Upgrades Effective in the Next Round

You now have a permanent Waitress, which allows you to roll a Die in your color in Phase C, and later place it on an action space.
When you hire the permanent Waitress, you do not gain the extra Die immediately, but starting in the following Round.

You now have a permanent Dishwasher in your tavern.
Once per Round during Phase E , you may place 1 Die (either a White Die or a Die of your color) on any action space and treat it as if it were 1 value higher.
The Die is not rotated, but placed on the space with the actual value rolled. However, a Die of value "6" can never be made into a "1" by using a Dishwasher
When you hire the permanent Dishwasher, you cannot use its ability immediately, but starting in the following Round.

Beginning with the following Round, you now have at least 4 Tables at which to seat your Guests in Phase B.
When you upgrade to the additional Table, you do not immediately draw new cards to fill it; it can only be filled starting in the following Round.
Upgrades Effective Immediately
Beer Supplier

From now on, more Beer can be delivered to your tavern. For each Die removed from the upgraded Beer Supplier tile, you will now receive 2 Beers (plus 1 Beer for every Beer Supplier card present).

From now on, whenever you remove a Die from the Cashbox, you will receive 3 Doubloons.
"House Brew"

From now on, whenever you remove a Die from the Barrel, you will receive 2 Beers.

From now on, you may save up to 5 Doubloons in your Safe. Doubloons in excess of 5 are forfeited.

Beer Storage
From now on, you may store up to 5 Beers in your Beer Storage. Beer in excess of 5 are forfeited.
The Monk

From now on, whenever you remove a Die from the Monk, you may move your Monastery Marker by 2 spaces.
Bonuses on the Round Track
As soon as the Round Marker (Moon) is moved to the next Round Track space, all players immediately receive the bonus shown there:
Rounds 1, 4 and 6
Each player takes a Counter Guest and places it at a bar stool at the Counter.
You can only use a Counter Guest once. Once used, it is returned to the box. When you decide to use a Counter Guest, you must choose between the following two actions it offers (shown on either side of the Counter Guest):

After filling all of your Tables in Phase B, you may discard the Counter Guest and discard all cards you have drawn during this phase to your discard stack.
You then restart this phase from the beginning.

During you turn in Phase F, you may discard the Counter Guest to advance 1 space on the Monastery Track.
You may use several Counter Guests in a row in the same Phase B or F.

Round 2
Each player may choose between the following 2 bonuses: Either he takes a "3 Beer" Guest card or a Beer Merchant card, and places it face down on the top of his draw deck.

Round 3
Each player may choose between the following 2 bonuses: Either he takes a Die in his player color, rolls it and places it below his Tavern Board for use in this Round, or he takes a Dishwasher card and places it face down on the top of his draw deck.

Round 5
Each player may choose between the following 2 bonuses: Either he takes a Table card or a Beer Supplier card, and places it face down on the top of his draw deck.

Round 7
Each player may choose between the following 2 bonuses: Either he takes a Die in his player color, rolls it and places it below his Tavern Board for use in this Round, or he takes a Beer Merchant card and places it face down on the top of his draw deck.

Round 8
Each player may immediately upgrade any area of his Tavern for free by flipping the appropriate tile over. However, he does not gain a Noble card for this! The upgraded benefit is immediately available in the current Round.
Bonuses on the Monastery Track/Guest Cards
Any bonuses earned on the Monastery Track or from purchased Guest Cards must be used/taken immediately or will be forfeited.
Beer Merchant / Dishwasher/Waitress / Table / Beer Supplier

Take the pictured card from the general display and place it face down at the top of your draw deck.
2/3/4 Doubloons

Earn the pictured number of Doubloons immediately.
1/2 Monastery Track Movements

Move your Monastery Marker 1 or 2 spaces on the Monastery Track. If you move past or finish your movement on a space showing a bonus, you receive that bonus immediately.
Service Denied!

You may immediately remove 1 "Regular" or other Guest card seated at 1 of your Tables from the game. You may not remove a Guest from your draw deck or discard stack.
You may only remove a Guest of there is not a Die currently on it. The Table from where the Guest was removed is not refilled.
You may first serve the Guest you plan to remove, thereby earning its Doubloons, and then remove him. The removed Guest card is returned to the box.

Take 1 Noble card and place it face down at the top of your draw deck.
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