The local villages are infested with werewolves! The mayor with the fewest werewolves in their village at the end of the game wins!
As mayor of one of fhese villages, reduce your village's werewolf population using special abilities of your residents, including the Silver Amulet of Protection.

- 2 Villagers
- 4 Squires
- 4 Empaths
- 4 Bodyguards
- 4 Rascals
- 4 Exposers
- 4 Revealers
- 4 Apprentice Seers
- 4 Seers
- 4 Beholders
- 4 Masters
- 4 Witches
- 4 Robbers
- 2 Doppelgangers
- 4 Reference Cards
- Instructions
Shuffle the deck, and deal five cards facedown in a horizontal row (a village) to four players (if there are fewer than four players, remove any extra sets of cards from the game).
Give each player a reference card.
Place the deck facedown in the center of the table, and create a discard pile with one faceup card from the deck.
Choose a start player at random, and place the silver amulet on the side of the deck/discard pile nearest to them.
Each player secretly views two of the five cards in their village.
Object of the Game
Remove werewolves (numbers on cards) from your village (your cards). After four rounds, the player with the fewest werewolves wins.

Cards in Silver have two functions:
First, the numbers represent how many werewolves have followed this resident to your village. The more powerful the resident, the more werewolves they attract!
Second, each card displays a person with an ability. If a card is in your village, that person is a resident. Some residents help you when they live publicly in your village (low-numbered faceup cards).
Some are in hiding (facedown cards). Other times, people help out as they wander by (when you draw their card from the deck).
Use all of your resources to figure out who is in your village and remove residents who attract the most werewolves.

Game Play
Beginning with the start player, take turns clockwise. On your turn, do 1 of the following 3 actions:
- Draw a card from the deck or
- Take a card from the discard pile or
- Call for a vote

Draw a card from the deck
If you draw the top card from the deck, do one of the following:
Place the card into the discard pile. If the card has a
icon on it, you may use the card's ability.
Exchange one or more of your cards with the card you drew. Put exchanged cards faceup into the discard pile, and put the new card facedown in front of you, in an exchanged card's place.
Take a card from the discard pile
If you take the top card from the discard pile:
Exchange one or more of your cards with the card you drew. Put exchanged cards faceup into the discard pile, and put the new card faceup in front of you, in an exchanged card's place.
Call for a vote
If you have four or fewer cards, you may call for a vote (say "CaII" on your turn instead of drawing a card). At this time your turn ends. Each other player gets one more turn (they may not call on their turn), and then the round ends.
You may not do anything else on your turn (i.e., no faceup abilities or placing the silver amulet) when you call for a vote.
Exchange Multiple Cards
To exchange multiple cards from your village, all exchanged cards must have the same value (e.g" all 6s). Before discarding them, slide them all forward, and flip any that are unrevealed faceup.
Place the card drawn in an exchanged card's place-you cannot discard the drawn card as part of a set of matching cards until your next turn.
Three cards match, so they are placed In the discard pile.

The newly drawn card may go In either card spot.
If any slid cards do not match, return all of them to the village, turning them all facedown (even if they were faceup before).
Add the new card at either end of the village in the orientation it was when you drew it (facedown from the deck, faceup from the discard pile).
If three or more cards don't match, take an additional card from the deck and place it facedown at either end of the village without looking at it.
All cards have abilities. You may activate these abilities when the card is faceup in your village (), when the card is placed face up onto the discard pile immediately after drawing it (
), or when exchanging sets of cards (
Most card abilities are optional, but cards 0 and 1 have abilities that affect all players and are always active when those cards are faceup in a player's village.

You may not use the ability on a card taken from the discard pile. For abilities that allow you to view facedown cards, view cards secretly so that no other players can see them. If you steal or otherwise move a card that is faceup, it remains faceup after it is moved.
You may not use any card's ability on the turn that you call for a vote. Keep the Reference Guide handy for players to look up abilities of their cards, as they won't be able to pick up a facedown card to check how it works unless they use an ability that allows them to view it.
Card Spots
When you view a card, return it to the same spot that you took it from. When a single card replaces another card, the new card must go in the same spot as the old card.
When one card replaces multiple cards, the new card may go in any of the spots that the old cards were in. Then collapse empty spots by sliding cards together.
Round End and Scoring
The round ends when one player has called for a vote and each other player takes one more turn, or the deck is depleted.
Your score for the round is the sum of your remaining cards.
However, if you called for a vote and have the lowest sum (or are tied for it), you score 0 points. If you called for a vote and do not have the lowest sum, you score the sum of your cards plus 10 more points.
Write down each player's score for that round, and add it to the sum of the previous rounds.
Place the silver amulet in the middle of the table on the side of the deck nearest to the player who scored the fewest points in the current round. If that player successfully called for a vote, they take the silver amulet and pull it back toward themselves to their edge of the table.
This indicates that the player may use the silver bullet in the next round.
If the call was unsuccessful and there is a tie for the lowest score in the current round, the tied player who had the silver amulet during this round keeps it.
If the player with the silver amulet did not score the fewest points in the current round, the tied player who is closest to the start player's left places the silver amulet in front of them near the deck of cards for the next round.
Subsequent Rounds
After the first, second, and third rounds, you'll play another round. Shuffle all the cards in the deck and deal four sets of 5 cards. Each player chooses a set. Remove unused sets from the game.
Place the deck in the middle of the table and turn one card face up next to it to form the discard pile.
Each player secretly views two of the cards in their village. The player with the silver amulet in front of them goes first.
Silver Amulet

If you have the silver amulet as a result of successfully calling for a vote, you may, as part of your turn, place the silver amulet on one of the cards in your village.
That card may not be viewed or moved by any player (including you), until the end of the round, when it is scored as usual.
If the card with the amulet on it is face up and has a faceup ability (), that ability may still be used after the silver amulet is placed on the card. The card with the amulet on it counts toward your card total when determining if you can call for a vote.
If the silver amulet is on your last card, on your turn you may take a card from the deck and either use its ability or discard it, or you may call for a vote.
You may not take a card from the deck or discard pile or use any ability that requires you to interact with cards in your village if you do not have any other cards in your village.
You may not call for a vote on the same turn that you place the silver amulet.
End of the Game
The game ends after four rounds. The player with the fewest points wins.
In case of a tie, the tied player who has the silver amulet wins. If the player with the silver amulet is not tied to win, the tied player closest to the left of the amulet player wins.
Tips & Reminders
Abilities on cards are activated when the card is faceup:
0-1 (
) in any village,
2-4 (
) in your village,
5-12 (
) on the discard pile immediately after drawing it from the deck,
13 (
) when exchanging one or more other cards.
You may not activate a card's ability when discarding it from your village. The card you draw this turn cannot be exchanged in a matching set until your next turn.
The player with the lowest score for the previous round receives the silver amulet (not necessarily the lowest total score), and is the start player for the next round.
It is often a valid strategic choice to take a higher card that matches one of your existing cards so you can discard a pair (or larger set) on a future round.
Calling for a vote is safer if you know that most of the switching cards (11 and 12) have already appeared.
Remembering Cards
There is a bit of a memory element to Silver, in that you'll need to remember the facedown cards that you've seen. One of the best ways to remember your cards is to silently repeat the ones you know from left to right.
So if you have seen the first three cards, and they are 1,8, and 1, repeat "one eight one" to yourself a few times.
It's easy to temporarily forget cards you've seen if you or other players are talking about different things while playing. It is considered bad form to try to distract other players who are focusing on remembering cards they have viewed by saying random numbers out loud.
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