Expand Your Horizons! Explore new sites and strategies in Terraforming Mars! Any of these two game boards can be used instead of the ordinary game board.
They each depict a new region of Mars, with new placement bonuses, ocean areas, and brand new sets of milestones and awards.

This map shows the south pole as well as the great Hellas sea, all the way up to the equator.
Therefore, the plant bonuses lie at the top of the map, along the equator. The map overlaps the original game board by featuring Argyre Planitia and its surrounding mountains.
The map features two new placement bonuses.
The first, heat, is found in the Hellas sea because of the thin Martian crust in this area, as well as around the south pole where frozen carbon dioxide can be released to the atmosphere as a greenhouse gas.
The other special bonus is on the south pole itself, requiring you to pay 6 megacredits for placing a tile here, but giving you an ocean tile (along with its terraform rating) to place on any available ocean area.
The Hellas map lacks volcanos and the Noctis region, so the tiles from the cards Noctis City and Lava Flows lose their placement restrictions and may be placed on any non-ocean area.
DIVERSIFIER requires that you have 8 different tags in play.
TACTICIAN requires that you have 5 cards with requirements in play. POLAR EXPLORER requires that you have 3 tiles on the two bottom rows.
ENERGIZER requires that you have 6 energy production.
RIM SETTLER requires that you have 3 jovian tags.
- Cultivaton - most greenery tiles.
- Magnatel - most automated cards in play (green cards).
- Space Baron - most space tags (event cards do not count).
- Excentric - most resources on cards.
- Contractor - most building tags (event cards do not count).

Here we see the region west of Tharsis , from Olympus Mons, the highest mountain in the solar system, to Elysium Montes.
In the north, the great northern lowlands, Vastitas Borealis, reaches down towards the equator, while the south is dominated by its great crater-saturated highlands.
The map overlaps the original game board by featuring Arsia Mons. There are no special placement bonuses on this map.
The Elysium map does not have the No ctis region, so Noctis City may be placed without its restriction.
It does, however , have four volcanic sites where the Lava Flows tile can be placed: Arsia Mons, Olympus Mons, Elysium Mons, and Hecates Tholus.
GENERALIST requires that you have increased all 6 productions by at least 1 step (starting production from corporation cards count as increase).
SPECIALIST requires that you have at least 10 in production of any resource.
ECOLOGIST requires that you have 4 bio tags (plant -, microbe- and animal tags count as bio tags).
TYCOON requires that you have 15 project cards in play (blue and green cards ).
LEGEND requires 5 played events (red cards).
- Celebrity - most cards in play (not events) with a cost of at least 20 megacredits
- Industrialis t- most steel and energy resources.
- Desert Settler- most tiles south of the equator (the four bottom rows). Estate Dealer- most tiles adjacent to ocean tiles.
- Benefactor- highest terraform rating. Count this award first!
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