In The Gallerist, each Player tries to gain as much money as possible, and thus win the game. Over the course of the game, Players will discover Artists, commission them to create a Work of Art, and invest in them to make them more famous.
They will buy Works of Art, exhibit them in their Gallery, and possibly sell them. They will hire Assistants and use them in the International Market to increase Reputation and bid for auctioned Art. At the end of the game, Players also score additional money for completing the goals of their Curator and Art Dealer cards.
Players take turns in clockwise order. On a Player's turn, they choose one of the four Locations on the game board and then choose one of the two available actions at that Location. There are also Executive Actions and Kicked-Out Actions that are explained later.

A brief explanation of the four Locations:

Artists Colony: Players can either discover a new Artist, or buy a Work of Art from an already discovered Artist. Each Artist may only have two unsold Works of Art at any time, represented by their Signature tokens.
The cost of a Work of Art is based on how famous the Artist is (tracked on the Artist tile by the Fame cube), and once bought, the Work of Art is displayed in the Player's Gallery.

Sales Office: A Player can take a contract card from the available display or, if he already has the correct contract, sell one of his Works of Art. The sales value of the work is based on the Fame level of the Artist who created it.

Media Center: A Player can hire extra Assistants at this Location, or promote an Artist in the media, which will increase their Fame as well as reward the Player an additional bonus.

International Market: At this Location, a Player may send one of their Assistants onto one of the spaces of the International Market table and gain Influence depending upon which column they are placed.
The upper part of the table increases the Player's Reputation and gives them an end game goal tile; the bottom part of the table is where the Players make an offer on the auctioned Works of Art (displayed on the easels). This auction happens at the end of the game.
Visitors, Galleries, Plaza and Lobbies
An important part of the game are Visitors, which come in 3 different types representing Investors (brown), VIPs (pink) and Collectors (white).

A Player may move these Visitors on the board by spending tickets of the appropriate color, with the aim of getting Visitors into his Gallery. Once there, these Visitors may earn a Player money and Influence, and help to increase an Artist's Fame.


Each discovered Artist (face-up) has a marker to represent their current Fame.
This determines the sale price of any Work of Art they create, so it is a good idea to buy a Work of Art from them when they have just been discovered, and sell it for a profit when they are more famous!
The Fame of an Artist is increased when they create a Work of Art, and when they are promoted in the media.

Each Player marks their current Influence on the track on the game board. Influence is spent when promoting an Artist, taking a Location action as part of a Kicked-Out Action, and to gain additional money or Fame.
Influence is gained whenever a Player takes an action with this icon, and executing a Location action at the International Market.

Money is a vital resource in the game, and is used for buying Works of Art, hiring Assistants and bidding on auctions in the International Market.
Money is gained whenever a Player sells a Work of Art or takes an action with this icon.
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