Call them smiley faces or emoticons; cither way, everyone's made one. A wink ;) or a frown :( tells people exactly how you're feeling. Well, if you can make a smiley face, you can play SmileyFace. So slop typing and start smiling! :D
SmileyFace is an emotion-filled card game for four to eight players. The player who acquires the most points over the course of seven rounds wins the game.
In each round, players take turns playing cards from four different emoticon-themed suits (happiness, sadness, surprise, and anger).
Only the player with the highest score for the round, and perhaps the player who lent him a helping hand, will win points; the other players are out of luck.:( The player with the most points at the end of Round 7 wins! :)

- 52 Emotion Cards
- 18 Mischief Cards
- 4 Suit Ranking Cards
- 7 Round Cards
- 8 Player Tokens
- 8 I helping 1 land Tokens
- 7 Reward Tokens
- 1 Plus I Token
- 8 Plastic Stands
- Rulebook
Game Elements
This section contains descriptions of each component.

Emotion Cards
The Emotion cards of SmileyFace are divided into four suits tied to emotions; Happiness (Yellow). Sadness (Blue), Surprise (Green), and Anger (Red).
There are 13 cards of each suit, and each card has a printed value between 1 and 5. Each Emotion card depicts a face and emoticon associated with that emotion.

Suit Ranking Cards
There arc four Suit Ranking cards in SmileyFace - one for each of the four suits.
During setup, these cards are arranged in a vertical column known as the Suit Ranking Chart (see Step 4 of Setup).

Plus 1 Token
This token is placed on the lop card in the Suit Ranking Chart (see Step 4 of Setup). The Plus I Token indicates
that the printed value of every card in that suit is increased by 1 for that round.

Mischief Cards
The 18 Mischief cards in SmileyFace do not have a suit or printed value.
Instead, they all cause special effects when played, as indicated on the text found on the cards.
Mischief cards arc shuffled into the draw deck with the Emotion cards.

Round Cards
Round cards serve two purposes in SmileyFace.
First, they illustrate which round the players are in. Second, the winner of each round receives the corresponding Round card and the points listed on that card.

Player Tokens and Stands
Each Player token is inserted into a plastic stand. This placement allows the Player token to stand vertically and to be easily visible to all of the other players.
The color of each Player token matches one of the Helping Hand tokens. This helps players remember which other player gave them a Helping Hand.

Helping Hand Tokens
Each Player token has a matching helping hand token of the same color.
A player may give his Helping Hand token to another player when he passes.
Reward Tokens
These tokens give a potential benefit to a player who provided a Helping Hand token to another player. They have point values of 0., 1 or 2.
This section describes the steps that players perform before playing the game. Before the very first game, players must insert Player tokens into the plastic stands.
Choose Color: Each player chooses a color and then takes the Player token and the Helping Hand token of that color. He then places both on the table directly in front of himself, with the Player token standing up. See "A" in the setup diagram.
Sort Round Cards: Arrange the Round cards into a numerically ordered pile, from Round I on the top to Round 7 at the bottom. See "B" in the setup diagram.
Choose First Player: Randomly choose a first player for the first round. For every following round, the first player is always the player who won the previous round's Round card.
Create Suit Ranking Chart: Shuffle the four Suit Ranking cards and place them face-up, one below the next, in the center of the play area. Flip the card at the bottom of the column facedown.
Place the Plus 1 token on top of the top card to represent that it is the Boss suit for this round. The bottom card is known as the Newbie Suit. This row of cards makes up the Suit Ranking Chart.
Prepare Reward Tokens: Place all Reward tokens facedown next to the Suit Ranking Chart and mix the Reward tokens so no one knows what their point values are. See "D" in the setup diagram.
Shuffle Draw Deck: Shuffle all Emotion and Mischief cards into a draw deck and place facedown.
Deal Out Cards: Deal each player a number of cards depending on how many people playing. Sec the table under "Hand Size Limit" below.

Hand Size Limit
Use the following chart to find how many cards each player should receive during setup and draw up to each turn.

