Many Specialists have extra abilities.
Specialist whose cards are marked with an asterisk in their Progress points have abilities that are used during scoring at game end. These apply whether the Specialist is on top of their Division or not.
Other abilities are available during the game, for as long as the Specialist is the top card in their Division. Each turn, you may choose whether to use each ability or not. Each such ability can be used at most once per turn.
Each Specialist card is numbered so you can look up a detailed explanation of their ability. A simplified listing is also available on the Player Reference sheet.

1-4 The Specialist provides extra Research icons as shown, to use when recruiting a new Specialist to any Division. These are not used up; they are available each turn.
5-6 The Specialist has two Skills.
7 The Specialist provides one extra Research icon of any type you choose, to use when recruiting a new Specialist from your hand only. This is not used up; you may choose a different type each turn.
8 Instead of your usual action, you may recruit a Specialist with a basic Recruitment Cost of exactly 3 Research icons for free.
9 After recruiting a Specialist with basic Recruitment Cost 5 or 6, draw a card from the Specialist deck.
10 Instead of your usual action, you may pass two Research tokens of any type to the next player and immediately recruit any Specialist from your hand only, regardless of their cost.
11 At game end, score 1 Progress point for each Space Flight (purple) Skill icon in your Hub.
12 At game end, score 2 Progress points for each Specialist placed on top of this Specialist in the same Division.

13-16 The Specialist provides extra Research icons as shown, to use when recruiting a new Specialist to any Division. These are not used up; they are available each turn.
17-18 The Specialist has two Skills.
19 At the end of your turn, you may pass two Research tokens of any type to the next player in order to gain one Skill icon of any type you require to complete a Project.
20 The Specialist provides one extra Research icon of any type you choose, to use when recruiting a new Specialist with basic Recruitment Cost 5 or 6.
21 Each time you complete a Project, draw two cards from the Specialist deck.
22 The Specialist provides one extra Research icon of any type you choose, to use when recruiting a new Specialist. This is not used up; you may choose a different type each turn.
23 At game end, score 1 Progress point for each Construction (red) Skill icon in your Hub.
24 At game end, count the number of Skill icons of all types in your Hub. Score 1 Progress point for every three Skill icons.

25-28 The Specialist provides extra Research icons as shown, to use when recruiting a new Specialist to any Division. These are not used up; they are available each turn.
29-30 The Specialist has two Skills.
31 You may return this Specialist from your Hub to the Center to get any three Research icons when recruiting a new Specialist. Note: if you recruit that Specialist to the same Division, the Recruitment Cost does not increase because it has already been determined in the previous step.
32 When a new Specialist is placed directly on top of this one in your Hub, draw a card from the Specialist deck. This ability normally occurs only once during the game.
33 The Specialist provides one extra Research icon of any type you choose, to use when recruiting a new Specialist. This is not used up; you may choose a different type each turn.
34 When you return a Specialist card from your hand to the Center, you produce three Research icons of any type instead of the usual two.
35 At game end, score 1 Progress point for each Tester (green) Skill icon in your Hub.
36 At game end, score 2 Progress points for each Specialist placed below this Specialist in the same Division.

37-40 The Specialist provides extra Research icons as shown, to use when recruiting a new Specialist to any Division. These are not used up; they are available each turn.
41-42 The Specialist has two Skills.
43 Every time you complete a Project, draw one card from the Specialist deck.
44 At the start of your turn, you may reveal the top card of the Specialist deck and add it to the Center. The Center can have more than 6 cards.
45 When a new Specialist is placed directly on top of this one in your Hub, draw two cards from the Specialist deck. This ability normally occurs only once during the game.
46 The Specialist provides two extra Research icons of any types you choose, to use when recruiting a new Specialist who has two Skills.
47 At game end, score 1 Progress point for each Engineering (blue) Skill icon in your Hub.
48 At game end, count the number of complete sets of all 5 types of Skill icons in your Hub (Engineering, Testing, Research, Construction, Space Flight) . Score 3 Progress points for each complete set of 5 different Skill icons.

49-52 The Specialist provides extra Research icons as shown, to use when recruiting a new Specialist to any Division. These are not used up; they are available each turn.
53-54 The Specialist has two Skills.
55 Instead of your usual action, you may recruit a Specialist with basic Recruitment Cost of exactly 2 Research icons for free.
56 At any time during your turn, you may pass one Research token of any type to the next player to draw one card from the Specialist deck.
57 At the start of your turn, you may change the order of Specialists in any one Division of your Hub, making a different Specialist the top card in that Division.
58 Whenever you draw a number of cards from the Specialist deck, draw one extra card. Remember that abilities may be used only once per turn!
59 At game end, score 1 Progress point for each Science (yellow) Skill icon in your Hub. 60 At game end, score 2 extra Progress points for each Project you have completed.
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