Zingo! is a fun and interactive game that brings fast-paced excitement and learning to the classic game of Bingo! This word building version is great fun for players who are just learning how to put letters together to build words.
With two levels of play, it's the perfect game to engage and support both beginner and more experienced readers.

- 72 Letter Tiles
- 6 Double-Sided ZingolWord Builder Cards
- 1 Zingo! Zinger
- Instructions
Object of the Game
Be the first to coverall of the empty spaces on your Zingo! card with tiles that will form three letter words.
Zingo! Word Builder Skills:
Playing Zingo! Word Builder will help children develop these important skills:
- Spelling & Vocabulary
- Reading
- Concentration
- Fine Motor Skills and Coordination
- Following Instructions
- Taking Turns
- Winning and Losing
Remove the top ofthe Zingo! Zinger and scramble the 72 tiles.
Load the tiles back into the Zinger in two equal stacks and replace the top.
All players should have a clear view of the Zingo! Zinger before play begins.
Each player selects a card. Cards are double-sided to allow for two levels of play. Players should choose which side they would like to play with.
The yellow side is leveled "beginner" because two letters are already given-only one letter tile is necessary to complete each word.
The orange side is leveled "advanced" because, in many cases, only one letter is given and players will have to claim two tiles to complete a word.
Note: All players do not have to use the same side.

Game Play
Decide whether one player will serve as Dealer and operate the Zingo! Zinger, or whether players will pass the Zinger each turn, giving everyone a chance to operate the device during a game. We recommend choosing an adult or older child to be the first Dealer.
The Dealer slides the Zinger forward and back to reveal two tiles.
Players scan their card and try to be the first to call out a valid three-letter word using either of the two-letter tiles showing in the Zinger.
The first player to call out a valid word takes the letter tile he or she needs from the Zinger and places it on one of the empty spaces on his or her card to form the word called.
The remaining tile on the Zinger can be claimed in the same way. Words must be spelled correctly to be valid.
The Dealer slides any unclaimed tiles back into the Zinger through the slots at the top of the device.
Note: When playing on the orange side, in places where two tiles are required to build a word, players may either call a valid word using both letter tiles in one turn or call a single letter that will make up part of the three-letter word.
Players should be reminded to think carefully when placing a single tile so they can build a complete word later in the game.
If two or more players call out words using the same tile, the player who called his or her word first gets the tile. In case of a tie, the dealer slides the tile back into the Zinger.
If a player calls for a tile that he or she doesn't need, the tile goes to the next player who correctly calls it.
The first player to fill all of the empty spaces on his or her card shouts "Zingo!" and wins the game!
The winner starts the next game as the Dealer.
Game Variations
Cooperative Play: Spread all 6 word cards out and let players work together to spell as many three-letter words as possible!
Play Solo: Challenge yourself to build as many words as you can by the time the Zinger is empty. Spread all 6 cards out on the floor and begin forming words with the tiles. Make a note of the total number of words built and try to better your score each time you play!
Learning Guide
Warm Up Word Building Muscles: Before playing, explore the game with your child. Examine the tiles, naming the letters and the sounds they make, and try building and reading several words together.
Start with the yellow side of a card and discuss which letters could be added to the empty spaces to build words. These exercises can help players limber up their spelling muscles and set their focus for the fun word play to come!
Teach Spelling Patterns: As early readers are exposed to more and more words, they become aware of spelling conventions and common letter patterns. Zingo!
Word Builder is a useful tool for reinforcing the difference between vowels and consonants and their placement within words. Explore the construction of different words and discuss where vowels tend to appear (typically in the middle, sandwiched between two consonants).
Showing young readers common word building patterns gives them new strategies that will improve their spelling skills. Players delight in putting these rules to the test, discovering exceptions and finding new patterns as they play!
Build Vocabulary: With over 500 three-letter words in the English language, playing Zingo! Word Builder is a fantastic opportunity to practice building familiar words and discovering new ones!
Aim to teach one new three-letter word each time you play. Use it in a new sentence at the dinner table or in a lunchbox note-be creative and make word-learning an exciting part of game play.
Encourage Word Play: As your child experiments during game play, encourage him/her to test whether letters will complete a word. Share in a giggle when he/she creates a wacky nonsense word!
Being playful with sounds and experimenting with creative spelling helps children experience the fun of word building and often leads to the discovery of new words!
Turn Mistakes into Learning Opportunities: As players build words and call them out, there will inevitably be some that are either mispronounced or incorrectly spelled.
Take advantage of these valuable opportunities to explain and practice the sounds certain letters make, and show your child how spelling can be adjusted to create the word she/he originally planned to create.
Practice Good Sportsmanship: Young players are just beginning to move away from parallel play and becoming comfortable playing competitive games. Learning to take turns, have patience and celebrate the success of others takes time and is a great skill to practice while playing Zingo!
Engage the Whole Family: While Zingo! Word Builder is particularly designed to support the learning needs of young children, the fast paced game play and two levels of competition make this a great game for the whole family.
Level the playing field by tweaking the rules slightly-give older siblings two game boards to fill instead of one or play on teams with kids vs. grown-ups.
Have Fun: Sure Zingo! is a great educational game, but first and foremost it's designed to be loads of fun! Learning to build words can be tough work so keep the mood light and celebrate when there is a success with a high five or a silly wiggle dance. It's true that laughter helps with learning too!
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