- 1 Map Castilla y León Version (80cm x 55,8 cm split in 4 parts)
- 24 Cards from Mystery Train extension
- 94 Destination Tickets
- 4 Punctuation Cards (Castilla y León extension) & 4 Punctuation Cards (Capitals extension)
Deal 4 Wagon Cards each player and destination depends the game mode:

Game Modes
Normal: Include the 50 normal tickets and the 8 longs. (Recommended from 2 to 5 players).
Capitals: Include the 36 Capitals tickets, 19 double & 17 triple. (Recommended from 2 to 3 players).
Total: Include the 94 destination tickets. (Recommended from 5 to 7 players)
Game Mode | Normal Tickets | Long Tickets | Double Capitals Tickets | Triple Capitals Tickets | Remain at least |
Normal | 3 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 2 |
Capitals | 0 | 0 | 2 | 2 | 2 |
Total | 3 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 3 |
If the Mystery Train extension is in use, regardless of the game mode, deal 1 card face down to each player, except "el mecánico", the rest Hill be resolved at the end of the game in the punctuation phase.
The Long Tickets surplus and returned by the players going to be discard.
To play with 6 or 7 players, the purple and white trains from the extension Ticket to Ride Nordic Countries are needed, with 7 players; the number of total trains is 40 instead of 45.
Transbordos (Ferries)
To complete a transbordo (Ferries in the Europe extension) a locomotive Hill be paid for each bus, (Exception added: instead a locomotive, can be paid 3 cards of the same color than the rest of the grey sections, this is due the great number of transbordos, locomotives become too coveted and can be a problem due to the too many draws of the wagon deck if this exception isn't used.
Example: A grey section and a bus can be paid with any color card and a locomotive or with 4 cards of the same color.
There is a new punctuation card that awards the player who had complete more routes with transbordos.
The rules are the same except at the time to give points to the trains, each section with tunnels worth one more point, example: 3 trains= 4 points, 3 tunnels= 5 points, the map has a printed diagram.
There is a new punctuation card that awards the player who had complete more routes with tunnels.
Draw Destination Tickets
In the normal and Capitals modes draw 3, in the total mode, 4. Always keep one al least.
Points for placed trains, normal & tunnels (see diagrams at the map) + add or subtract for destination tickets +4 points for kept station + points for mystery train station if is used and got + points of punctuation cards.
Triple Destinations
Covering a triple route, if you take the shortest route will give you al the final of the game the points that the card marks, but if you've covered with most of these trains, you will win as many points as trains you used to cover it.
If a triple destination is covered by two or more routes, you count only the shortest side to know the points you win.
You can never earn more than the double of the points that the original ticket, in the example above, "Leon-Burgos-Palencia value 8, you could never win more than 16 points, even if you used 19 trains to fill it.
Punctuation Cards
Normal and Total Mode:
Transbordoman: 5 points to the player with more completed routes with transbordos.
Tunnelman: 5 points to the player with more completed routes with tunnels.
Interrail: 10 points to the player with the longest path.
Ticketman: 15 points to the player who completed more destination tickets.
In case of a tie in any of these 4 cards, each player wins the points
Capitals and Total Modes:
capitalman: 10 points to the player who arrives more capitals of Castilla y León.
CapitalTicketman: 15 points to the player who completed more capitals tickets.
SuperCapitalman: 21 points to the player who arrives to the 9 capitals of Castilla y León. (Ávila, Burgos, León, Palencia, Salamanca, Segovia, Soria, Valladolid y Palencia).
SuperCapitalTicketman: 27 points to the player who completed tickets with Start or end in the 9 capitals of Castilla y León.
In case of a tie, points are distributed rounding down, 5, 7, 10 & 13 respectively between two players, 3, 5, 7 & 9 between 3 players, etc.
If a player get to be SuperCapitalman, does not win the points for be Capitalman and if get to be SuperCapitalTicketman does not win the points for be CapitalTicketman.
It's recommended to count the points for placed trains at the end, to count the transbordos and tunnels at the same time.
Thanks to Miguel Fuerles
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