Allegiance: the team a card is on. Blue Team cards share a common win objective, as do all Red Team cards. Any other teams have specified win objectives defined by the details of their character card.
Backup character: a character who assumes the powers of the specified character if that specified character is not in play.

Buried: a card that is out of play. When playing with an odd number of players, or when spicing up the game, one character card is "buried".
Cleanse: to lose all acquired conditions (see Condition below). A cleansed character is as it was at the very' beginning of the game. Note: whenever a player gains a new character card, that character card is automatically cleansed.
Condition: a type of affliction that may affect the way in which a character plays the game. For ease of reference, conditions are placed within "quotation marks".
Hostage: the player(s) chosen by the leader of the room to leave at the end of a round.
Leader: the nominated player who selects hostages.

Linked: characters who require another character to be in the game in order to function properly.
Power: a special ability that can't be deactivated. Players must use their power when indicated, even if it isn't in their best interest. For ease of reference in the Character Guide, powers are in all caps.
Reveal: a player exposes their character card without expecting other players to do the same. There are 4 types of revealing:

Private Reveal - exposing your card to just one player.
Public Reveal - exposing your card to your room. A permanent public reveal indicates a player must do nothing with their card but keep it in plain sight.
Card Reveal - exposing your entire character card.
Color Reveal - exposing just the color portion of your character card. This is only allowed in a game with more than 10 players.

Share: 2 players consenting to showing one another the same information about their own character cards. There are 2 types of sharing:
Card Share - 2 players temporarily exchange character cards to completely share card information.
Color Share - 2 players only expose the color portion of their character cards to one another. This is only allowed in a game with more than 10 players.
Swap: trading cards with another player. Note: whenever a player gains a new character card, that character card is automatically cleansed.
Win objective: the goal a player must accomplish to win the game. Besides original win objectives, there are 3 different types of win objectives:
Additional Win Objective - having more than 1 win objective. Failing to complete any and all additional win objectives means the player loses.
Alternate Win Objective - having more than 1 possible win objective. Successfully completing any single alternate win objective means the player wins.
Replacement Win Objective - having a new win objective instead of your original win objective. Failure to complete the replacement win objective means the player loses.
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