Royal Tiles

Gain 1 more cocoa than the power of the locked worker.

Score 2 Victory Points each for whichever is lower: the number of Technologies with your marker, or the power of the locked worker.

Spend 1 cocoa and 1 resource to receive as many resources as the power of the locked worker (any combination).

Pay 1 cocoa to receive 1 wood and 1 stone. You may do this up to as many times as the power of the locked worker.

Score 2 Victory Points each for whichever is lower: your position on the Pyramid track, or the power of the locked worker.

Spend 1 cocoa to advance on any temple by one. You may do this up to as many times as the power of the locked worker minus one.
Note: locking a worker with a power of 1 has no effect here.

Pay 1 resource to receive 2 cocoa. You may do this up to as many times as the power of the locked worker.

Pay 1 cocoa to receive 1 gold and 1 stone. You may do this up to as many times as the power of the locked worker.

Score 1 Victory Point each for whichever is lower: your position on the Avenue of the Dead track, or the power of the locked worker plus one.
Technology Tiles

Each time you move a worker onto or past the Palace (1) Action Board, you gain 1 cocoa.

After performing the Main action of the Forest (2), Stone Quarry (3), or Gold Deposits (4) Action Boards, gain 1 cocoa and 1 Victory Point.

After performing the Main action of Alchemy (5) or Nobles (6) Action Boards, gain 3 Victory Points.

After performing the Main action of the Decorations (7) Action Board, gain 4 Victory Points.

After performing the Main action of Forest (2), Stone Quarry (3), Gold Deposits (4), you get one (additional) wood, stone, gold, respectively.

After performing the Main action of the Construction (8) Action Board, gain 3 Victory Points (regardless of the number of tiles placed).

After resolving one or more power- ups gained from performing a Main action, you may pay 1 cocoa to gain an additional power-up (same Action Board).

When performing the Main action of the Construction (8) Action Board, resolve it as if you had an additional worker that also granted a discount of 1 resource.

After performing the Main action of the Construction (8) Action Board, advance your marker once on one temple (regardless of the number of tiles placed).
Discovery Tiles

Gain 3 resources.

Advance on the green temple.

Advance once on any temple.

Use when moving a worker to move a second worker from the same Action Board to the same Action Board.

Gain 2 resources.

Advance on the blue temple.

Score 4 Victory Points.

Use in place of your normal movement to move one of your workers an unlimited distance. (May be combined with the double- move tile's effect).

Gain 4 cocoa.

Advance on the red temple.

Power up 2 of your unlocked workers (or the same worker twice).

Use when resolving the Main action on the Alchemy (5), Nobles (6), or Construction (8) Action Board to treat the action as if you had an additional worker present.

Advance once on the Avenue of the Dead track (to a maximum of 9).

Use to ignore paying cocoa for one transaction: Payment for a Main action, Payment for a Worship Action (including cost of unlocking another player's worker), Payment for salary during Eclipse.

These are masks, used to score during Eclipse. The small number in the bottom right corner shows how many copies of that mask exist. Lower numbered masks are less common, which makes them more valuable.
Starting Tiles

Advance on the Avenue of the Dead track and gain 2 cocoa and 3 wood.

Advance on the green temple (gaining its reward) and gain 2 stone and 3 gold.

Advance on the blue temple (gaining its reward) and gain 4 wood and 1 stone.

Advance on the red temple (gaining its reward), increase the power of one of your starting workers, and gain 5 cocoa.

Advance on the green temple (gaining its reward), increase the power of one of your starting workers, and gain 5 cocoa.

Advance on the blue and red temples (gaining rewards), and gain any 2 resources.

Select the lowest numbered Technology tile on the Alchemy (5) Action Board, and place your marker on it for free.
Gain the associated temple advance (and its reward) plus any 2 resources.

Select the lowest numbered Technology tile on the Alchemy (5) Action Board, and place your marker on it for free.
Gain the associated temple advance (and its reward) plus 2 gold.

Increase the power of one of your starting workers. Gain 3 wood and 2 gold.

Gain 2 cocoa and 3 gold. You may claim a random Discovery tile (by paying its cost). You may look at the Discovery tile before deciding to pick this tile.

Gain 3 stone and 1 gold. You may claim a random Discovery tile (by paying its cost). You may look at the Discovery tile before deciding to pick this tile.

Advance on the Avenue of the Dead track and gain 1 wood and 2 stone.

Advance on the red temple (gaining its reward) and gain 5 cocoa and 2 gold.

Advance on the blue temple (gaining its reward) and gain 2 cocoa and 4 stone.

Advance on each of the three temples (gaining rewards).

Gain 3 cocoa and 5 wood.

Gain 3 cocoa, 2 wood, and 3 stone.

Gain 1 wood, 2 stone, and 3 gold.
Temple Bonus Tiles

Score your highest scoring mask set one more time.

Score 5 VictoryPoints for each Technology tile with one of your markers.

Score 15 Victory Points.

Score 3 Victory Points for each step you progressed on the Avenue of the Dead track.

Score 9 Victory Points for each Bonus tile you reached, including this tile.

Score 2 Victory Points for each non- mask Discovery tile you have (used or unused).

Score for your workers: for each worker with 1-3 power, score 4 Victory Points; for each worker with 4-5 power, score 9 Victory Points.
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