Rules are as per the original Ticket to Ride unless specified.
Each player begins with 45 Colored Trains Cars, matching Scoring Marker, and a hand of 4 Train Car cards.
Like Ticket to Ride: Europe/Asia, players begin with 4 Destination Tickets. 1 Long route (blue writing), and 3 Regular routes (red writing). Players must keep at least 2 of the 4, but may keep more.
Place the portraits of Sir John A. Macdonald and Louis St. Laurent, from the bonus ticket cards, in their respective corners to gaze in approval upon your creation as it manifests.

Drawing Train Cards
When a player chooses to draw Train Cards, he draws 2 cards per turn.
But, like Ticket to Ride: Nordic Countries, Locomotives may be drawn as normal Train Cards. Even 2 Locomotives could be taken.
Claiming Routes
All Normal Rules Apply For Claiming Routes, Except: Ticket to Ride: Canada Includes Ferries And Tunnels. (unlike Ticket to Ride: Nordic, 3 Normal Cards May Not Substitute For A Locomotive In Ferries)
Like Ticket to Ride: Nordic, Locomotives may not be used for normal routes, but may be used for Ferries and Tunnels.
Even in a 2 or 3 player game, both links of Double-Routes of different types (ie. ferry and rail) remain in play.
Optionally, Train Stations from Ticket to Ride: Europe may be used. If so, Locomotives may be used as payment for them.

Calculating Scores

There is no Longest Route bonus as such. Instead there are two smaller bonuses of 7 points each:
The Sir John A. Macdonald Award (7 points), for longest route without ferries, honors the Canadian Pacific Railroad.
The Louis St. Laurent Award (7 points), for longest route involving only ferries, honors the St. Lawrence Seaway.
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