Green Cabins (to be used by The Tan-path Pioneer)
Whenever your green-path pioneer lands on a path action with 2 boots, you may gain 1 gold (if you forgo using the boots)
Note: You cannot use this cabin's ability outside of this exact context - meaning, you cannot spend Pair of Boots tokens to gain gold, etc.
Whenever your green-path pioneer lands on a path action with 2 boots, you may gain a Pair of Boots token (if you forego using the boots).
Note: You cannot use this cabin's ability outside of this exact context.
Whenever your green-path pioneer lands on a path action with 1 boot, you may treat it as if it were 2 boots. If your green-path pioneer lands on a path action with 2 boots, you may treat it as if it were 4 boots.
These boots can be used for all normal purposes-including any effects they may have on other cabins.
Note: You cannot use this cabin's ability outside of this exact context - meaning, you cannot spend Pair of Boots tokens to gain additional boots, etc.
You may spend two Pair of Boots tokens to move your green-path pioneer back by one path action space and resolve the action again. Normal movement will continue forward from there-which will allow you to repeat the next action as well!
Note: This ability can only be used once per turn. Also note that it cannot be used if your pioneer is already at the end of its path, on a summit action, or on the tan path (see the cabin below).
You may spend a Pair of Boots token to move the green-path pioneer from the green path down to the tan path. It will be able to continue its movement from there (ignoring the rest of the green path above it).
Note: This ability can only be used once per turn.
When you place the tan-path pioneer on this cabin, all other green cabins are considered active as well. Cabins that can only be used once per turn must be resolved right away, in any order you choose.
Note: The building placement order of the green cabins tiles does not matter.
Whenever your green-path pioneer lands on a path action with 1 food, you may treat it as if it were 2 food.
Note: You cannot use this cabin's ability outside of this exact context-meaning, you cannot simply spend 1 food to gain 2 food.
Whenever your green-path pioneer lands on a path action with 1 wood, you may treat it as if it were 2 wood.
Note: You cannot use this cabin's ability outside of this exact context-meaning, you cannot simply spend 1 wood to gain 2 wood.
Whenever your green-path pioneer lands on a path action with 1 stone, you may treat it as if it were 2 stone.
Note: You cannot use this cabin's ability outside of this exact context-meaning, you cannot simply spend 1 stone to gain 2 stone.
Tan Cabins (to be used by the Green-Path Pioneer)
You may pay one fewer basic resource when using a paid path action.
Note: This will make the left paid path action free, or the right paid path action cost only 1 resource. This ability can only be used once per turn.
When your tan-path pioneer lands on a bear hazard paid path action, you may ignore the cost to resolve it. Then gain 1 Pair of Boots token from the supply.
Note: This ability can only be used once per turn.
When your tan-path pioneer uses a shovel paid path action, gain 1 gold after resolving it.
Note: This ability can only be used once per turn.
Grey Cabin (to be used by The Mule)

You may exchange 1 gold for any 1 basic resource (food, wood, stone).
Note: You may repeat this process as many times as you like during your Pioneering Step-as long as the mule is still on this cabin.
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