1. Adventure Cards

Green or gold numbered cards include the terrains you will discover as you explore the continent, the predefined events (places, encounters, etc) you can trigger, items you can find, as well as many more surprises to be discovered!

Terrain cards are portions of the continent that remain in play on the Board.
A player may move their figure to a Terrain card, take the actions shown on it, and use the resources shown on it to craft items at cheaper cost.
Permanent Event

Permanent event cards remain in play on the Board after they have been revealed. They are attached to the Terrain card in the direction their placement arrow points.
Temporary Event

Temporary event cards are discarded (unless stated otherwise) into the Past - the play area into which players discard Adventure and Exploration cards - immediately after they have been resolved.
Important: Card text overrides these rules

Item cards are placed in the players' inventories and help them perform certain actions more easily or enable them to take new actions.
They feature a die icon showing the number of times the item can be used before it is destroyed.
Quest Item

Quest item cards provide the players with helpful information and, in some cases, enable them to use positive effects or take new actions.
They are stored under the "Satchel & Journal" card and the players may look at and read them at any time.

State cards are harmful cards that players add to their hands after obtaining them along the adventure, generally when they fail at performing an action.
In most cases, how you can get rid of a State card is explained on the card.

Bonus cards are positive cards that players add to their hands after obtaining them along the adventure, such as companions, positive states and side quests that players can complete.
2. Exploration Cards

Exploration cards are events that occur randomly as you explore the continent. They can be permanent events, temporary events, found items, etc.
Each Exploration card belongs to the area of the continent represented by the Roman numeral (I, II, III, IV, etc). shown on the back of the card and on the Terrain card it is attached to.
Note: the unique ID number of an Exploration card can be seen on its front, in the top-right corner.
3. Action Cards

Action cards include Skill cards and - Curse cards. Together, they form the Action Deck, that enables you to perform actions and represents the players' life force.

Skill cards enable you to craft helpful items or benefit from positive effects.


Curse cards decrease the odds that players perform an action successfully (since they are worth zero success). They also cause all players to lose when they get drawn from the Discard Pile during the Cost step of an action while the Action Deck is empty.
4. Character Cards

Character cards present the portraits and background stories of the explorers that players personify. They also display the character's abilities.
5. "satchel & Journal" Card

Players start the game with this card, under which they will store any Quest acquired along the adventure.
6. Clue Cards

Before the game begins, players select the Clue card(s) that correspond to the curse(s) they wish to try and lift. Each clue provides a piece of information that helps solve the curse it is associated with.
A clue is a Quest item card, so once selected, it is stored under the "Satchel & Journal" card and the players may look at and read it at any time.

7. Save Cards

When you wish to save the game, use Save cards to store the cards that are in the Action Deck and the Discard Pile and to keep track of the durability of the items in all players' inventories.
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