There are a number of general rules that apply to all game modes, but are not needed in the tutorial. These rules are listed on this page.

Figures on the map represent characters, vehicles, and creatures controlled by the players. Some figures are plastic miniatures, while others are represented by cardboard tokens.
Friendly and Hostile Figures
Figures on the map relate to each other in one of two ways: figures can either be friendly or hostile.
An attack can only target a hostile figure. Numerous other game effects specify whether they affect a friendly or hostile figure.
In a campaign, all Rebel figures are friendly toward each other and hostile toward all Imperial figures. Likewise, all Imperial figures are friendly toward each other and hostile toward all Rebel figures.
Figure Size
A figure that occupies only one space on the map is a small figure. A figure that occupies more than one space on the map is a large figure. The following rules apply to large figures:
When a large figure attacks, line of sight may be traced from any single space it occupies. When a large figure is attacked, the figure performing the attack can target any single space the large figure occupies.
A large figure cannot move diagonally. While moving, a large figure cannot rotate its base unless it spends one movement point to do so. When doing this, the large figure must occupy at least half of the spaces it occupied before the rotation.
Duplicate Figure Groups
It is important that players can easily identify which figures correspond to which Deployment card. Whenever two or more Deployment cards with the same name are deployed, players can use the included ID stickers and tokens.
Simply apply matching stickers to all figures that correspond to one of the Deployment cards and place the matching ID token on that card. It is not necessary for any type of figure to have a specific color or number, as long as the same sticker is not used on different types of figures.

If desired, players may find other ways to differentiate their figure groups, such as by painting the figures or bases in different colors.
When a hero gains a condition (such as "Bleed", "Stun", or "Focus"), he takes a Condition card of the listed name and places it by his Hero sheet. When any other figure gains a condition, place a condition token next to the figure. While a figure has a Condition card or token, it must follow the rules on the corresponding Condition card.
Condition names are sometimes used as keywords on Deployment, Item, and Class cards. For example, a figure with the ": Bleed" ability can spend a
while attacking to trigger this ability. As long as the target figure suffers at least 1
during the attack, that figure becomes Bleeding.
Retrieving Tokens
Some missions allow figures to retrieve specific tokens on the map. In order to retrieve a token, the figure must perform an interact while on or adjacent to the token. The player then places the token on his figure's base to denote that the figure is now carrying it. When the figure moves, the token moves with it.
If the figure is defeated, the token is dropped in the figure's space and can be retrieved following the rules above. Figures cannot optionally drop tokens that they are carrying.
Controlling Tokens and Spaces
Some missions require figures to control tokens or spaces on the map. To control a token or space, there must be a friendly figure on or adjacent to the token or space and no hostile figures on or adjacent to the token or space.
Many game effects allow figures to trigger abilities during another figure's activation. These abilities specify that they interrupt, followed by the effect of the ability.
When this happens, the current activation pauses while the interrupting ability is resolved. Then the activation resumes.
Simultaneous Effects
If two effects happen at exactly the same time, the player currently activating a figure chooses the order in which they resolve. If no figure is currently being activated, the Imperial player decides (during a campaign) or the player with initiative decides (during a skirmish).
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