
- 10 Guest Movers
- 1 Game Board
- 28 Action Cards
- 6 Yes Cards
- 6 No Cards
- 10 Invitation Cards
- 2 Dice
- 45 Gem Tiles
- 1 Deduction Pad
- 6 Pencils
- Instructions
You're Invited
Famed art collector Baron Whitetooth is hosting his annual masquerade gala and you are on the guest list. Little does he know, you're a world-class jewel thief. And you are not alone.
Explore the Whitetooth mansion, steal gems, and keep your identity a secret.
Can you unmask the other thieves before they turn the tables on you?

Guest List

Object of the Game
Score points by stealing gems and using deductive reasoning to guess the identities of your opponents, all while trying to keep your own identity a secret.

Randomly place one guest mover in each of the outer ten rooms on the game board.
Make three stacks of gem tiles, one for each gem type. The number of gem tiles in each stack depends on the number of players:
- 2-3 players: 5 gem tiles in each stack
- 4 players: 9 gem tiles in each stack
- 5-6 players: 12 gem tiles in each stack Put the remaining gem tiles back in the box.
Shuffle the Invitation cards and deal one card face-down to each player. This is your guest identity; keep it secret from the other players. Put the remaining Invitation cards face-down in a deck.
Shuffle the Action cards and deal two cards face-down to each player. Players may look at their cards. Put the remaining cards face-down in a deck.
Give each player a sheet from the Deduction Pad, a pencil, a Yes card, and a No card.

Game Play
On your turn:
Each turn consists of two phases. perform both phases in this order:
1. Movement Phase

Roll the dice.
The dice determine the guests you'll move. Move each guest through a doorway into any adjacent room. You must move BOTH guests you rolled.
The question mark is a wild symbol; you may move any ONE guest for that die, including the guest shown on the other die (in which case you would move that guest twice). If you roll two wilds, you may move any two guests one room each, or move the same guest twice.
Note: There is no limit on how many guests may be in the same room.
2. Action Phase
Choose one of the two Action cards in your hand and play it face-up on the table. Perform BOTH actions shown on the card. You may perform the actions in any order (you do not have to perform the top action first).
After performing the two actions, discard the Action card and draw a new one to replace it.
Note: In a two-player game, only perform ONE of the actions shown on the card. You may decide which of the actions to perform. After performing the action, discard the card and draw a new one to replace it.
If a player draws the last Action card, shuffle the discard pile and put it face-down to form a new deck. At the end of your Action Phase, give all players time to mark information on their Deduction Sheet.
Now it's the next player's turn.
Each complete set of all three types of gem tiles (1 Diamond, 1 Ruby, and 1 Emerald) is worth 6 points
Each remaining single gem tile is worth 1 point.
Example: If a player has 2 Diamonds, 3 Rubies, and 4 Emeralds, they would score a total of 15 points (12 points for the two complete sets plus 3 points for the remaining three gems).
(6 points) +
(6 points) +
(1 point) +
(1 point) +
(1 point) = 15 points
Each player receives 7 points for each other player they correctly identify at the end of the game.
Card Actions
Room Robbery
Take a gem tile from one of the gem stacks. It must match one of the gem symbols in the room your guest is in.
Let all the other players see what type of gem tile you take. This will reveal information about your guest identity to the other players.
Lucky Lift
Take a gem tile of the type pictured on the card. It does not matter what room your guest is in. This will not reveal any information about your guest identity.
Secret Passageway
Move one guest of your choice to any room in the mansion.
Peek at an Invitation
Look at the top card of the Invitation cards deck (do not show anyone else), then put the card on the bottom of the deck. None of your opponents can be the guest identity shown on the card!
Question a Player
Choose any one player and ask them: "Can your guest see the guest shown on this card?"
The player must answer by passing their Yes card or their No card to you face-down, without letting the other players see the answer.
The answer to the question is based on line of sight. Guests can "see" all of the guests in rooms along horizontal and vertical lines.
If the player's guest is in the same column or row as the guest shown on the card, the player must answer Yes to the question. If their guest is not in a horizontal or vertical line to the guest shown on the card, they must answer No.
Note: Guests can always see themselves. For example, if a player asks you if your guest can see Viola Chung and your guest identity is Viola Chung, then you must answer Yes.

Example: You ask another player if her guest can see Dr. Ashraf Najem, and she slides you the Yes card. The other player's identity must be one of the guests in the highlighted rooms because those characters can all see Dr. Najem.
Therefore, you can cross off all the guests in the shaded rooms because those guests cannot see Dr. Najem.
End of the Game
The game ends immediately when ONE of the three stacks of gem tiles is empty.
When a player takes the last gem tile in a stack, each player makes their best guesses as to the identities of all the other players by circling their guesses on their Deduction Sheet.
When all players have made their guesses, players reveal their guest identities by turning over their Invitation cards.
Award points to players for successfully identifying each other, and for gem tiles and gem sets (see Scoring). The player with the most points wins.
If there is a tie, then the tied player whose identity was kept secret from the most opponents wins.
If it remains a tie, then the tied player who took the most gem tiles wins.
Deduction Sheets
Write the names of the other players on the "Guest" lines.
During the game, information about players' guest identities will be revealed.
Players should track this information on their Deduction Sheet using process of elimination, as well as marking individual suspicions they may have.
Example: Player 1 uses the Room Robbery action and takes a Diamond gem tile. You can deduce that Player 1's identity must be one of the guests in the highlighted rooms because they are the only guests in rooms with a Diamond symbol.
You can cross off all the guests in the shaded rooms because those guests do not have a Diamond symbol in their room.

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