In the solo variant of Spirits of the Forest, the player is competing against the game for the highest amount of nature points.
Setup for the solo variant is identical to the multiplayer game with the following changes:
Find the nine favor tokens with spirit icons. Return all other favor tokens to the game box.
Return all gemstones to the game box.
Shuffle the 48 spirit tiles and place them face down in four rows of 12 tiles. Reveal the first and last tile of each row.
Shuffle the nine favor tokens and place three randomly onto the single player card: two face down on the opponent field (top) and one face up on your own field (bottom).
Return the remaining favor tokens to the game box.
Game Play
The solo game plays identical to the multiplayer game with the following changes:
During the Collect Tiles phase, collect one face-up tile and place it in front of you.
Collect the face-up tile at the opposite end of the row collected from step 1 and place it on the other side of the table (the opponent's area).
Then reveal the first and last spirit tile in the row collected from step 1.

Continue to take turns following the steps above.
The first time a row is depleted, reveal the first favor token from the enemy field of the single player card and place it in the opponent's area. The opponent will score that spirit symbol as an additional symbol.
The second time a row is depleted, reveal the second favor token from the enemy field of the single player card and place it in the opponent's area.
The game ends when only one row remains.
End of the Game
The player gains the face-up favor token on the single player card. Spirit symbols on favor tokens are included in the evaluation for majority.
Power sources are not scored when playing the solo variant.
If the opposition has the majority on any kind of spirit, the player loses the game.
If the player has the majority or is tied on each spirit symbol, the player wins the game, proceed to count the points as in the multiplayer game for the final score.
Additional Scoring Opportunities
+5 nature points if the player discards the face-up favor token on the single player card before scoring.
+10 nature points if the player gives the face-up favor token on the single player card to the opponent before scoring.
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