A Wizard is generally a solitary, irascible, megalomaniacal character with a bad temper. Whenever two wizards meet over a bridge (one of those bridges across a lava river, quite easy to find in the wizards realm), it will probably end as a merciless duel. An Armageddon-sized magic duel!
Here you are, then. One of most powerful wizards in the realm. THE most powerful one, according to your own opinion. Your aim is to push you opponent backwards, using a magical Fire Wall, until he falls in the lava river.
By cunningly managing your Mana power, and using your special magic tricks, you might be the one who survives. But beware: under the pressure of your magic assaults, the bridge is starting to collapse...

- 1 game board
- 3 tokens
- Two wooden tokens: the Mana markers
- 16 "broken flagstones".
- 30 "magic spells" cards.
- Two Discs
- Instructions
The board is set so that each opponent is at one end of the bridge.
The FireWall is on the middle division of the bridge, each player puts his wizard on one of the special marks on the bridge, three steps away from the Fire Wall (two empty flagstones between the Fire Wall and each wizard).
The Mana tokens are put on the "50" box of the Mana reserve.
Each player takes his Disc and his 15 cards deck, puts the "false card" apart, shuffles the deck, and puts it in front of him to figure his own personal stock. He draws five cards, takes in hand the "false card" too.
He looks at his hand without revealing it to the opponent. The "broken flagstones" tiles are kept aside for now.
Game Play
A match consists of several rounds. For each round, each player has 50 Mana points to spend trying to push the FireWall towards the opponent.
At once the Fire Wall arrives on the flagstone where a Wizard stands, the round is over.
The loser (the one hit by the Fire Wall) must then move 3 steps backwards and the winner 3 steps forwards so that they are 3 steps away from the fire (two empty flagstones between the Fire Wall and each wizard).
At each extremity of the bridge, a new flagstone collapses, and a new round takes place with 50 Mana points.
As soon as one wizard finds himself on a broken flagstone, he loses the match. When a new flagstone collapses, if a wizard was standing on it, he obviously loses the match.
How do I Move the Firewall
On every turn, Each opponent bets secretly, using the Disc, any amount of his remaining Mana. He must bet at least 1. At the same time he must decide whether he will play one or several cards, by putting them in front of him, front side hidden.
When each opponent declares being ready, both will reveal their bets, plus the spell cards they played on that turn. The power of each opponent's attack, which is equivalent to the mana he bet, is evaluated by applying the effect of the "spell" cards.
Eventually, if one attack is stronger than the other, the winner will push the Firewall one flagstone toward the opponent (ONLY ONE FLAGSTONE, no matter how much was the balance).
Once applied, the cards are discarded, in a distinct discard heap for each player. So each opponent has 14 spells to cast in the whole match (unless special effect specified by the spells).
Each opponent must cut off his bet from his Mana reserve on the board, by moving his token accordingly. And a new turn takes place!
What if several spells are played on the same turn
Whenever both players have played the same spell(s), the identical spells cancel each other out: they are discarded with no effect.
When several different spells are played on the same turn, the order to apply them becomes important: the whole spells played by both sides must be applied by following their numbering (top left of the card).
This because the spells interfer, and different orders could lead to different results.
Running out of Mana
When one player runs out of Mana points, he can't cast spells anymore. The other player can move the Fire Wall toward the opponent one step for each Mana point he still has in reserve, until it reaches the unlucky one.
If the Fire Wall doesn't reach the wizard, each wizard will place itself 3 steps away from this new position of the Fire Wall for the next round.
The Cards
0 - False Card:
It has no effect whatsoever.
Its only purpose is to prevent the opponent from guessing whether the caster will actually play Spells on this turn.
The caster takes it back at once: the false card is never discarded.
1 - Muteness:
From now on, no Spell has any effect for the whole round. This means that any other Spell played on that turn is discarded with no effect.
Would any foolish Wizard cast a Spell later on this round, the Spell would be lost and discarded.
(Note that this Spell is the only one that keeps on having effect after the end of the turn)
2 - Clone:
The caster of this Spell picks up one of the discarded Spells, played by the opponent on the previous turn.
This picked Spell will be applied on this turn, as if played normally by the caster, and according to its priority number.
3 - Larceny:
Any Spell the opponent may have cast on this turn goes to the larcener's side. The caster can choose, for each spell, if it will be applied to his own advantage, or discarded.
4 - End Single:
The round ends at once! The Firewall stays where it is. The Wizards are set three steps away on each side, a new round will begin.
Any other Spell played on this turn, and yet unapplied, is discarded with no effect.
5 - Middle:
The Firewall is moved at once back on the "equally distant" division (the location it was in at the start of the round), then the turn goes on as if nothing happened.
6 - Recycle:
The caster can re-adjust his Mana bet, taking back or adding up to five Mana Points.
He will then fight and pay according to this modification.
7 - Attack Boost :
The power of the caster's attack is increased by 7.
However, of course, he will only pay the amount of his bet.
8 - Double Dose:
The power of the caster's attack is doubled.
However, of course, he will only pay the amount of his bet.
9 - Winner Loses:
This Spell will reverse the Firewall movement, that's to say it will move toward the Wizard with the stronger attack.
Obviously, it has no effect if the Firewall is not due to move.
10 - Inferno:
If the Firewall is due to move, it will move two divisions, whatever the direction.
However, if one step is enough for it to reach a wizard, then it just does this one step, and the round is over.
11 - Resistance:
In no way will the Firewall move toward the caster. If it was due to do so, then it will not move.
12 - Bad Loser:
If the caster loses the turn (that is: if the Firewall actually moved towards him), he doesn't pay his bet.
13 - Reserve Boost:
The caster's Mana reserve increases by 13.
But it can never be more than 50.
14 - Suction:
The caster's Mana reserve increases by the opponent's bet (not the power of his attack).
But it can never be more than 50.
End of the Round
As soon as the Firewall reaches a wizard's position, (or if both players have run out of Mana points, see above), the round is over.
Each opponent puts a "broken flagstone" tile on the first outer unbroken bridge flagstone, therefore reducing the battleground.
The Firewall stays on the division it reached at the end of the previous round, and the wizards set themselves 3 steps away on each side. Both Mana tokens are back to the 50 Mana points division.
Each opponent draws three more spells from his remaining stock and adds them to his hand, unless the stock has run out, of course. And there goes another round.

Variants for Expert Wizards
Variant N°1
You can decide that each player starts with the full deck of spell cards, instead of drawing some at each round.
There is more tactics then, but inexperienced Wizards will tend to spend ages reading every Spell explanation!
Variant N°2
Instead of shuffling the Spell cards before the game, you put them in whatever order suits you! (you will then draw the first 5 Spells to start with, and draw 3 more with each new round, as in the normal rules)
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