- 101 playing cards
- 6 targets
- instructions
Object of the Game
Have the last duck remaining.
Sort all of the duck cards by their color. Each player takes one color of ducks. The duck colors not chosen by a player are removed from the game. Each player places one of their cards in front of them to indicate their color.
The other cards are shuffled with the "empty water" cards to form the duck deck. The top six cards from the duck deck are dealt out to the game board from left to right.

Shuffle the action cards and deal three to each player. The rest of the action cards form the draw pile.
The color of the duck first in line determines who plays first.

Game Play
A player starts their turn by playing one of their action cards. A player must play a card even if all of their action cards will hurt themselves.
The effects of the card played are applied and the player draws a new action card. If none of the player's cards can be played, the player can discard one of their cards for no effect.
When ducks are shot they are removed from the board and are given to the player of the matching color. When a duck is shot, all ducks behind the shot duck are moved forward and a new card is drawn from the duck deck to fill in the last spot.
When a player has all six of their ducks in front of them, they can no longer win the game. The player still plays cards on their turn.

All of the purple ducks have been eliminated so the purple player can no longer win the game.
Card Abilities
Take Aim: Place a target marker over one of the spots on the game board. This space is targeted and can be fired at with a future card.

The current player has played a Take Aim card and has chosen to target the space currently occupied by the pink duck.
Shoot: Shoots at one of the target markers on the game board. If there are multiple targets on the game board the player who played the card gets to choose which one to shoot at.
The target marker that is shot at is removed from the board. If a duck is shot at it is removed from the game and all of the cards in the duck line are moved one spot up to fill the empty spot.
If an open water card is shot, the target marker is removed but the water card stays in the same spot.

By playing the Shoot card, the pink duck is shot. The pink duck is removed from the board and returned to the pink player. The target is removed from the gameboard as well.
Double Barrel: Shoots two adjacent targeted spaces. If there are aren't two targeted spaces that are adjacent, this card can't be used.
Quick Shot: Works as a take aim and shoot card so it can shoot spaces that aren't currently targeted. If the space shot at was already targeted, the target is removed from the gameboard.
Misfire: Shoot at a duck next to a duck that is currently being targeted.
Remove the target that is used by the card (on the space adjacent to the duck that is shot).
Two Birds: Shoots two adjacent ducks that both have a target over them. If there are no areas where two ducks are targeted next to one another, this card cannot be played.
Bump Left/Bump Right: Move the target marker one space to the left/right. If a target is all the way to the left/right it cannot move any further left/right. A target also can't be moved onto a space that is already targeted.

By playing this card the target has been moved over one space to the right.
Line Forward: Move each duck card forward one space. The duck at the front of the line is removed from the board and placed at the bottom of the duck pile. The top card from the duck pile is put in the last spot of the duck line.

The current player played the Line Forward card. All of the cards are pushed forward one space. The purple duck that is pushed off the game board is put on the bottom of the draw pile.
Hanging Back: You can swap one of your ducks (matching your color) with the duck right behind it. If your duck is last in the duck line, this card can't be used.
Move Ahead: You can swap one of your ducks with the duck immediately in front of it. If your duck is the first duck in line, this card can't be used.

The orange player played the Move Ahead card in order to swap places with the purple duck.
Fast Forward: This card allows you to move one of your ducks to the front of the line. This card can only be used on your own ducks.
Disorderly Conduct: You can rearrange the duck cards in the duck line in any way that you want. The targets do not change positions.
Duck Shuffle: Take all of the cards from the duck line and combine them with the cards in the duck pile. Shuffle all of the cards and deal six new cards to the duck line. Targets are not rearranged.
Duck and Cover: You can place one of your ducks behind an adjacent duck (not empty water). If there are no ducks adjacent to one of your ducks, you cannot play the card.
All the cards behind the moved card are moved forward to fill in the gap. These two cards are moved together so both are removed from the game board if they are moved off the game board.
If the front duck is shot, it is removed from the game but the duck using Duck and Cover remains on the game board but is now vulnerable.

The orange player has played a Duck and Cover card. They place their duck behind the purple duck.
Bottoms Up: This card hides a duck for a full round. After the round ends the card is discarded. If the duck is shot at, the target is removed from the space but the duck is not harmed.

This player has played a Bottoms Up card protecting their duck for the next round
End of the Game
When all but one player has lost their final duck, the remaining player wins the game.
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