The nebula valley has just emerged from a dark era, when for centuries, monstrous creatures inhabited the mists. It is now time for guilds of brave explorers to travel through the foggy pathways, exploit the resources and build new buildings and towns on the ruins of the devastated cities. Nebula will retrieve its peace and prosperity, and you are to become the heroes of the valley!
- 1 main board
- 4 guild boards (1 for each player)
- 42 cards
- 24 building sites across 4 colors
- 60 meadow tiles
- 20 exploitation tokens
- 5 special exploitation tokens
- 20 buildings (5 for each player)
- 12 craftsmen (3 for each player)
- 90 resources
The Boards In Detail

Game Setup (4 Players)
Note : adjustments for a game with 2 or 3 players are to be found at the end of the booklet.
Place the board in the middle of the table. For your first game, we suggest you use the beginner side.
Place all the resources near the board to create a general reserve.
- Choose a first player at random, who shuffles and deals out 2 private contracts to each player.
- The first player then shuffles the neutral contracts and places them face down on the board. Reveal the first 4 cards of that draw pile and place them face up on their spaces.
- The end-of-game card is placed on its dedicated space.
- Randomly remove one of the special exploitation tokens and put it back in the game box, it won't be used for the whole game.
- Shuffle all the remaining exploitation tokens (spe- cial and regular) face down and place one on each meadow space of the main board before flipping them over to reveal their front.
Swap each of the 4 special exploitations with a batch of 5 resources of the kind in- dicated on the token. These 4 spaces are now neutral exploitations (they belong to no player in particular).
Take a guild board each and all the elements of your chosen color. Place your 5 buildings, 3 building sites and 2 craftsmen on their dedicated spaces (the 3 rd craftsman returns to the game box). Finally, place on your board 4 stacks of 3 meadow tiles.
By the side of the board, form a reserve with the remaining meadow tiles.
Object of the Game
Collect points (representing glory, prestige, and riches), you will mainly fulfill contracts and open exploitations. the player with the most points at the end of the game is declared the winner and hero of nebula!
Game Turn

The first player starts, then the game proceeds clockwise.
On your turn, you must carry out 2 actions from the 6 at your disposal:
- Place a craftsman
- Place a building site
- Explore a fog space
- Explore a petrified forest (this action costs two actions)
- Transport a resource to one of your building sites
- Erect a building
Note : You may carry out the same action more than once during your turn, but remember action Dcosts TWO of your actions.
A. Place a Craftsman

Place one of your available craftsmen onto any space containing an exploitation token. Take that token and put it face down next to your guild board, and then place on the space as many resources of the type indicated by the token.
You just opened a new exploitation.
Note : an available craftsman is one on your guild board. You can not choose this action if you do not have an available craftsman.
Exploitation Token

Example: Blue places a craftsman on the space containing the "3 Wood" token. She takes the token and places it face down next to her guild board. She then places 3 Wood resources where she just placed her craftsman.
B. Place a Building Site

Take one of your own building sites, and cover a free half of a ruins space not already covered by another building site or building.
All ruins spaces have room for two building sites. They may simultaneously contain two sites belonging to the same player or two different players.
Notes :
- You can not choose this action if you don't have an available building site.
- You can not choose never have more building sites present on the main board than you have buildings left on your guild board.
Example : Black decides to place a building site. A is not an option as both halves of the space are occupied, but B, C, and Dare all possible.

C. Explore a Fog Space

Take a meadow tile from the leftmost pile on your guild board and place it on a fog space.
That space must be either: adjacent to a space occupied by an element of your color (craftsman, building site or building), or adjacent to an empty meadow space or tile (that is, without any resources or exploitation token on it).
Example : Black decides to explore a fog space. He takes a meadow tile from his board and must place it on a fog space. In the example below, he may cover any space marked with a tick, as they are all either adjacent to a space he occupies or adjacent to an empty meadow space.

D. Explore A Petrified Forest

Take a meadow tile from the leftmost pile on your guild board and place it on a petrified forest.
That forest must be either: adjacent to a space occupied by an element of your color (craftsman, building site or building), or adjacent to an empty meadow space or tile (that is, without any resources or exploitation token on it).
Important : This action uses two of your actions. Therefore, after you explore a petrified forest, your turn is immediately over.
Example : Blue decides to explore a petrified forest. He takes a meadow tile from his board. In the example below, he may cover any space marked with a tick, as they are all either adjacent to a space he occupies or adjacent to an empty meadow space. Once his choice is made, his turn is over since exploring a petrified forest costs two actions.


