In Sugar Blast, players match chips on a constantly changing board, collecting different types of Candy to complete a unique Objective card. If you are the first player to complete the Objective, you win!

- 1 game board
- 72 candy chips
- 32 tokens
- 1 cloth bag
- 8 objective cards
- 12 power cards
- 4 player aids
- 3 card holders
- Instructiosn
Snap the base of the game board into position, and place it in the center of the table.
Each player sits on one side of the board.
Place the Player Aids next to the board, within easy reach of all players.
Place all the Candies into the bag and mix them up.
Drawing from the bag, fill the 6x6 board by placing 1 chip on each space. Make sure there aren't 3+ Candies of the same type in a row!
Place the bag with the remaining Candies within easy reach of all players.
Take the orange card holder and place it near the board.
Gather the objective cards, and draw 1 (either randomly or deliberately)
Place the objective card in the orange card holder. Then, put the rest of the cards back in the box.
The player who most recently ate some candy goes first! Turn order is clockwise.

Game Play
During the game you will try to create Blasts.

A Blast means that there are at least 3 Candies of the same type orthogonally adjacent to each other.
(meaning they're all in the same row or column).
On your turn, you will create a Blast by swapping 2 different orthogonally adjacent Candies.
You may not switch diagonal Candies!

Example: It's Sally's turn, so she looks for a Blast she can create: She sees a Marshmallow candy near 2 other Marshmallow Candies, so she chooses to swap the Marshmallow Candy with a Corn Candy next to it.
Now, the row of 3 Marshmallow Candies form a Blast!
Every time you create a Blast, follow these steps in order:
Remove the matching Candies from the board. Keep 1 in front of you, and place the rest in the bag.
Then, tilt the board towards you, sliding all the Candies in your direction.
Fill the remaining spaces with Candies drawn randomly from the bag. Add Candies from the bottom to the top, and from left to right.
Now, if any new Blasts are created by refilling the board, repeat these steps until there are no more available Blasts.
When there are no more available Blasts, your turn ends.
Important: Certain Blasts allow you take additional Candies.
Example: After creating her Blast, Sally removes the 3 Marshmallow Candies from the board. She keeps 1 in front of her, then puts the other 2 back in the bag. Now, she tilts the board towards her, which causes several Candies to slide down!
She reaches into the bag and adds new Candies, starting from the bottom row and moving up, also adding from left to right.
Now that some Candies have slid to new positions and new Candies have been added to the board, Sally checks to see if a new Blast was created. If so, she'll repeat the Blast Steps she took earlier during her turn!

If you and the other players agree that no Blasts can be created in the first place, do not swap any Candies. Instead, follow these steps in order:
Draw 1 random Candy from the bag and see what type it is.
Remove 1 Candy of a different type from the board.
Place that Candy in the board in the empty space.
If your swap creates a Blast, follow the Blast Steps above. If you still can't make a Blast, your turn ends.
Once you end your turn, pass the bag to the player on your left.

A Blast means that there are at least 3 Candies of the same type orthogonally adjacent to each other (meaning they're all in the same row or column). There are several types of Blasts and different ways to score and resolve them.

When you create a Blast of 3 Candies of the same type, remove the 3 matching Candies from the board.
Keep 1 in front of you, and return the rest of the Candies to the bag.

When you create a Blast of 4 Candies of the same type, remove the 4 matching Candies from the board, as well as the other 2 Candies from the row.
Keep 1 of the 4 matching Candies, plus 1 of the other removed Candies. The second Candy you'll keep cannot be the same type as the matching Candies.

When you create a Mega-Blast (Candies of the same type that intersect and form a shape of a T, an L, or a +), remove the 5 matching Candies from the board, as well as the 4 other Candies in the 3x3 square.
Keep 1 of the 5 matching Candies, plus 1 of the other removed Candies. The second Candy you'll keep cannot be the same type as the matching Candies.
Note: A Mega-Blast can only be 5 Candies in size. If you have a "long cross" of 6 Candies, you must either choose the Blast of 4 or the Mega-Blast of 5, not both.
Important: If you have 2 or more Blasts at the same time, you must choose the order in which to perform them.
Example: After creating a Blast and removing the Candies, Doug tilts the board towards him and adds new Candies to it.
However, now he sees that he has several new possible Matches that can be made. In this case, 6 Candy Canes have created a cross shape on the board, which could be scored as 3 different Blasts:
- The row of 3 chips
- The column of 4 chips
- The intersection of 5 chips
Doug can only create 1 Blast at a time, so he'll have to decide which of these 3 Blasts he wants to create first. He may be able to create other Blasts, but he'll have to refill the board after he removes the Candies before checking again!

When you make a Blast of 5 or 6 Candies of the same type, remove the 5 (or 6) matching Candies from the board, as well as every other Candy of that type on the entire board.
Keep 2 of the matching Candies.
The game comes with 12 Power cards. You can choose up to 2 cards during setup to create a unique experience, which adds to the basic rules and the modifies gameplay with additional tokens! To play with Power cards, follow these steps:

Set up the basic game, following the Setup step above.
Draw 1 or 2 Power cards, either randomly or deliberately. Return the remaining cards to the box.
Take all the tokens associated with your selected Power card(s) and set them aside. Return the remaining tokens to the box.
Read the special rules for your selected Power cards and have fun!
End of the Game
Each Objective card shows a unique combination of Candies the players must race to collect.
The first player to complete the selected Objective card wins!
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