In Supermarche, you own a grocery store and your goal is to make money! Not only are you responsible for keeping the shelves stocked but also buying food at low prices to make a profit.
Your customers are demanding, so you better have what they want. Will you sell everything before it spoils? Will you be successful? Or will your store go under?

- Game Board
- 30 Customer Cards
- 6 Distribution Center Cards
- 5 SaleTokens
- 2 Money Tokens
- Instructions
- 2 Dice
- 50 cubes
- 2 pawns
Object of the Game
As a grocery store owner, your goal is to make the most money over six rounds.
Game Play
Each round consists of five phases: Preparation, Delivery, Stocking, Customer, and Waste. For the Preparation Phase, you'll deal out five customer cards and the new Distribution Center Card.
During the Delivery Phase, you'll buy food from the Distribution Center. Every round the costs the Distribution Center change, make sure buy wisely.
The food types in your grocery store are Produce, Bakery, Dairy, Dry Goods, and Frozen. During the Stocking Phase, you'll stock the shelves and hope to offer your customers the best selection.
You can also put items sale during the Stocking Phase. Customers come and shop during the Customer Phase. Each round, you will have five possible customers, and each one will buy a different number of items.
If you do not have what customer wants, you will lose sales and suffer a penalty. Make sure to plan wisely because the food will spoil isn't sold.
You'll get rid of spoiled food during the Waste Phase, lose whatever money you spent it, and get penalized. The game ends after six rounds, and hopefully, you've made a profit.
However, any time, your money drops below $0, you lose.

The Game Board: place the two halves of the game board on the table.
Name Your Store: It's important that your grocery store has a name. On the bottom left of the Store side of the board is a welcome mat and a place to write the name of your store. It says, "Welcome to ____________". Go ahead and think of a name, then write it in.
The Money Track: Place one pawn on the $15 space of the Money Track. You begin the game with fifteen dollars.
For an easier game begin with $30 For a harder game begin with $0
The Round Track: Place the other pawn on the 1 space of the Round Track.
The Distribution Center: The Distribution Center has boxes for each of the five food types. Choose which color of cubes you would like to represent each food type and place all ten of each cube in the designated box.
Place Starting Foods: Place three of each food into the Store. Place the food cubes into the matching box with the earliest expiration date. You begin the game with the store fully stocked.
The Distribution Center Cards: Shuffle the six Distribution Center Cards and place them face-down to the right of the game board.
The Customer Cards: Shuffle all 30 Customer Cards and place them face-down to the left of the game board.
The Sale Tokens, Money Tokens, and 6-Sided Dice: Put the Sale Tokens, Money Tokens, and the 6- sided dice next to the board for now.

You are now ready to play.
Spending and Earning Money
The Money Track where you keep track of the money you've spent and earned. At any time during the game, you can look at the Money Track and see how much money you have.
When you spend lose money, move the pawn backward the track. When you make money, move the pawn forward the track.
At the end of the game, you will see how much money you've made the pawn's position the Money Track. If at any time you have less than $0, you lose. The game ends and the store closes down.
There are two Money Tokens: a 100-Dollar Token and a 200-Dollar Token. Use these to keep track of your progress along the Money Track. When you earn over 100 or 200 dollars, put the 100 or 200-Dollar Token near the top of the board. These tokens simply act as a reminder as to how much money you have.
Game Play
The game lasts six rounds. Each round consists of five phases. Once you complete all five phases, move on to the next round. After six rounds, the game ends.
Game phases:
- Preparation Phase
- Delivery Phase
- Stocking Phase
- Customer Phase
- Waste Phase
1. Preparation Phase
During the preparation phase, you simply set up the cards for the coming turn and move the pawn forward on the Round Track.
At the beginning of each round, starting in Round 2, move the pawn forward on the Round Track.
Customer Cards
Take the top five Customer Cards and place them face-down in front of you. Then flip over any two of the Customer Cards you wish. You will now have two face-up Customer Cards and three face- down Customer cards. It does not matter which two of the five cards are face-up.
Distribution Center Cards
Turn over the top Distribution Center Card. This card displays the Distribution Center costs for the round.
2. Delivery Phase
Your grocery store needs food sell, and the Delivery Phase when you buy food from the Distribution Center.
The face-up Distribution Center Card tells you the costs for each type of food. Decide how many and what types of food you want. Move the pawn backward along the Money Track the amount of money you spent. (Don't forget, you can never go below $0). Next, take the cubes you just purchased and put them in the appropriate boxes in your Stock Room.
During the 1st turn, you will have a fully-stocked store, but nothing in your stock room. It is okay to purchase foods during the Delivery Phase to fill up your Stock Room.
The Distribution Center Card
Each Distribution Center Card has two important pieces of information:
- The type of food available for purchase.
- The cost of each food type.

