The Artisan converts 1 point of influence into 6 deniers.

The Merchant enables you to gain 2 deniers.

The Miller: Activate this card to choose between gaining 2 deniers per citizen of your color on the Palace, or 2 deniers per citizen in the Bishopric. Expelled citizens earn you nothing. You may choose differently each activation.

The Innkeeper enables you to buy an Influence point for one denier.

The Blacksmith adds 5 to the value of one group of red dice, regardless of how many dice compose the group. It does not allow you to modify the value of a die in order to place it at the Palace.

The Militia allows you to use 1 to 3 yellow dice as if they were red dice. The player who activates this card can only use yellow dice for this action. The dice keep their values.

The Journeyman allows you to convert 3 deniers into 2 VPs.

The Goldsmith allows you to gain 1 VP and 2 deniers.

The Sculptor allows you to gain 1 VP.

Tithing allows you to take 1 yellow die from each player for free, at the moment that you create a group of dice. For example, it is possible for you to put together a group of 3 yellow dice for free by taking one each from 2 players and one from your district. As usual, you may take a die from the neutral player's district. It is forbidden to use another cube to modify the yellow dice, because only one cube can be used per action.

The Monk transforms a single white die into 3 yellow dice of the same value. Whenever you use a cube from this card to modify an action, you must use only a single white die - which if it comes from someone else's district, costs 2 deniers. It is impossible to add an additional yellow die.

The Priest adds 3 to the value of each yellow die in your group of dice. The value of a die is not limited to 6. It does not permit you to modify the value of a die in order to place it on City Hall.

Apprenticeship transforms each die of a group into a die with a value of 5. This card even works on groups with 3 colors. It does not allow you to modify the value of a die in order to place it on the Palace, the Bishopric, the City Hall or the Cathedral.

Confession adds 2 to the value of each die in your group of dice. The value of a die is not limited to 6. This does not allow you to modify the value of a die in order to place it on the Palace, the Bishopric, the City Hall or the Cathedral.

The Templar allows you to use a single white die as if it were 2 red dice of the same value. Whenever you use a cube from this card to modify an action, you must use only one white die - which, if it comes from someone else's district, costs 2 deniers. It is impossible to add an additional red die.

Pilgrimage allows you to gain 2 VPs. You may use a combination of all 3 colors of dice to activate this card: this is the only card that permits you to mix different colors of dice to activate it. Only the cards Apprenticeship and Confession can be used in order to modify the groups of different-colored dice that could be used to activate Pilgrimage. It is possible to activate the card with dice of the same color. In this case, the group can be modified by the other Activity cards.

The Procession offers 2 VPs to the player that has the most dice in his district of the city square (excluding the dice used to activate this card), taking the neutral player into account, as well. In the case of a tie, the tied players all gain 2VPs. You must have at least 1 die in your district in order to gain the 2 VPs.

Glassblower grants you 1 VP per pair of cu- bes you have at the Cathedral.

The Archer allows you to attempt to place a cube on an Event card: you roll a die and can place a cube on any Event card if you roll a 3, 4, 5, or 6 (you gain 1 Influence point). It is impossible to modify the result of this die. If you activate this card multiple times, the player to your left counts the rolls. It is possible to place the cubes on different Event cards.

Chivalry allows you to place cubes on the Event cards: you can place one cube per red die you have on your district of the city square (excluding the dice used to actived this card). You gain 1 Influence point per cube. It is possible to place cubes on different Event cards.

The Diplomat allows you to pay 1 Influence point to place 1 cube on an event card (you gain 1 Influence point per cube). If you activate the Diplomat multiple times, you can place the cubes on different Event cards. You must spend all the Influence points you want to use before starting to place the cubes.

Hunting allows you to gain 3 Influence points.

The Mercenary allows you to gain 3 deniers.

The Tax Collector levies a tax: for each citizen he has at City Hall, each player pays you 1 denier. The bank pays for each grey citizen in City Hall. They do not need to pay for expelled citizens lying on the illustration of City Hall. A player that can't pay is not punished, but must pay what he can.

The Captain allows you to gain 1 VP per Event card on which you have at least one cube. Marauding is included in the tally.

The Joust allows you to gain 2 VPs if the total value of the red dice in your district of the city square (excluding the dice used to actived this card) is higher than anyone else's (including the neutral player). In case of a tie, all the tied players gain 2 VPs.

The Troubadour converts 3 Influence points into 2 VPs.
Note: Don't forget to use your Activity card as many times as allowed by your group of dice (e.g. Use Joust twice, to take 4 VPs instead of 2 VPs).
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