When you explore, you use the meadow tiles placed on your guild board. When depleted, each pile reveals an explorer. At the end of the game each explorer rewards you with 2 points.
Note: if you want to explore but happen to have run out of tiles, you may use the tiles from the reserve, as long as there are some left.
E. Transport a Resource to a Building Site

Choose and take a resource from any exploitation that is occupied by one of your craftsmen, by the craftsman of an opponent, or by no one i.e. a neutral exploitation. Transport the chosen resource to one of your own building sites following an uninterrupted path of empty meadow spaces.
These spaces may be tiles placed by the players during the game or depleted exploitations.
If the resource you picked was the last of the exploitation, the owner of the craftsman retrieves it and puts it back on his guild board. That way, the exploitation is fully depleted and the space now counts as an empty meadow space. It is henceforth possible to move normally through this space.
Example : White decides to transport a resource. He takes a Wheat from the Blue exploitation and delivers it to his own building site following an uninterrupted path of empty spaces. Since he has taken the last Wheat of the eploitation, Blue retrieves her craftsman.

- You may never transport a resource over a space that is not empty.
- You may never deliver a resource to the building site of an opponent.
- A building site tile doesn't have a specific orientation within a space. It is therefore possible to deliver a resource to a building site from any side of the space it is lying on.
- A resource lying on a building site may never be transported again.
F. Erect a Building

You may erect a building on one of your building sites containing all the resources required by a contract. That contract may be either:
- one of the contracts in your hand
- one of the four contracts displayed face up on the main board.
Contract Card:

You Must Then:
- Replace your building site and the resources on it with one of your buildings. The resources go back to the general reserve and the building site returns to your guild board
- Immediately use the power of the card if you wish to do so
- Place the fulfilled contract card face down next to your board. If it was a contract from the main board, immediately replace it with a card from the draw pile.
Important : you are allowed to erect a building even if there are more resources on your building site than what is required by the contract you're fulfilling. However, any additional resources are placed on your storage area and each one will cost you 1 point during the final scoring.
Example : Black has Stone, Wood and Wheat on one of his building sites. "He decides to erect a building with a contract from the main board which requires "Wood + Stone". He replaces his site and the resources by one of his buildings. The building site goes back on his guild board. Both the Wood and the Stone (used for the contract) return to the general reserve.
The (unused) Wheat must be placed on the storage area of his guild board. He then uses the power of the card to turn his Clay into Food. After that, he places the card face down next to his guild board. A new card is drawn from the pile to fill the empty space.

End of the Game
He game ends after a player has erected his fifth and last building. That player is given the end-of-game card and his turn is immediately over.
As stated on the end of game card, all other players then get one final turn, after which all the players must collect any resources left on their building sites or exploitations and place them on the storage area of their guild board.
The final scoring round then takes place.
Now Add Up:
The points on your exploitation tokens;
The points on your fulfilled contracts. Note: Any cards you still have in hand are ignored.
The reward for your explorers (2, 4, 6 or 8) depending on how many you were able to reveal;
The 2 points from the end-of-game card (for the player who triggers the end of the game).
You must now deduct 1 point for each resource present on your storage area.
The player with the highest score wins. In case of a tie, the player amongst the tied ones who has the least resources in storage wins. If there is still a tie, the tied players share the win and shake hands.
Via Nebula For 3 Players
The game remains the same with some minor adjustments:
During the setup, place piles of 4 meadow tiles (instead of 3) on your guild board;
Exploitation tokens produce one resource fewer (4 instead of 5, 3 instead of 4 and 2 instead of 3);
Each player gets 2 private contract cards. The remaining 2 cards are put back into the game box.
Via Nebula For 2 Players
The game remains the same with some minor adjustments :
Use the back of the guild boards (marked "2 players").
During the setup, place piles of 5 meadow tiles (instead of 3) on your guild board;
You get 3 craftsmen instead of 2;
The ruins on the main board may only be occupied by a single building site (or building). Players therefore must use the hexagonal building site tiles instead of the half-hexagons used in the game with 3 or 4 players. As soon as you have covered ruins with one of your building sites, your opponent is barred from that space;
Exploitation tokens produce one resource fewer (4 instead of 5, 3 instead of 4 and 2 instead of 3);
Each player gets 2 private contract cards. The remaining 4 cards are put back into the game box.
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