Expiration Dates
Each food type has an expiration date and only lasts a certain number of rounds. In order to keep track of when food expires, the Stock Room contains seven boxes that indicate the round in which foods expire.
Place the food cubes you just purchased into the appropriate box. These boxes will help you keep track of when food expires and where to place them on the board.
Expiration Dates Per Food Type
Produce expires at the end of each round. Bakery expires after two rounds. Dairy expires after three rounds. Dry Goods expire after four rounds. Frozen never expires.
When counting the number of rounds before food expires, always include the round it was purchased.
Only place cubes in the "Expires After Round 6" box if the cubes actually expire at the end of Round 6.
3. Stocking Phase
Now it's time to stock your shelves. Decide which foods you want to put in your store. The types and amounts of food you choose are very important. If you are out of stock of something that a customer wants,the round will end.
There is a limit tothe number of food cubes you canhave in the StockRoom and Store at any time.
Youare allowed 20 total cubes in the Stock Room and only 15 total cubes intheStore, so choose wisely. Also, oncecubes are intheStore, you may not move them back to the Stock Room.
When you move food from the Stock Room to the Store, place them in the appropriate location and in the boxes with the correct expiration dates.
This willhelp you remember when foods expire.
During the 1st turn, you will have a fully-stocked store. The Stocking Phase is already done for you.
Putting Items on Sale
Putting food on sale is necessary to stay ahead of the competition. It also helps to sell through food that might expire. Plus, it's always better to sell something at a loss than lose your whole investment.
If you want to put something on sale, it must be done during the Stocking Phase. If there are customers in the Store, it is too late to put something on sale. This will be explained during the Customer Phase section of the rules.
4. Customer Phase
Open the doors, let the customers in, and sell your food To begin the Customer Phase, look at your two face-up Customer Cards. They are the first two customers who will shop at your store this round.
The Customer Card
Each Customer Card has five important pieces of information.

- The customer's name.
- The Coupon indicates the customer can use a Coupon.
- The Shopping Cart indicates the number of items the customer will buy.
- The number range used for purchases.
- The penalty for not completing the card.
The Shopping Trip
You will have five Customer Cards spread out in front of you. Two of them will be face-up and three will be face-down. During the Preparation Phase, you drew the five face-down cards and chose two to turn face-up.
You now have an idea of who is shopping at your store during this turn. Three of the customers are a mystery, but you know two of them.
Choose one of the two face-up cards and have that customer shop. Once that card is completed, turn over one of the face-down Customer Cards. Again, you have two cards to choose from. Continue like this until no face-down cards remain. Once all cards are completed, the Customer Phase is over.
How a Customer Shops
Each food's price is printed on the game board next to the food's location. Unless the food is on sale, the price of food will always be the same.
Each customer has a different number range that determines how he or she shops. The number range is printed at the bottom of each customer card and is different for everyone.
For each item, a customer wishes to buy, roll both 6-sided dice.
According to the total of both dice, you have two options for buying food. The customer can either buy one food at a normal price or some customers can use a Coupon and buy two foods for a discounted price.
Normal Price
Use the total of both dice and find which food is purchased according to the number range. The customer buys that food. Place the cube in the customer's Shopping Cart, then move the pawn forward on the Money Track.
Instead of using the total of both dice to buy one item, you can sometimes use a Coupon. If there is a Coupon symbol at the top left of the Customer Card, the customer can shop using a Coupon. Customers with a Coupon can go Couponing as many times as there are Coupon Symbols printed on the Customer Card.
When a customer uses Coupon, she buys two items instead of one. Because of the Coupon, she also saves $2. When using Coupon, reference the Coupon Chart the game board. Find the two numbers the bottom row that corresponds to the total the 6-‐sided dice.
For both numbers, find which foods are purchased according to the number range. The customer buys both foods. Place the cubes the customer's Shopping Cart, then move the pawn forward the Money Track.

