- Game board
- Soggy Doggy body and skin
- Base unit with bath, taps and tap reservoir
- Shower attachment
- 4 Game board stickers
- 4 Playing pieces
- 4 Tokens
- Dice
Object of the Game
Race around the board, washing Soggy Doggy but watch out he loves to shake himself dry! Make him shake and it's back to the start Be the first player to make it all the way round and back to the doggy basket to win!

A small amount of assembly is required before playing Soggy Doggy for the first time:
Click together both halves of the game board. Then carefully apply all four stickers matching A, B, C, D on each sticker to the game board
a.Insert 3 x AA batteries (not supplied) into the base unit as shown in the diagram overleaf and turn ON.
Push the Soggy Doggy body down onto the holder inside the bath, then carefully place the Soggy Doggy skin over the body

Insert the shower attachment
c.Lift the soap dish, fill the tap reservoir with water and replace the soap dish
d.Push down the
tap a few times to prime the shower
e.Insert the base unit into the middle of the game board and dick Into place
f.Each player takes a playing piece and places it on the basket space of the game board. Then lay the 4 tokens out and you are ready to play.

Game Play

The youngest player rolls the dice and follows the actions:
Roll a Pink, Blue, Yellow or Red and move your playing piece to the first unoccupied space of the matching color on the game board. Then follow the action shown:
Push the
tap down 1 or 2 times.
Turn the
tap clockwise a half turn (until it clicks) 1 or 2 times.
Roll a
Roll dice again.
Roll a
= Move your playing piece to the space in front of the player furthest around the game board.
Watch out! Sometimes when you turn the tap Soggy Doggy will start shaking to get the water off.
Turn the tap one half turn to stop him shaking, move your playing piece back to the basket space on the game board and pick up a token with the matching symbol to your playing piece.
If Soggy Doggy starts shaking but you already have a token you can give this back to stay on the same game board space. Play then continues.

End of the Game
The basket space on the game board is multi-colored, the first player to get back here first Is the winner.
Play again? Return tokens and lay all the playing pieces onto the basket space of the game board. Check there Is enough water In the reservoir and start again.
Caring for your Soggu Doggy
All dogs must be cared for and Soggy Doggy is no different.
Only fill Soggy Doggy's tap reservoir with cold tap water as other liquids may be harmlul to people and could damage the game.
After playing always tip any water out of the bath and tap reservoir, push the tap down a few times to clear any remaining water, pat the dog dry with an absorbent cloth or kitchen towel, then leave out of the box until completely dry.
Do not mechanically wash or dry on or near direct sources of heat.
Remove any objects from the playing area which could be damaged by Soggy Doggy's shaking.
A full tap reservoir should last for a few games but if not simply refill the reservoir between games.
Do not let the base unit stand in water and take care not to get the ON/OFF switch and battery box wet when filling or playing.
If Soggy Doggy is not showering correctly, ensure there is water in the tap reservoir and that the shower head is not blocked.
Performance may be affected by the battery life. Always use fresh batteries.
To avoid damaging the electronics, do not pour water over the product. Only pour water into the tap reservoir.
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