Two families of ducks are lost in the streets of your city! Please, bring back the ducklings to their parents!
All the rules of the basic version of "Welcome to" apply normally. However, in addition to these, you need to find, and bring back the ducklings.
To find a lost duckling, call on the neighbors on both sides of a hedge or a street.

As soon as you have 2 numbered houses on each side of a duckling, horizontally or vertically, circle the duckling.
To bring back the duckling, you need to circle it and connect it to its parent by an uninterrupted chain of circled ducklings and numbered houses.
Note that you can build a fence where there is a duckling, just be careful and don't hurt it in the process...
Game Play
During the game, you will perform 3 scoring phases for the ducklings:
The first architect who brings back all ducklings of the same color to their parent must announce it. All the architects will then score immediately 1 point for each duckling of that color, circled and connected to its parent.
Proceed in the same manner for the ducklings of the other color.
The first architect who brings back both colors of ducklings must announce it. All the architects will then score immediately 1 point of each duckling of both colors, circled and connected to their parents.
So, a few ducklings will score you points twice. All ducklings which are not connected to their parent for the 3rd scoring phase are lost for good.
Note: If the same architect is the first to bring back both colors of ducklings, then, immediately after having performed the 2nd scoring phase, perform the 3rd scoring phase: all the architects score 1 point for each duckling circled and connected to their parent.
City Plans
To play the game, pick a N°1 City Plan and a N°2 City Plan from the base game, then add one of the following N°3 City Plan:

Find all 5 Ducklings lost between streets.

Find all the Ducklings of 2 streets.

Find 5 Yellow Ducklings and 5 Black Ducklings.
Note: To score these City Plans, the Ducklings must be circled but they don't have to be connected to their parent.
End of the Game
At the end of the game, if no one has managed to bring back both colors of ducklings, then perform nonetheless the 3rd scoring phase: all the architects score 1 point for each duckling circled and connected to their parent.
Classic Solo Mode
During the game, perform the three scoring phases for the ducklings as in the normal rules.
But beware, when you draw the Solo card, not only you have to flip all the City Plan Cards on their "approved" side, but all the ducklings of both colors just got brought back by your opponents.
You must then perform all the scoring phases that you haven't done already. You cannot score any more points for the ducklings after that.
The other rules apply normally. Note that your score will probably be higher than for your regular games.
New Solo Mode
Warning: the "New Solo Mode" expansion (sold separately) is necessary to play against the AAA.
When you draw a Completed Plan card of the AAA, at the end of the turn, you must check if the AAA scores the Plan or not. Whether the AAA scores a City Plan or not, you must also check if the AAA brings back some ducklings:
- When you draw the Completed Plan Card N'1, the AAA brings back all the Yellow Ducklings at the end of the turn.
- When you draw the Completed Plan Card N'2, the AAA brings back all the Black Ducklings at the end of the turn.
- When you draw the Completed Plan Card N°3, the AAA doesn't bring back any Duckling.
As soon as you, or the AAA, bring back first all the Ducklings of a color:
- You earn 1 point for each duckling of that color, circled and connected to their parent.
- And the AAA scores 1 point for each pair of cards in their stack of Construction Cards.
As soon as you, or the AAA, bring back first all the Ducklings of both colors:
- You earn 1 point for each duckling of both colors, circled and connected to their parent.
- And the AAA scores 1 point for each pair of cards in their stack of Construction Cards.
Note: When the AAA brings back all the Ducklings of a color after you, nothing happens.
When the Completed Plan Cards N'1 and N'2 are drawn, it means that the AAA has brought back both families of ducklings.
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