What is the hilarious party game of who-said-what. Players are asked to create responses to humorous questions and situations, and everyone must guess who wrote what.
Just remember, there is no need to be truthful when answering questions. With players trying to come up with the most comical and outrageous answers possible, WHAT is absolutely the funniest game you will ever play.
WHAT is a perfect game for get-togethers and parties with big groups of people, and can be played with 5 to 17 players.

- 162 what cards
- answer sheet pad
- scoring sheet pad
- scoring sheet shield
- 12 pencils
- Instructions
Distribute 1 answer sheet and 1 pencil to each player. Players must write their names on the top of their answer sheet in the spot indicated.
Select the best looking player to be the first questioner. This player should take 1 scoring sheet and write all the players' names in the spaces provided.
After one question is played (one round), the role of questioner moves clockwise around the group.
What Card
Category is the general category of WHAT with short snappy questions that always begin with "What"?
Category 2 is the personal category of WHAT where the questioner fills in the _______ with someone's name. It can be someone playing the game, someone famous, or anyone else for that matter... it's up to the questioner to choose.
Category 3 is the sticky situation category of WHAT where players are faced with predicaments that always end up asking "What do you do?"
Note: when playing the personal questions (Category 2) with people you know well, it is generally more fun to use people who are playing the game with you.
However, when playing with people you don't know so well, it is often better to use famous people everyone would know.
Game Play
To start a round, the questioner selects the top what card and reads one question for everyone to hear. Only read the question that corresponds to the current round you are playing. For example: the questioner should read the first question on the card for Rounds 1, 5 and 9.
Note: the question mark on the answer sheet indicates a reader's choice round. On a reader's choice round, the questioner reviews all three questions on the card and picks only his/her favorite.
All players, including the questioner, must write down a response to the question in the appropriate spot on their answer sheet. There is no need to be truthful! There is no need to be tasteful! Feel free to be as silly or as funny as you want... honesty is not the best policy in this game.
Once all players have written down their responses, all answer sheets are given to the questioner to read aloud.
After all the responses have been read aloud once, the questioner selects his/her favorite response. Starting with the player to the left of the questioner, players guess who is the author of that particular response.
Note: if two players have the same response, the questioner cannot pick that response, as it would lead to confusion.
Players take turns guessing aloud, clockwise around the table.
The questioner may not make a guess, since all players have written their names at the top of their answer sheets.
Note: the questioner only selects one response per round for players to guess, and players only get one guess per round.
Before guessing, players should feel free to debate and bluff as to who they think may have written the response. Of course, the questioner must refrain from participating in this discussion.
Note: players are not allowed to vote for their own responses.
After all players have guessed, the questioner reveals who the actual author was, and then tallies the score for the round.
Every player who guesses the author correctly receives 1 point. If nobody guesses correctly, the author of the response receives 3 points.To satisfy everyone's curiosity, now is a good time to reveal who wrote the other responses.
Note: the questioner may indeed select his/her own response for the other players to guess. However, in this case, if nobody guesses the correct author, the questioner only receives 1 point instead of 3 points.
After the round is done, the questioner should place the what card on the bottom of the pile, and pass the scoring sheet to the player to his/her left. Play continues in this manner until all 15 rounds have been played.
The player with the most points at the end of the game is the winner!

Answer Sheet
Players put their names here so the questioner can give the answer sheet back to the correct person after every round, and also so the questioner knows who said what for scoring.
These numbers indicate the question category for each round.
The question mark indicates a reader's choice round. On a reader's choice round, the questioner reviews all three questions on the card and picks only his/her favorite question to use for the round.
The game is played in 15 rounds, hence there are 15 lines where players write down their responses (7 lines on the front of the sheet and 8 more lines on the back of the sheet).

Helpful Hints
Try to think of something other players would not expect you to say, or try bluffing by writing something down that you think another player would say.
Most people play WHAT simply for fun, but if you are one of those overly competitive types, try to make your responses as twisted as possi- ble. This increases the likelihood of having your response selected by the questioner.
To prevent other players from accidentally seeing who wrote what, the questioner should use the scoring sheet shield to hide the answer sheets while reading them out.
The questioner should read the selected question once more before reading the answers, just to remind everyone what the exact wording of the question was.
There are no time limits, but your first thought is often your best! Try not to over-think your answer. It will be more sponta- neous that way, and game play will be faster.
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