The rules for the progress version differ in the way Vikings are placed on the wheel and with the rules for boatsmen. In addition, the specal tiles are used in this version of the game. All other rules remain the same.
Auction for placing the Vikings
The start player first draws 13 Vikings at random from the cloth bag. He sorts them by color, but does not place them on the wheel. Now, the player to the right of the start player is the auctioneer.
After playing Vikings several times, players may look for new challenges and ways to play. This version offers new tiles and new rules to give players new ways to play.
Running of an Auction
Players may bid only coins but if a player has no more coins, he may convert victory points to coins on a 1 to 1 basis. The player to the left of the auctioneer now makes the first bid (or he can bid nothing).
In clockwise order, the other players may now raise the bid or pass. Once a player passes, he is out of this auction. The player with the highest bid wins the auction and pays his bid amount to the bank. If no player bids (all pass or bid 0), the start player wins the auction without paying anything.
The winner of the auction is now the start player
He takes the start player figure. He chooses 1 of the 13 drawn Vikings and returns it to the box. This Viking is out of the game. Now the remaining 12 Vikings are placed around the wheel.
He first places the 12 tiles from the next stack around the wheel as per the basic rules (islands tiles starting at 0 - ship tiles starting at 11).
He takes all Vikings of any one colorand places all the Vikings of this color on the wheel beginning with the 11 and moving downwards in value(see example to the right).
Then, the next player in clockwise order takes a turn. He chooses one of the remaining colors and places all the Vikings of that color on the wheel starting at the highest empty number. This continues in clockwise order until all drawn Vikings have been placed on the wheel (see example 1).
He begins the new round of acquiring sets from the wheel following the rules for the basic game.
Example 1: the start player puts 1 boatsman in the box. The he places the 12 tiles arond the wheel. He chooses goldsmith and places these two Vikings next to spaces 11 and 10. The next player chooses fisherman and places them on spaces 9, 8, 7, and 6 .
This continues until all 12 Vikings have been plaved around the wheel.
Note: the progress version may also be played without the auction and by placing the Vikings in the manner as described in the basic game.
A boatsman moves only 1 Viking from the player's base to an island tile at the beginning of a large scoring.
Example 2: two boatsmen move two Vikings to island tiles.
Special Tiles
Lay Out Special Tiles
Shuffle the 25 special tiles face down and place them in 2 face down stacks on the two spaces provided on the game board. Before the start player auction begins, the start player draws 4 tiles from these two stacks and places them face up on the four spaces provided.
Take Special Tiles
Whenever a player acquires the current most expensive set, he may also take 1 of the 4 face up special tiles. However, when a player acquires a set at 0 on the wheel, he does not take a special tile! The player adds the special tile taken to his display or sets it aside, depending on the special tile taken.
In each round the players may never take more special tiles than those laid out at the beginning of the round. Empty spaces created when a special tile is taken are not filled until the beginning of the next round.
Vikings placed on special tiles are not counted when scoring over and under supply by fishermen at game end.
Special Tiles and their Effects

The player immediately takes 5 coins (5 value). Then the tile is removed from the game

The player places the tile to the left of his base next to the goldsmith row. For each goldsmith standing on an island tile and not threatened by a ship, the player earns 1 additional value 1 coin.

The player places the tile beside to his base next to the goldsmith row. For each goldsmith standing on an island tile and not threatened by a ship, the player earns 2 additional value 1 coins.

One boatsman moves either all Vikings of one color or 1 Viking of each color from the player's base to unoccupied island tiles (as in the basic game). The boat tile and the boatsman are removed from the game after this use.

The player places the tile to the left of his base next to the noble row. For each noble standing on an island tile and not threatened by a ship, the player earns 1 additional victory point.

The player places the tile to the left of his base next to the scout row. For each scout standing on an island tile and not threatened by a ship, the player earns 1 additional victory point.

The player places the tile to the left of his base next to the fisherman row. For each fisherman standing on an island tile and not threatened by a ship, the player earns 1 additional victory point.

The player places the tile to the left of his base next to the boatsman row. The tile is not used to move Vikings from the base to the island.
When determining which player has the most boatsmen on his base at game end, the tile counts as 1 boatsman as though it were made of wood like the others.

The player places the tile to the left of his base next to the fisherman row. At game end, the player earns 3 victory points for each over supplied Viking and loses 1 victory point for each under supplied Viking.

The player places the tile above his base. At game end, the player earns 1 victory point for each 3 coins (value), instead of 5.

The player must immediately exchange the special tile with a normal tile in his display. The replaced tile must picture the same building as the special tile.
The replaced tile is removed from the game. If the player has no such tile in his display, he places the special tile to the side of his base for now.
When the player acquires an appropriate island tile later in the game, he must then immediately exchange the special tile for the normal tile he just acquired.
At game end, the player earns 1 victory point for each Viking standing on the special tile and on a tile diagonally or orthongally adjacent to the special tile (maximum 9), but only if the special tile is not threatened by a ship. The other tiles may be threatened.
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