Variant: Isla Grande
Play as described above with the following exceptions:
Each player uses the Isla Grande side of their map sheet.
Play 3 rounds instead of 2. After each of the 3 rounds, score all sights you have collected so far. After round 3, write the sight score in space "III" of the Final Scoring Box.
There are 3 sights of each type on the sheet (instead of 2). When you connect a sight to a village, circle the leftmost available number for this sight in the Sight Scoring Box.
You only get to draw a bonus trail segment when the 3rd sight of the same type is connected to a village.

Mary has connected the 3rd yeti to a village. She immediately draws a bonus trail anywhere on her map.

Mary scored 8 points for sights in round 1; 24 in round 2, and 33 in round 3.
Variant: Special Bonus
Play as described above with the following exceptions:
During Preparations, shuffle the Red Bonus Cards separately. Depending on the number of players, draw a number of random cards from this deck and place them face up beside the Blue Bonus Cards:
2-4 player game: Draw 1 Red Bonus Card
5-8 player game: Draw 2 Red Bonus Cards
The first player(s) to make a connection between two of the shown sights score the shown bonus points. Write down these bonus points in a Bonus Scoring Box. Then the card is discarded.

More Set-up Options
If you want more variation in the set-up, here are some optional rules:
Random Starting Village: Before revealing the Set-Up Card, the Mayor announces a random number from 1-10. The Mayor must write the first letter in the village of the announced number.
Other players start writing in the following villages going clockwise. Example: The Mayor starts in village 4, the second player in village 5, and so on.
Counter-Clockwise: Write the village letters going counter-clockwise around the island (still read the letters clockwise on the set-up card).
Symmetry: If you prefer a 100% symmetric game, each player writes the letters in the exact same villages.
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