Race Effects are represented by symbols received from Boost cards, Machine Parts, and Challenge Spaces.
If at any time you receive a group of multiple Race Effects
A, you can resolve them in any order, but you must resolve all of them before you can do anything else (you may not omit unwanted Race Effects).Sometimes you will see multiple groups of Race Effects shown on a card separated by a slash
B. In this case, select one group and resolve all Race Effects within the selected group.Race Effects gained when playing Boost cards are resolved immediately, regardless of the current Phase.

Race Effects List
Gain a Die

Take a die of the specified color - from the supply and add it to your Dice Pool. Dice gained in this manner during the Race Phase are immediately rolled and available for use.
Discard a Die

You may remove a die of the specified color from any Die Slot on your Invention (regardless of pips) and put it back in the supply. This die maybe discarded from a Machine Part that generated this effect. This Machine Part may now be activated using these Die Slots.
Take Damage

Your Damage Gauge measures the structural integrity of your Invention. Any time you receive the Take Damage Race Effect, reduce the value displayed on your Damage Gauge by 1.
If Take Damage causes your Damage Gauge to reveal the icon, immediately discard one Machine Part from your Invention and return your Damage Gauge to -7. If discarding Machine Parts in this fashion would force you to discard your Inventor Cockpit, your Invention explodes.
Reinforce Invention

Any time you Reinforce your Invention, increase the value displayed on your Damage Gauge by 1. If Reinforcing your Invention causes your Damage Gauge to reveal a Cog icon, gain a Cog from the supply and return your Damage Gauge to +3.
Gain a Cog

Immediately take a Cog from the supply.

Immediately move your Inventor Pawn one space forward on the Racetrack. Resolve any Terrain () icons traveled over.
Smooth Motion

Immediately move your Inventor Pawn one space forward on the Racetrack, ignoring all Terrain () icons traveled over.
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