Running out of Food
If at any time, you do not have the food indicated by the dice, the customer leaves out of frustration and doesn't buy anything.
Three things happen when you fail to complete a customer card
You receive a penalty for not completing the Customer Card and lose the amount of money printed on the Card. The customer is so upset by the incompetency of you and your employees that he tells everyone he knows about his terrible experience.
You lose the money the customer spent during his trip.
You lose the food in the customer's Shopping Cart. He was so upset that he left his cart in the middle of an aisle. By the time one of your employees found it, the food was spoiled, smashed, or lost. Leave the cubes on the Customer Card.
There are three cards in the game that has both a penalty and a bonus. If you cannot complete the card, you receive the penalty as usual. However, if you complete the card, you receive the bonus.
There is one Sale Token for each food type. Use the tokens to put food on sale. However, you can only put something on sale during the Stocking Phase. Each food type can only go on sale once during the game, and only one food can be on sale at a time.
You are required to put three different foods on sale during the course of the game. However, that does not stop you from putting additional foods on sale.
When food is on sale, the price is lowered. Also, because of the Sale, customers use the money they saved to buy more food.
Most of the time, customers don't understand that they are spending more money than they saved, but we in the grocery business don't tell them that do we? When food is on sale, customers often buy extra food. It's a spending spree
Buying an Initial On-sale Food
When food is on sale, each customer may buy one on-sale food at the beginning of his or her shopping trip. This happens before the dice are rolled. Take the on-sale food cube and place it to the left of the spaces in the Shopping Cart, then begin the customer's shopping trip as normal.
Buying an On-sale Food During a Shopping Trip
During a shopping trip, Sales work a little differently. If the dice roll causes a customer to buy an on-sale food, she actually buys three items. When a customer buys an on-sale food, she also buys both items on the Coupon Chart.
The customer does not save the $2 because she is not using a Coupon. The customer also does not need to have room for every item. Place all the cubes in the Shopping Cart even if there are more than will fit. This is an exception to the rule.
However, if all three items aren't available, the Customer Card is not completed. You receive the penalty, refund the money, lose the cubes, and the customer's shopping trip is over.
If using a Coupon causes a customer to buy an on-sale food, she only purchases the two items from the Coupon Chart. She does not buy all three items.
Once per round you are allowed to restock your Store. Take the cubes from the Stock Room and place them in the Store. Remember, there is a 15-cube limit to the amount of food you can have in the Store at any one time.
You must have at least one food cube in the Stock Room to Restock during the Customer Phase.
Restocking During a Customer's Shopping Trip
You are allowed to Restock during a customer's shopping trip. If you decide to do so, it ends his shopping trip. You do not complete the card and you receive the penalty. However, you do not lose the money already spent by the customer.
The customer must purchase at least one item before you can Restock during his shopping trip. Once a Shopping Cart is full, you can no longer Restock during the shopping trip.
You must decide to Restock before rolling the dice for the next item. If you roll the dice and realize you are out of a good, it is too late to Restock and the customer's shopping trip is over.
Restocking After a Customer's Shopping Trip
If you Restock after a customer's shopping trip, you must discard a face-down Customer Card without looking at it. If there is no face-down Customer Cards, you may not Restock between customers.
Restocking occurs after the completion of a Customer Card but before you flip over the next face-down Customer Card.
End of the Customer Phase
After you have completed all five Customer Cards, the Customer Phase is over. Remove all the cubes on the Customer Cards and place them back in the Distribution Center. Place all Customer Cards face-down in the discard pile. It's time to move on to the Waste Phase.
5. Waste Phase
After all customers have finished shopping you must discard the expired food. Find every food cube that expires at the end of the current round and remove the cubes from both the Store and the Stock Room. Put the cubes back in the Distribution Center.
You lose $1 for every expired cube you discard. You must pay an employee to search through and find expired food. Discarding food wastes product and employee time, which is why you are penalized for mismanaging your grocery store.
Even at the end of the game, you must complete the Waste Phase. Only Waste cubes that expire at the end of Round 6. If cubes last longer than Round 6, do not waste them out.
End of the Game
The game ends in two ways. The game ends after six full rounds, or if at any time, your score dips below $0, your store closes down and you lose.
Victory and Defeat
Less Than : Defeat
You are really bad at this. It's too bad you quit your day job to open a grocery store. You will most likely lose the store andlife savings and house in the next few months. The creditors are knocking on the door.
To $50: Slightly Less Defeat
Sure, there is some money in the bank, but if you don 't figure out some new strategies soon, your store and lively-hood will be in danger.
Let ' s be honest, running a grocery store is not your life' s purpose.
1 to $100: Very Minor Victory
Your grocery store is crawling along. You 've made a little profit, even though it isn't ' t much.
You 've had many sleepless nights because a customer might slip and fall. Then you'll be in real trouble. If you have to pay your insurance deductible, you won't have enough to pay your employees.
01 to $150: Minor Victory
Your store is coming along. Well done, making some profit.
You are finding that your sleepless nights are less frequent. Be careful because one wrong move and you could easily find yourself in a downward spiral.
51 to $200: Victory
You 're a success! Your store is making money, organizations around town want to partner with you, and pretty soon you can buy your employees health insurance.
Most importantly, you ' re sleeping like a baby until the assistant manager calls you at 3:30 in the morning. He forgot his keys, again.
01 to $250: Incredible Victory
You are the toast of the town and the most popular place around.
People line up to shop in the morning, it 's everyone 's stop on their way home from work, and you have more applicants than you know what to do with. Opening up some new locations is definitely in your future.
51 and Up: Supreme Victory
Whatever you did before owning a grocery store was a waste of your life.
This is what you are meant to do. Your face is on magazine covers, you are hired to speak at trade shows, and in the short time you 've been open, three other grocery stores have gone out of business.
Your next move is to become the primary sponsor of the professional sports team!
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