Note: Player)
Game Play
During each game round, players perform the following steps in order.
Step 1: Draw Cards
Starting with the first player and moving clockwise, each player draws cards from the draw deck until his hand size matches the hand size limit. (This step is skipped in Round I, as players drew their cards during setup).
Step 2: Play Cards
Starting with the first player and moving clockwise, each player may take one of the four actions below. This step continues on until every player has passed.
- Play an Emotion card
- Play a Mischief card
- Pass
- Pass and play a helping Hand token
All of these options are explained below :
Play an Emotion Card: The player may play an Emotion card from his hand by placing it faceup on the table directly in front of himself. Cards played in this manner are called that player's display, and the display remains in front of the player until the end of the round.
Cards in the player's display must be arranged by suit and clearly visible to the other players so that they can easily determine what the totals for the player's suits are.
Play a Mischief Card: The player may play a Mischief card from his hand by placing the card faceup in his display. Typically, when a Mischief card is played, its effects are carried out immediately and the card is then placed in the discard pile.
However. certain cards, such as the "l lean'' and the "Pirate" cards, have effects which last for the remainder of the round in which they' are played. These cards stay in a player's display until the end of that round. Instructions for when to play a particular Mischief card are found in the text on the card.
Note: Mischief cants that depend on the value of an Emotion card only use a card's printed value. even if the card belongs to the Boss or Newbie suits.
For example, if a player uses the "Ghost" coni to steal a card with a face value of 3, he may not lake a card with a face value of 2 that belongs to the Boss suit.
Pass: If a player chooses not to play a card or cannot play a card, he must pass. A player who passes can no longer take any actions for the rest of the round. When a player passes, he tips his Player token over to serve as a reminder to everyone that he has passed.
Pass and Play a Helping Hand Token: A player who passes on his turn may also place his Helping Hand token in front of another player as a way to show that he is now helping that player.
The helping player must then take a card from his display and put it in the display of the player he is helping. A player with no cards in his display cannot give another player a helping Hand token.
Each player can only have a Helping Hand token from one player at one time. A player who has another player's Helping Hand token may not receive Helping Hand tokens from other players.
Note: Any cards that are not played during Step 2 slay in the player's hand until the end of the round.
Step 3: Score Cards
After all players have passed, each player totals the value of all the cards he played in one suit. Though players may place cards from any suit in their display, only cards from one suit is scored.
Cards from the Boss Suit (the suit of the top card of the Suit Ranking Chart) are each worth l more than their printed value.
![]() Score Cards Example |
Cards from the Newbie suit (the suit of the bottom card of the Suit Ranking Chart) are worth nothing. The printed values of the cards from the other two suits slay the same. The player with the highest total in any one suit wins that round and takes the current Round card and places it in front of himself.
In the event of a tie. there is no winner for that round and the current Round card is discarded.
If the winning player received a Helping Hand token, the helping player randomly takes one of the facedown Reward tokens and places it facedown in front of himself. The player may look at the point value of his own Reward tokens at any time, but he may not let any other player know their point value.
Once the winner of the round has claimed his Round card and his helper if any. has claimed his Reward token, all cards in players' displays arc placed on the discard pile.
Step 4: Select Hew Boss Suit
Take the Suit Ranking card at the bottom of the Suit Ranking Chart (which was the Newbie suit for the previous round) and place it at the top of the Suit Ranking Chart.
That card now indicates the Boss suit. Boss suit cards have a value of one more than their printed values during scoring. See "Selecting Boss and Newbie Suit Example" on this page.
Step 5: Select Hew Hewbie Suit
Shuffle the three remaining Suit Ranking cards and place them, one beneath the other, below' the top card of the Suit Ranking Chart.
The bottom card is Hipped facedown and indicates the Newbie suit. Newbie suit cards are worth nothing; their printed values are ignored during scoring.

Step 6: Clean Up
Players may discard any unwanted Mischief cards from their hands. Players may not discard any Emotion cards.
If there are any cards in the discard pile, shuffle them back into the draw deck. All players stand up their Player tokens.
Unless this was Round 7, play continues to the next round and this rounds' winner becomes the first player for the next round. If it was round 7. the game ends and the winner is determined.
End of the Game
At the end of Round 7, each player calculates how many points he has by adding the points on his Round cards to the points on his Reward tokens. The player with the highest point total wins the game.
In the case of a lie, the tied player with the most points from Round cards wins. If it is still a tie, the tied players share the victory. :D
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