Inside a building, the Line of Sight is limited to the Zones that share an opening and just one Zone away.
The Range of a weapon is shown by the Range value on its card, which represents the number of Zones it can shoot across. The first of the two values shows the minimum Range. The weapon may not be shot at Zones closer than the minimum.
In most cases this is 0, meaning the Survivor can shoot at targets in the Zone he currently occupies. The second value shows the maximum Range of the weapon. A weapon cannot fire at Zones beyond the maximum Range.
Example: The rifle has a range of 1-3, which means it can shoot up to three Zones away but can't be used in the same Zone as the Survivor pulling the trigger. The Sub MG has a Range of 0-1, which means it can shoot in its owner's current Zone or at an adjacent Zone.
When a Zone is chosen for a Ranged Combat, ignore any Actors who are in the Zones between the shooter and the target. This means Survivors may shoot through occupied Zones without danger to either other Survivors or Zombies.
When using a Ranged weapon, the shooting Survivor does not choose the targets hit by successful rolls. Hits are assigned to Actors in the targeted Zone following this targeting priority order:
- Survivors (except for the shooter)
- Walkers
- Fatties or Abominations
- Runners
The hits are assigned to targets at the lowest priority until they've all been eliminated, then to targets at the next priority until they've all been eliminated, and so on.
Example: In Doug's Zone there is another Survivor, Ned, four Walkers, one Fatty, and two Runners. Knowing he's Zombie chow, Doug is going to take as many of them with him as possible! He rolls six dice (three for each Sub MG). He obtains 6, 6, 5, 5, 5 and 1. The
Sub MG hits on & or which means five hits. Ned takes two, which kills him (with friends like these..)., and the remaining hits eliminate the Walkers.
Doug shoots again and gets 6,5,5,3,1, 1, three more hits. The last Walker is down but the two remaining shots do no harm to the Fatty, which shields the two Runners. The only way to target the Runners first would have been with a Melee weapon, which can freely assign hits, or with a Sniper Rifle.
Note: If a Survivor receives a hit from a 2 Damage weapon, he suffers two Wounds, killing him.
Improved Weaponry: Sniper Rifle and Molotov
Specific Equipment cards can be combined to build improved weaponry. Take the two appropriate cards, which must be already stored in the Survivor's inventory, and combine them into the new weapon.
This does not cost an Action, and the new weapon takes only a single slot in your Survivor's inventory. When built, Survivors may immediately and freely equip improved weapons to their hands.
Sniper Rifle: Combine a Rifle and a Scope to get a sniper rifle. Put the Scope card under the Rifle card. Now you can choose your targets when firing with this Rifle.
Molotov: Discard a Glass Bottle and a Gasoline card and give your Survivor a Molotov card. The Molotov doesn't need Dice, Accuracy, or Damage values (though it still requires a Ranged Combat Action to use).
Just terminate everything in the targeted Zone. Yes, even other Survivors and the Abomination. Discard the Molotov card after a single use, leaving its hand slot empty.
While most weapons can be used repeatedly, a few, like the Sawed-off, require spending an Action to reload them between shots if you want to fire multiple times in the same turn. At the End Phase of the turn, all such weapons are freely reloaded, so that they always start the turn ready to fire.
If such a weapon is fired and passed to another Survivor without reloading, it must still be reloaded before the new owner can use it in the same turn. When equipped with two identical Dual weapons that require reloading, a single Action reloads both.
Car Attack
When the Survivor in the driver's seat spends an Action to move a car, it runs over every Actor in the Zone it starts in and each Zone it enters.
The player who controls the driver rolls one die for each miniature in the Zone the car leaves, every Zone it moves through, and the Zone it reaches (except for the Survivors inside the driven car). Each 4, 5 or 6 is a successful hit that inflicts 1 Damage (only 1; it is impossible to run down a Fatty or Abomination).
Assign these hits following the targeting priority order, just like a Ranged attack (see previous section): first Survivors (except for those in the attacking car), then Walkers, then Fatties and Abominations, and finally Runners.
All targeted Survivors must be killed before hits can be assigned to any Walkers. The driver gains all the experience points from the killed Zombies.
Survivors may make Melee and Ranged attacks from the inside of a car, without altering the Combat rules in any way. Cars offer no protection to their occupants from normal Zombie attacks or Survivor attacks.
Example: Phil is driving the police car with Amy in the passenger's seat. The same Zone (Zone 1) contains one Walker, three Runners, and an unharmed Josh, who could not get in the car because of the Zombies in the Zone.
In the next Zone (Zone 2) there's one Walker, one Fatty, and two Runners. In the Zone after that (Zone 3) lurk six Walkers. Phil spends one Action to move the car out of Zone 1, through Zone 2, and end up in Zone 3.
For Zone 1 he rolls five dice, getting four hits. Josh takes two hits and dies. One Walker and one Runner are killed.
For Zone 2 he rolls four dice, getting three hits. The Walker is killed, but the Fatty absorbs the remaining hits.
For Zone 3 he rolls six dice, getting three hits. Three Walkers are killed.
Phil then spends another Action to move the car back and forth between Zones 2 and 3.
For Zone 3 he rolls three dice, getting two hits and killing two Walkers.
For Zone 2 he would roll three dice, but it's pointless since the Fatty will absorb any hits, keeping the Runners safe.
For Zone 3 he rolls another one die, getting one hit and clearing the Zone.
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