There are three sets of cards in the game, one for each era. At the start of the game you should shuffle the Galley era cards and lay out twelve on display.
As soon as a player places a ship in the Sailing Ship era any cards left on display are removed. The Sailing Ship era cards should then be shuffled and twelve drawn to place on display.
Finally, as soon as a player places a ship in the Steamship era any cards left on display are removed. The Steamship era cards should then be shuffled and twelve drawn to place on display. When you take a card you resolve the action immediately. You then discard the card.
Some cards will cost you additional gold to take, which will be indicated on the card.
Here is a full explanation of each card.
Galley Era Cards
Currency - Take two gold coins from the pool and place in your bank. All standard rules apply.
Docks - Sell some or all of your goods. You earn one extra gold and score one victory point per good sold.
Greek Empire - Take two gold from the pool and score two victory points for each merchant cube you have in a trade box containing an oil symbol.
Lateen Sail - Perform 'Upgrade ship' action.
Lighthouse - Remove some or all of your ships from one age level and return to your stock.
Navigation Device - Take three navigation counters from the pool and place in your available stock.
Phoenician Alphabet - Take one of your merchant cubes from the pool and place it in your available stock.
Ram - 'Perform 'place ship' action. You must place your ship in the Warship box of the level you place in. You do NOT expend a food counter when you do this. All other rules concerning this action apply.
Roman Empire - 'Take two gold from the pool and score two victory points for each merchant cube you have in a trade box that contains food symbols.
Vikings! - 'Take one gold and one naviga- tion counter from the pool for each ship you have in the Longships box, which is on the Ship Age track.'
Warehouse - 'Take one goods counter of your choice from the pool and place in your warehouse.'
Sailing Ship Era Cards
Compass - Take three navigation counters from the pool and place in your available stock.
Cannons - 'Perform 'place ship' action. You must place your ship in the Warship box of the level you place in. You do NOT expend a food counter when you do this. All other rules concerning this action apply.
Copper Bottoms - Perform 'Upgrade ship' action
Double-Entry Book Keeping - Sell some or all of your goods. You earn one extra gold and score one victory point per good sold.
Factories - Retrieve some or all of your merchant cubes from your Action display AND any areas on the board..
Hanseatic League - Convert some or all of your wine counters in your warehouse to goods counters of your choice (but not spice or wine). For each good you change in this manner you gain one gold and one victory point.
Henry The Navigator - Take three navigation counters from the pool and place in your available stock.
Industry - Take one industry counter from the pool and place in your available stock.
Lloyds of London - Take two of your merchant cubes from the pool and place them in your available stock.
Pirates - All players except for you must select one goods counter from their warehouse and return it to the pool. You then score three victory points.
Sea Clocks - Remove some or all of your ships from one age level and return to your stock.
Slave Trade - Take two gold from the pool and score two victory points for each merchant cube you have in the Caribbean location (any trade box).
Spanish Empire - Take two gold from the pool and score two victory points for each merchant cube you have in the South America location (any trade box).
Venetian Empire - Take two goods counter of your choice from the pool and place in your warehouse.
V.O.C. - Take one of your merchant cubes, two gold and two navigation counters from the pool.
Steamship Era Cards
Blue Riband - Gain 4VPs for each ship you have in the Lusitania box.
British Empire - Take two gold from the pool and score one victory points for each merchant cube you have in a trade box with a cloth symbol in it. It does not matter whether the cubes are in areas that have already been scored for. You do not count cubes you have in The Rest of the World box.
Emigrants - Gain 4VPs for each ship you have in the 'Great Western' merchant ship box, which is on the Ship Age track.
Gunship Diplomacy - 'Perform 'place ship' action. You must place your ship in the Warship box of the level you place in. You do NOT expend a food counter when you do this. All other rules concerning this action apply.
Industry - Take two industry counters from the pool and place in your available stock.
Nautical Maps - Take three navigation counters from the pool and place in your available stock.
Panama Canal - Perform the 'Place ship' action. The ship counter must be placed in the Merchant box. Then, instead of placing one merchant cube you place two. All standard rules apply.
Refrigeration - Score three victory points for each ship you have in the Tramp Steamer box, which is on the Ship Age track.
Screw Propulsion - 'Perform 'Upgrade ship' action.
Ship Yards - Take two of your merchant cubes from the pool and place them in your available stock.
Steam-Powered Cranes - 'Sell some or all of your goods. You gain an extra two gold and one victory point for each good you sell.
Suez Canal - Perform the 'Place ship' action. The ship counter must be placed in the Merchant box. Then, instead of placing one merchant cube you place two. All standard rules apply.
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